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Shivendra Om Jul 2015
Vorrei la foto tua
d'un tempo andato
amore mio adorato

–per esserci, con te

quand'eri giovane abbastanza
per non sentire ancora
la mia predestinata

{ English version }

[ Memories of a soulmate ]

I'd like to have
an old picture of you
my love

–to be with you

when you were young
enough, not to feel yet
my predestined


Italian and English versions by Luca Shivendra Om
© Luca Shivendra Om
Aaron LaLux Mar 2017
American Dream

Losing it one memory at a time,
how can I keep track of my friends all over the world,
how did America become a shell of it’s former Self,
what happened to the my American Dream?

I mean,
I have everything,

been to every continent still not at all content,
really though mostly because I don’t know the reason,
for my discontentment I’m in contempt when I try and defend Consciousness,

because most people don’t want to hear it,
myself usually included,
but this day is different an exception to the rule,
in a moment when nothing is excluded,

all inclusive with no illusion to allude to,
only positive punctual true proof,
that ever experience we gain,
is another memorie we lose,

and I suppose that’s the trade off sort of,
lost my money got my freedom feeling strung out like Adolf,
in this Waking Dream that's beginning to feel like a Ponzi Scheme,
was gonna blow the whistle on the whole thing until I got paid off,

hey Madoff,
I just got laid off,
or rather laid on,
a beautiful bed by a beautiful mare that's more like a Stallion,

and that’s the difference,
between the Exceptions to the Rule,
and the “normal human beings”,
I’m between and Exception and the Rules,

I’m losing things but Perfection costs a lot of jewels,
so I'm donating all my Championship rings and useful tools,


to pay the Piper,
there’s a toll at the bridge,
and a troll under the bridge,
and I'm tough not a Billy Goat Gruff with,

Hot Chili Peppers,
with Kiedis in Budapest,
got The Good Life high as Ini the Hotstepper,

nothing seems normal,
shouldn’t be so formal,
let the record play let the drums roll,

in times of gargoyles and turmoil,
having a drink at the bar and it's purple,
at Gresham Palace Bar & Lounge,
up high and getting down with a surplus,

with Anthony in Budapest,
at the Four Seasons Hotel,
on the River Danube,

the River Danube,
brings up memories,
of Lovers and Poems,
and all of the things that continue to make Me,

me and my memories,
I remember you and yours too,
when we walked across that bridge,
above the River Danube...

I can’t stand Truth,
He can be such a fickle creature when He’s free,
and I’m losing memories it’s true I just hope I’m not also losing you,
because She can be such a fickle creature when She’s free,

one round at at time,
on ground that was never mine,

and I know you don’t know the answers,
“But excuse me could you at least tell me the time?”,

to this you turn from your Enamore,
“Well since you asked I’ll tell you it’s almost One Two.”,
in other words what you said,
was it’s almost 12 which makes this the 11th Hour of Youth,
and I know we’re losing all of our memories,
but the only thing I fear losing is you,

Because I’m,
losing it,

Losing it one memory at a time,
how can I keep track of my friends all over the world,
how did America become a shell of it’s former Self,
what happened to the my American Dream?

∆ Aaron LA Lux ∆
Destiny Nov 2019

Sometimes, it just becomes too much!



Sometimes, it just haunts me!



Sometimes, I can't escape!



Sometimes, it hurts more than it should!

All the memories have seemed to fade, but always find its way back!

These memories don't really ever go away, they just linger.

They think that they're welcome.

They don't have a permanent home.

They shadow my every move!

Faded memories aren't very faded anymore...
Unathi taliwe Jun 2015
Waw!,Memories on a sleep less night flashing through the mind set of mine,As if it was yesterday i miss the days i used to talk to u all the time every second of every day moment's of loughter crazeynes and joy and the sad ones,I  miss the felling i used to get when i was with u the felling of having buterflys in my stomach,The way i used to get when i was around u loosing the words to say,The thing i miss mostly about u is telling u how beatiful u ar bt now i geas is about time i move on even though im  still in love with you as u stil have a piace of my heart with u,The night to me is stil a reminder of what we have as the star'z remind me every time alook up
Im feeling emotinal
why do my thoughts no longer create symphony's?
with metaphors as my orchestra,
I could release the information that crammed and over loaded my cerebrum.
it makes me confused as to why I would neglect that precious side of me.
the special gift that
saved my life.
how could I neglect you?
how could I forget myself?
my anorexic-like spirit is
so hungry for the taste of my memorie's return.
Troy Feb 2018
what is a kiss
What is this thing that brings to lips together
It stirs emotions deep in the soul.

I kiss you because I love
  I kiss you because Of my loathing for you
I kiss you because I care for you
I kiss you because you are gone
I kiss you because you are here
I kiss you because you are kind
I kiss you because I can
I kiss you because you draw me near.

what is this thing this kiss I cannot hold in my hand
something I cannot put to pen.

What is in a kiss
It can cost you your very soul and last only a moment in time.

Others will cost you nothing yet
last you a lifetime
I'm told.

Some will bring you happiness yet
some torture you throughout an Eternity.

Some will be forgotten never to be again
And yet some like the first can never be free from

What is this power that lies beneath A kiss so gentle and soft yet bearing on every press

What is A kiss that binds contracts Of love

And some leave you wanting

But yet it tears the heart from a lover as death takes the other With only One last kiss to give.

And What of a mother and her child who has scraped their knee
with a kiss upon the wound the pain is set free.

What is this power this thing a kiss

If Alone in this world without it
I tell you truthfully
it is the only thing you will miss
The gentleness
This thing
Withering, withering, withering down.
A spiral of emptiness and weakness in my own heart.
A sickly form of hate.
A frail figure of shadows and misery and memorie.

O! and what is the field of golden corn compared to the bruise on your throat.
Choked by the ******* of godliness, when she is called life///when she is called death.

Forced to spit out your last drop of blood, through your pharynx///through your eyes.

Sexually with the knife in hand. Like stone to butter, stabbing within the heart of the devil. Like the beast with three *****, who carries the devil in his sinful stab stab stab at the flesh of your own chest.

No hair after the fire, no blood after the lust.

The sexuality which assaults YOUR OWN SANITY. It becomes you.

Withering and withering within the HELL of your own spiral.

O! and when are you to become the devil within the sac of the beast?

To be born and reborn again within the light of the sun.

Burning away in a pool of blood that you craved forever.

Burning back together in a pool of ***** that you craved forever.

O! and who are you when you are left naked and alone by your own hand in a pool of hate that you craved forever, I asked myself.
Madeysin Apr 2015
Soft imprints of carpet on knees,
16 years old only trying to please,
Catastrophic catastrophe,
Blue hues in the soul,
So sad, down trodden youth,
5 hours of painting alone,
In a furnitureless room,
In an empty home,

Sweat across my brow,
Paint down my cheeks,
Like permanent tears,
Rocking back on my feet,
Limbs stretching cramping,

Looking at what I had created,
A blue cube,
Took tuck my emotions into,
Keep it sealed air tight,

A burning rage built up inside of me,
I looked to the cealing and screamed,"God I wish I had a dad to help me!"

I lost my head that day,
My spirit threw the roof,
I gathered gallons of paint cans,
Displayed them in a row,
Blue hues,
For a blue soul,

Elbow deep I dipped my dry hands,
Into the cold wet colored liquid,

Smearing and spreading,
Punching and slapping,
Blue hues,
For a blue soul,
In a blue room,
With no one to hold,

I screamed and wept as each color bled,
From my heart to the wall,
A tidal wave of madness,

It keeps my secret safe and sound,
The murderous crys,
My heart defeated,
The tears that mixed with the buckets of paint,
Decorating the room,
It dominates my life,
My tidal wave of sadness
Nightwolf Apr 2015
With every dark night fall all the memories hunt me.
With every sun raise i remember you..
you left me with all memories and left me broken..
your ghost hunts me every night when the darkness.
Every night i look up to the moon and the only thing that i see is you..
i have been suffered enough..i can't sleep your soul hunt me.
you were everything to me...the sun light my life.
the moon shine my ways through darkness.
i have no place to go.. your hug was the only place i go to when i sad
but now all is gone..
Hello it's me Jul 2015
Remember when you found me dying, you pull me out of that hole.
You promise you will never leave me,  now I'm drowning again.
Its killing me with every breath.  
Where are you? I'm reaching out my hand.
Where have you've gone.
I feel you so far away from me, out of reach.  
I feel so far away for you  wondering when I lost you.
I feel your love near me but you are so far away.  
I don't want to live this life, remembering everything how it used to be.  
Seeing you like a memorie but not really having you here
Are you listening? Come back to me.
Only you know who I am.
I hear your voice but inside I'm lost. Can't find you
Wondering where did you go.
Why so far away?
Godi se il vento ch'entra nel pomario
vi rimena l'ondata della vita:
qui dove affonda un morto
viluppo di memorie,
orto non era, ma reliquario.

Il frullo che tu senti non è un volo,
ma il commuoversi dell'eterno grembo;
vedi che si trasforma questo lembo
di terra solitario in un crogiuolo.

Un rovello è di qua dall'erto muro.
Se procedi t'imbatti
tu forse nel fantasma che ti salva:
si compongono qui le storie, gli atti
scancellati pel giuoco del futuro.

Cerca una maglia rotta nella rete
che ci stringe, tu balza fuori, fuggi!
Va, per te l'** pregato, - ora la sete
mi sarà lieve, meno acre la ruggine...
Uomo, mi hanno condotta dall'estremo
dove vivevo intera la "mia" vita
al Tuo opposto tremendo di giustizia:
che cosa dedurranno dal confronto
dei nostri due insondabili princìpi?
Qualcuno certo, conscio del Tuo inizio,
tratteneva i Tuoi volti successivi
in un travaglio cieco di rapporti
ma io, ancor prima che gli anelli tutti
della mia vita fossero congiunti,
mi distaccai precipite dal nulla
e proclamai la carne concepita.
Uomo Perfetto, cosa dannerai
di questo seme che, nel modularsi,
s'è rinforzato solo di se stesso
senza estasiarsi in giochi di virtù?
Certo conoscerai che equilibrando
ogni comandamento che mi esorta
a saturarmi tutta di peccato,
che riportando a questo intendimento
la perfezione delle mie lacune,
confluirei con adeguato passo
verso una vita lineare e assente.
Ma per ora, il peccato del mio tutto,
resta la tappa ultima e possente
ed un ritmo incessante di condanna
mi rigetta dal muovermi comune.
Quando, fanciulla appena, mi concessi,
quando mi sciolsi per la prima volta
da quel bruciore acuto di purezza
che sublimava ambiguità tremende,
sentii l'impegno che covavo dentro
crescere, quasi a forza di missione.
Non ** altra virtù che di condurmi
a prodigiose altezze di consenso
e una stanchezza illimite mi prende
se non mi adagio sopra un'altra forma...
Allineando tutte le mie ombre
volte perdutamente verso terra,
posso durare un tempo indefinito
accentrata in un'unica figura.
Ma che dolore sale le mie braccia
reggenti il grave fascio di me stessa:
l'essere dura giova solamente
a questa dubbia resistenza mia...
Sotto il piede che immagino sicuro
cerco il terreno viscido di sempre:
la tentazione è come un tempo lungo
ch'io devo bere, abbrividendo, in fretta...
Guarda, perché previeni il Tuo guardarmi
con errata coscienza di pudore?
Guarda, senza sapere l'astinenza,
queste carni purgate dal piacere,
questi occhi sinceri nell'orgoglio,
questi capelli dal profumo intenso
di vita e di memorie...
Peccato questo vivere me stessa?
So che la santità germoglierebbe
esercitando in me falsi connubi,
ma asségnami una giusta tolleranza
se l'indulgenza nega questo passo,
fa che il ritorno al vivere di sempre
non sprofondi nel buio di un abisso
e che non mi si dia maggiore colpa
se come gli altri, e con eguale indugio,
gioco il distacco dalla mia matrice.
It's only when your alone do we forget what a true pain in the *** people tuely are.
Maybe for some it's just missing waking up next to warm body your face burried deep within her hair.

Others may be something altogather different and for others it is a true friendship far beyond a cheap **** it's the laughter i miss.
Thoose moments I took for granted i guess it's just her I miss.

It was nine years of hell mixed with touches of heaven.
I had tried to erase the memorie with gallons of ***** and cheap flings
Forgettible faces *** can be empty at times and can do more dammage than we know.

The bar that sits only a few paces from her door is still there.
The places all the same yet they seem cold as I am no longer welcome there
Or was it just me and a paranoid refletion.
portsmouth is a strange place indeed where on one side of the street are people sitting outside in the summer sipping cocktails eating overpriced meals.
and right across the street people wait in line at the soup kitchen.

niether group looks towards the other like the old color lines during the times in america we'd all like to forget guilt is a ***** indeed.

Still no matter the problems in this world it always goes back to are own simple lives why you may ask?

Cause we cant solve the worlds problems and thoose who belive they can seem.
to have this habbit of always getting shot.
So here I sit in thumpers the local yuppie bar I used to look at from her window.

the view was a lot better  from her place but the drinks are a lot better here.

Do I miss her?
Will I knock on her door tonight and beg her for her love like some desperate love struck fool?
No. I just sit here get drunk talk to some woman and if I'm lucky get laid close my in the mist of passion and pretend it's her.

Maybe I'm a coward but I'm  also a man and we all need that contact even if for only for one night.
If only I could reverse that view maybe then I'd just sit there and remember just what a pain in the *** she was.  

And rememeber why I'm in this goddamed bar to start with.
So I'll drink to her in my seat by the window underneath the neon sign.
And pretend that my life was misery with her so I can stand this crap i'm  living now.

Women are the worst drug you'll ever know.
But ****** there fun and I'll die befor I leave em alone.
Rano Al-Azem Feb 2012
Never have I thought a love could be so strong,
So ******* my heart,
Keeping my heart beating all day and night long
Oh my love, sweetheart!
I had no idea who it was I loved
But then I just felt the love and I knew,
It wasn’t who I was looking for
I chose everything and everyone,
All the friends I made and chose, all the time I spent
My choices and I love them
Priceless moments and memorie
I chose to live.
I chose life
I fell in love with the choices I made.
I fell in love with the life I chose
Never before have I felt this way,
Didn’t think I would feel like this someday
What a feeling it is!
Living alive for the first time
Taking my first breath, what a beautiful time!
Dancing to the beats of my heart
Such an incredible art!
Now I know what it feels like to open up my heart
Because when it comes to love,
It always overpowers everything
Indulging everyone to have a taste,
Oh, what a lover have I found darling
I fell in love with life!
Afraid of losing the memories
But then I realised nothing will be lost,
Nothing goes in vain
No matter what I forget,
I know one thing for sure
I’ll always remember the way I felt,
The way I still feel
The feeling of waking up, taking my breath for the first time,
So many beautiful words
So many beautiful feelings
You’re the reason, the reason behind my inspiration
Falling in love,
With life…
Vladimir s Krebs Dec 2015
all the feelings of night wasting away from parting and waking up the next morning with some one who you don't actually remember what the **** happened.

you memorie is erases so you cant even find out what happen last night.

all your friends lok like **** even your life is filled with regrets.
doing things making the night glow and grow more intense with insanity with no limits.

no one wants to say any thing when one of us has to speak with the person who took our souls along with us.

every night being away parting lifting spirets away with good times and giggels that haunt us forever.

there isnt any were to turn exept trying t know what actually happened to me.

life is full of mistory and questions of what the **** happened to all of us no memorie of what happened no idea who the hell where i have ended up
mistakes i made
Sakura May 2014
Such was him
Behind those bars

He knew of a much further land
Sun red as blood, snow not that white

Not an inch of dust would filter through
Not a single memorie would find him,
there where he was,
deep down.

Though, he coud have, somehow,
might have asked,
"what shall be my sin, dear guard?
That, the one, to me unknown,
which my dreams far away from me hides?"

"Never mind" said the armoured man;
"why should know such a lowlife,
why should know such a piece of trash,
values him nothing more than living, the clues to
his crimes?"

Might he never be back to his country,
might never again see that red sun,
though for sure

Shall he never rest among dust.
And from the battlefield so does he emerge.
Beaten blood stains his memories.
Such beathy in destruction apon the devils backbone
such powers converge.

Bodies gather tossed into a heap.
he's silent even in his thoughts.
For the madness to one's self is better to keep.

Dying moments at a time.
the field may change death is the same.
Where humans are numbers with a toll
up the ladder he does climb.

The honest view over shadows the
ignorant few.
Tortured are the memories trapped inside.
Cold steel to which tonight he does confide.

Blood stainded bages how they do gleam.
After years of the twisted vision.
No side has to be right it does seem.

The blood is embedded in his very soul.
No matter the side.
The the memorie alone takes it's toll.    

Often we recall alone we regret.
nightmares creep into are waking hours.
So is the victem of the memory forwhich you cannot forget.
Heee Mark I just checked back and saw him while you'll standing in my room still. . . Because the fact of the matter is I dont know where you'll were before to feel you dont have the obligation to get the **** out of this ******* but where I was. I was just checking back like I had to look like it was bugging me that bad as i WAS i CHECKED MY MARKY. Came back went black and came back before I knew I was tainted black and coming back like an apistoval of eary quiver was fornicating on my *** like I was going to die again I saw that **** skirt and I dont know why dickly never got involved so backbefor I knew apistavol is *** fornication and for me to grab it I knew I had to be more down still riding peace so I jank whats up fo you eat baby ***** and they got no he doesnt he listens to brother lynch as I pucked up no up chuck just heave so I come back turn my head into my own little up on two feet hanging out with my ya and if he was here by all means he would be hooking me up right now you wouldnt be here and my next man well I am going to be up still riding peace on all these down riding peace I still have but keep reflecting to that bible I just hooked up and I'll do this again too. andnow I feel like a ******* is watching me so if for instance homie your homies get hooked up over there by my MARKY being really smart on my hes BIG red have a little fun watching me down this pick astreet picked it as everyone isnt even as far as I have been cause I am hooking up some ***** with my michelle phipher cause you fuckly stariyer there are going to check my spot after I am gone you will find some animal ******* bringing you a bag of papers with out a word out of him and they will all check you over there fuckly to see if I take my time to pick the most beautiful brightest one I see ******* little mexican **** had to **** with my bible **** fool you just missed it I show you what wont happen while you are with me cause I am fine after they left. I went right to my bible never made a large turn with my head remebered devil on the note calender black thing I lost with my memorie attached the change and dresser you never saw but I didnt make it clear to you fuckly I was ******  up cause by all means your here to help me up too I rented a car and jammed never thought again till now Im going to go AND **** UP MY BIBLE PROPERLY BEING THAT i WAS UP AND COULDNT **** IT UP JUST RIGHT LIKE i INTENDED TO DO WHEN i LOOKED BACK TO GET THE DEVIL AFTER HOW ****** i KNOW i AM RIGHT NOW AND i CAME UP BY SAYING i CAME UP STILL RIDING PEACE i HOOKED TO THAT PEACEFUL PART OF THAT SONG IT MUST HAVE BEEN LOVE BUT IT IS OVER NOW i ONLY GOT TO IT MUST H i WAS SO HAPPY i SKATED I was outs.
The radio glows filling the
darkness with phantoms I call
old friends.

They gather to haunt my thoughts
along with you.
And I recall that dance so long ago.
It's become a fine wine Id rather
admire than taste again.

As that look I remember so very well.
We erase the parts that get in the way
of are dellusion filled spell.

The leaves change only to fall
apon ***** streets.
Where others trace thoose same steps
as you and I.

And in the darkness I remember.
as a heartbroke soul's voice calls
through the night.

As shadows  dance and the whiskey
glimmers within the glass.
She's there but a ghost within my lap
her chill brings warmth.

That memorie calls to me as the bottle
is better admired than cracked.
It's passion contained  for another.

Life does fade apon the gleam
of a blade.
Candles are better for birthdays
and little kids cakes.

Fire is shared between two in a kiss.
Reflection mixes well on just another
night like this.
Sorry this one isnt better  my writting   well im
just not up to par folks  sorry for  not doing better.
Improvviso il mille novecento
cinquanta due passa sull'Italia:
solo il popolo ne ha un sentimento
vero: mai tolto al tempo, non l'abbaglia
la modernità, benché sempre il più
moderno sia esso, il popolo, spanto
in borghi, in rioni, con gioventù
sempre nuove - nuove al vecchio canto -
a ripetere ingenuo quello che fu.

Scotta il primo sole dolce dell'anno
sopra i portici delle cittadine
di provincia, sui paesi che sanno
ancora di nevi, sulle appenniniche
greggi: nelle vetrine dei capoluoghi
i nuovi colori delle tele, i nuovi
vestiti come in limpidi roghi
dicono quanto oggi si rinnovi
il mondo, che diverse gioie sfoghi...

Ah, noi che viviamo in una sola
generazione ogni generazione
vissuta qui, in queste terre ora
umiliate, non abbiamo nozione
vera di chi è partecipe alla storia
solo per orale, magica esperienza;
e vive puro, non oltre la memoria
della generazione in cui presenza
della vita è la sua vita perentoria.

Nella vita che è vita perché assunta
nella nostra ragione e costruita
per il nostro passaggio - e ora giunta
a essere altra, oltre il nostro accanito
difenderla - aspetta - cantando supino,
accampato nei nostri quartieri
a lui sconosciuti, e pronto fino
dalle più fresche e inanimate ère -
il popolo: muta in lui l'uomo il destino.

E se ci rivolgiamo a quel passato
ch'è nostro privilegio, altre fiumane
di popolo ecco cantare: recuperato
è il nostro moto fin dalle cristiane
origini, ma resta indietro, immobile,
quel canto. Si ripete uguale.
Nelle sere non più torce ma globi
di luce, e la periferia non pare
altra, non altri i ragazzi nuovi...

Tra gli orti cupi, al pigro solicello
Adalbertos komis kurtis!, i ragazzini
d'Ivrea gridano, e pei valloncelli
di Toscana, con strilli di rondinini:
Hor atorno fratt Helya! La santa
violenza sui rozzi cuori il clero
calca, rozzo, e li asserva a un'infanzia
feroce nel feudo provinciale l'Impero
da Iddio imposto: e il popolo canta.

Un grande concerto di scalpelli
sul Campidoglio, sul nuovo Appennino,
sui Comuni sbiancati dalle Alpi,
suona, giganteggiando il travertino
nel nuovo spazio in cui s'affranca
l'Uomo: e il manovale Dov'andastà
jersera... ripete con l'anima spanta
nel suo gotico mondo. Il mondo schiavitù
resta nel popolo. E il popolo canta.

Apprende il borghese nascente lo Ça ira,
e trepidi nel vento napoleonico,
all'Inno dell'Albero della Libertà,
tremano i nuovi colori delle nazioni.
Ma, cane affamato, difende il bracciante
i suoi padroni, ne canta la ferocia,
Guagliune 'e mala vita! In branchi
feroci. La libertà non ha voce
per il popolo cane. E il popolo canta.

Ragazzo del popolo che canti,
qui a Rebibbia sulla misera riva
dell'Aniene la nuova canzonetta, vanti
è vero, cantando, l'antica, la festiva
leggerezza dei semplici. Ma quale
dura certezza tu sollevi insieme
d'imminente riscossa, in mezzo a ignari
tuguri e grattacieli, allegro seme
in cuore al triste mondo popolare.

Nella tua incoscienza è la coscienza
che in te la storia vuole, questa storia
il cui Uomo non ha più che la violenza
delle memorie, non la libera memoria...
E ormai, forse, altra scelta non ha
che dare alla sua ansia di giustizia
la forza della tua felicità,
e alla luce di un tempo che inizia
la luce di chi è ciò che non sa.
betterdays Mar 2014
step             off
      blood red dust
rusted dreamed
     of steeled determintation
bought                  low by
                    times patient tick

word drought

                                      carcassed    ­      
                about   around
            where here
where                 ....ether

wade through and wade through
this vacant unloved space
           to sit under              
                                             ­                              the  ego skeleton tree
     here to listen
                     to the
    brain bone leavings
                  rattle and sough
in memorie's
             faint primative breeze
       as we  ......await the
..muse...all     monsooning..
  .. soothing         rain  
to come ... festooned....
         with the petrichor
                           fragrance of wild word blossoms and
              newly wrought  
                     thought blooms
until        then
                       i sit drooling,
        words into shifting dust
destined to
              fly                     and
     flicker away
        on the
              next worlds sigh

fare well  good bye  adieu

till again
              i await
              the soft feathered bliss
         kiss of rain
LD Goodwin Feb 2013
Memorie's incense,
the burning of Autumn leaves.
I am home again.
Harrogate,TN   February 2013
Heee Mark I just checked back and saw him while you'll standing in my room still. . . Because the fact of the matter is I dont know where you'll were before to feel you dont have the obligation to get the **** out of this ******* but where I was. I was just checking back like I had to look like it was bugging me that bad as i WAS i CHECKED MY MARKY. Came back went black and came back before I knew I was tainted black and coming back like an apistoval of eary quiver was fornicating on my *** like I was going to die again I saw that **** skirt and I dont know why dickly never got involved so backbefor I knew apistavol is *** fornication and for me to grab it I knew I had to be more down still riding peace so I jank whats up fo you eat baby ***** and they got no he doesnt he listens to brother lynch as I pucked up no up chuck just heave so I come back turn my head into my own little up on two feet hanging out with my ya and if he was here by all means he would be hooking me up right now you wouldnt be here and my next man well I am going to be up still riding peace on all these down riding peace I still have but keep reflecting to that bible I just hooked up and I'll do this again too. andnow I feel like a ******* is watching me so if for instance homie your homies get hooked up over there by my MARKY being really smart on my hes BIG red have a little fun watching me down this pick astreet picked it as everyone isnt even as far as I have been cause I am hooking up some ***** with my michelle phipher cause you fuckly stariyer there are going to check my spot after I am gone you will find some animal ******* bringing you a bag of papers with out a word out of him and they will all check you over there fuckly to see if I take my time to pick the most beautiful brightest one I see ******* little mexican **** had to **** with my bible **** fool you just missed it I show you what wont happen while you are with me cause I am fine after they left. I went right to my bible never made a large turn with my head remebered devil on the note calender black thing I lost with my memorie attached the change and dresser you never saw but I didnt make it clear to you fuckly I was ******  up cause by all means your here to help me up too I rented a car and jammed never thought again till now Im going to go AND **** UP MY BIBLE PROPERLY BEING THAT i WAS UP AND COULDNT **** IT UP JUST RIGHT LIKE i INTENDED TO DO WHEN i LOOKED BACK TO GET THE DEVIL AFTER HOW ****** i KNOW i AM RIGHT NOW AND i CAME UP BY SAYING i CAME UP STILL RIDING PEACE i HOOKED TO THAT PEACEFUL PART OF THAT SONG IT MUST HAVE BEEN LOVE BUT IT IS OVER NOW i ONLY GOT TO IT MUST H i WAS SO HAPPY i SKATED I was outs.
Amore ardente da dove prendi tutte queste energie?
Dalle memorie confuse tra sogni e paure che vorrei bruciare?

Amore perché persisti e non sei fugace come lei?

Strapperei il mio cuore dal mio petto per non sentirlo più pulsare d'un amore morto.

Amore violento che mi hai reso succube dei miei sentimenti, non vorrai mica bruciare per sempre?

Attendo pazientemente che tu mi illuda della tua fine con le tue ceneri
A D.T.
Null Jul 2014
I used to think of you leaving me with desperate gasps of air and tear soaked cheeks
I swore I wouldn't make it through the lonely days and night
I swore that I would die of an aching heart.
Yet here I sit, still breathing, still surviving. All that is left is a scar of your memorie and the clothes and gifts in my closet.
I entered this unity
believing that the love would
last until the toe tags were stuck on.
Maybe even longer if the
Love were true on both ends.

But I was wrong,
now, only one tag has been stuck
on one toe and yet
the love still grows
and the same love still lingers.

There is no tag on the
second toe and that love is the love
that dies. That love is the love that moves
on looking for anew leaving behind the vow and
memorie created by the last.

Pain and guilt is all that has been
on the toe tag for the one left behind.

Rayénari Das Apr 2021
To Shortie

There Is something
Behind those eyes
Like a Sun explotion.

Right there happens
A thousand kisses deep
& all the others
Love songs thats makes you

But, afterwords:
Neither you save me
& neither i fly
So the only thing thats remains
Is this funny smell
Of a memorie on your hips

Give me some clear water
That one thats spill into the rain
and seductively brings life
and life eventually gets
one degree higher
till the sun rises
and you can see
the desert flowers blooming,
and the wind,
colored gorgeous and chanting wind
takes away
my deep dream
about a pair of beautyful
cause thats belong
to eternity and God
and they are so sacred
as your bellybottom
and my wish
Vladimir s Krebs Nov 2015
i cant see any thing in front me. i dont understand cause nobody could find me.
deep down on a mountain range. i dont know how far to keep runing cause the weather keeps change every time i let my mind run free. im not afraid of what will run into me on the rest of my mind down memorie lane.  the foggy mist getting thicker heavy'r forming rain clouds. now is going to rainon me cause this terain seems to get more steep as we go. i think im lost with no direction to go. my writers block has came and now its gone .this weather is old i want to make it rain with a sun shine threw the trees. i have lost my track of where my life has gone. i need to let my mind losen its grip of my hearts content to write a love note to you telling you im alive and insane.

there is no point to let go of your own fear that keeps you safe.
letting my music flow threw my mind finally let the writers bloc go
Vilene Joubert Nov 2018
As a Human
I have done Many things I Feel *Guilt* for!
I Feel Pain from so Many things!
(the damnest of things..)

Memories of True Happiness! Memories which *Makes Life Worth Living..*


We Are Só often Lost...
Because of Bad Ones..

* We are Nothing More than the Memories we keep...
pinkandwhite Jun 2022
I wanna memorize every line of your face
I wanna save this moment in a phrase
So when our time ends
And your touch fades away
I'll still have a memorie of you
And that's what will keep me going through
DAVID Jan 2021
As i wake up, and
The sun gets gently
To mi eyes, i become
Aware Of your
memorie, i blush and
Breath inspired

And the second minutes
awake, your scent comes
As an ocean Wave, Of Loved
By you memories, and

Mi nose become aware,
Of the feeling you provoque
And the loved perfume
Takes the beating heart,
To a new heigth, that never

Felt before, between the
Trust and your loved eyes, is
Your perfect stomach calling
To me, come and Kiss me,
your Body Said, and the loved
song, And the chosen Path

Trying awake in the Path,
Become AWAKEN, as i beastly
Make love to you, and this day Even feeling a litle scared Of this
Feeling Of love

As an iceberg, i pass threw,
life and games, pasión and
dasdein, loneliness and pain
To this loved by u state, i let
that go this afternoon, trying
With scientifc proofs,

I could live without your eyes,
To feelings that never where, and stories that i never live, but your eyes and the loved sensación are stronger than the artist pose, and the stoic Warrior state Of mind, So much for
This samurai at your feet.

Aware Of how dependent Of
You im becoming, i could let
It all go, but i cannot left you,
As a yunkie Of your eyes, and
adicted to you state Of mind

Never feel unsure Of mi love,
never felt this need Of somebudy,
Forever loving you state Of play, and The nigths with you become heaven, and  your'e  so BEAUTIFUL inside,
And (hot as friendly faces) that walk Next to me.

So just Be sure, your'e the loved one, That free and unatached to
Anything ir anybudy, i could only
if you choose it, let you go.

So fully AWAKEN  i'm,
becoming day by day,
As i LOVE YOU come and goes on our way, and On the terms we bouth choose, Nothing and no one execpt you, Could make me away from you,

And the blessed feellings you provoque, and the almost pain
i could almost feel, as your feet
Stumble to creeps, and i could almost let you go,  but the love and care
You awake in me, are a surprise,

As a loved man, or a chained
beast, i could usted to this, kind
Of dependance u make me feel,
The sensatión Of you Next to me.
Àŧùl Jan 2017
Your memories will sure **** me someday,
Our memories together I mean here,
Unto the moon range our memories.

So today I dare you to ask a doc,
To refresh each of your memo,
Individual and selfish as you,
Love you do only your egor,
Least concerned about your own folks,
Never cared for what they ar

Look again into my eyes -oh- so lonely,
Upto the stars and beyond ranges the memo,
Vealed are your emotions unlike you.

Minutes were hours when I was loved,
End of my love is impossible to do**.
The First Complex Secondary Acrostic.
My HP Poem #1394
©Atul Kaushal

— The End —