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Feb 2017 · 775
Many Wounds
Wes Noneya Feb 2017
Many Wounds Have I Suffered And Seen
Caused Or With Empathy Felt
Some Just Grow Cold Or Mean
Not I, No Not I, Always Will I Endeavor To Melt

The Kept Heart, Locked Away In A Safe Place
Ah To Free That Heart, In Passions Thrall
To Lose Herself In That Seductive Embrace
A Path, Not Far To Sunset Leads, Heed Its Call

Dark And Dreary, Once Was Your Path, Of Desire
So Much Once Lost Or Still Hidden, By Chance Or Design
Your Dreams, Passions, And Fire
Dance Do I An' Delight At What Can Be, Need Thee Only To Yield And Resign

Many Are The Paths, I Have Followed None, Carving My Own Way
Where Shadows Of The Heart, Bitter Sweet Passion Loom
There Are Other Paths That Beckon And Call Me Away
To Beautiful Scenes; Dreams And Desires In Dark Gloom

Even The Coldest Heart Where Passion Has Long Withered
With Prose And Verse
Can Be Free, Healed, Or Still Wounded Deep, Words An Emotions Gail Or Blizzard
In Your Eyes I Can See Your World Your Universe

As I Watched The Play Of Your Light And Distant Thunder Vibrant In The Night
This Storm Of Yours That Rages, Thoughts And Emotions, Where Did It Begin
In Each Passage Passion And Lost Devotion Felt, In Each Flash Of Consuming Light
The Heat Of Your Words, A Reflection Of What Burns Within

Might My Words Brighten Up Your Day, Your Dreams Or World
Open Wide Or Shut Forever Your Eyes
Even Blind Your Heart And Soul Could Follow Or Run From Such A Herald
Might A Poems Brief Embrace Dry Away Your Pain, Pure With Out Lies

With Heart And Soul Wishing For Relief Or Fatal End Unto Either Or Both You Weep
Even The Heavens Cry
For Passion, Pain, Hope And Sorrow, Felt So Deep
Fade Or Wither They Do Not, But Transfixed Might They Never Die

I Question Not, Mine Is Not To Reason
Mine Is To Do
To Compose, With Out Opinion
Always With Empathy, My Words Laced, To Speak Softly To You

Seems To Have Always Be, But Has Never Been
I Reached And Found Your Soul
Beheld It From Afar Bitter Sweet With Out Embrace, Again And Again
I See You Held Your Passions So Tightly, Paid A Heavy Toll

A View Of Passion's Embrace Sweet Bliss
Have You Known, A Shaft Of Seduction And Submission Broad Course Hath Made
To Sacred Places, Your, Mind, Heart And Soul, On Each Imparted A Fiery Kiss
Again And Again, Within A Singular Hope And Passion Filled Is Laid

Not Still, Words Tracing A Path Through Valley In Shadow, Not Growing Weak
The Faintest Kiss, A Delicious Rapture An' Suspense, Not To Torture Or Enslave
No Light Or Darkness, But Shades Of A Fiery Gray Unlocking Mysteries...You Seek
What Passions, Fantastic Dreams Bitter Sweet, Might An Unexpected Word, Save

At Journeys End She Finds A End Of Words, And A Faint Reflection
Who She Is, What She Has Felt
Reflections Yes, But Fractured, Not Expected; Her Thoughts An' Emotion; Inhibitions
Give Rise To Doubt, That Seed Planted Deeply, To Grow With Each Review, Might They Melt

Perhaps, Perhaps Not, Is This The End
For This, But A Poem, Simple Words A Prose
A Mix Of Old And New, Inspired By Emotions, A Glimpse Of Something To Mend
Who Knows....

~Wes Noneya
Feb 2017 · 490
Tears of an Angel Part 2
Wes Noneya Feb 2017
What brought an eternal night and bitter storm of emotions and fears
Rages in her heart an' across her soul, you would know
If you could see through a waterfall of unseen and silent tears
Maybe realize the things she needs just to make her feel alive is a heavy line to tow

'Tis always plain to these eyes even as the storm roars and rages
In those eyes I see rose hiding amongst the shadows
Like her emotions housed, locked away in tight little cages
Safe from the rays of day or night, it still grows

A heart that is not so barren, but in fact an enchanted garden
Not even the wild **** grows or can survive so fair
In that heart, that enchanted place, well hidden
But a rose dwells there

Watered by the tears of an angel in the dark solemn silence
Day to day, night by night they continue to fall
While she punishes her mind and heart, a state of false indifference
Wondering if love is even worth it at all

That rose that dwells in enchanted garden, in eternal night
Amid visions of dark emotions of hope and joy departed and fled
Behind the thick shade of the shielding shadows, hiding from the light
That rose has not blossomed, left alone, carved its own way not again to be led

To false hope and promise, it will not bend
Strong in will and spirit
To its own needs it does tend
Ah, a man only am but I, with words and emotions I weave and lace to reach it

Others have trampled that garden in search of their own hollow things
But not I, in time with proper healing, the garden again will prosper
If my words can reach, if to that heart they touch and in special melody sings
Soft and warm a tender embrace a bitter sweet whisper

Come now, they come, these fairy bewitched hours at fading red of sunset
Walk the pace to heartbeat quickens, to that good day's dream at the twilight hour last
Fluid that dream changing at whim, a rose in storm and emotions rage, steadfast not fled, but well met
Not yielding, in an enchanted garden, the flower's dreams are cast

Part 2
Feb 2017 · 1.1k
Lonely Each Sunset
Wes Noneya Feb 2017
Lonely each sunset, another night arises forlorn
Darkness spreads across thy valley of emotions drearily desolate
Lofty mountains of sorrow and pain soar in solemn scorn
Thy heart, still as death stern as fate in resolve will not remit

Lonely each sunset, warmth fades, hope flickers, near extinguish
A vicious cycle; dark emotions drink well the dark of emotional night
Of cold liquid fire, bitter sweet ambrosia, cold fuel to warmth’s wish
Emotions an’ desire forged anew, reborn with hunger burning bright

Lonely each sunset, deep within new hope and hunger burn as one
With gibbous moon piercing that black velvet of thy shadowed heart
Hunger drives, passion craves, freedom sings, pain that binds undone
Fell thy arch spirit, new and old emotions run wild quite a start

Down freedom’s road, long journey before thee, pass from outcast land
Still within old wounds not healed still express
Emotional apparitions, arising when thy dream state is at hand
When slumber rules, no escape for thy heart’s abysmal loneliness

Under crimson moon new passion and hope to bloom in full
If tended well, a hybrid, of passions thrall, not that sorely sought
Salve or bandages, but full rebirth, a tender pull
Ethereal strings; stitches sealed; catching and caught

~Wes Noneya
Feb 2017 · 463
With Indifference
Wes Noneya Feb 2017
In hidden garden under moonlight glow, lilies gleam
Along the path of one who lingers lonely there
Emotions and thoughts; manifestation of passion’s death and dream
Shadowy glimmer of dark mist; what has and will be; beware

This apparition, in solemn presence, its own eyes lit with raging storm
Self loathing transfixed; desolate and grim, but for passion and sorrow
Thoughts waging tireless war upon emotions that will not conform
Hope springs anew a tiny flicker just the same, on the morrow

With loathing, bitter sweet the struggle arises, fought with no reserve
New seeking to bury old, to forget; imparting tears and faux strength
Thoughts seek to command emotions that will not serve
This conflict fueled with pain, sorrow, joy and hope to what length

Coming forth, they come, gaunt and ghastly sad and painted
They come, deep dark crimson wrecks of despair and betrayals grime
Faces seared with hatred fresh, haunting eyes, with vision tainted
See them, awash in red, labelled with date and time

Each night in dream or nightmare’s fitful embrace; lost love, hope, joy
They join, forming that one, but a shadow of self, for remembrance
Time and again loved and labored, they played with emotions like a toy
Tossed aside when interest lost, slaughtered anew, with indifference

~Wes Noneya
Feb 2017 · 372
Wes Noneya Feb 2017
Moonlight trickles through your open window
The wind caresses your naked body ever so softly
The distant waves seem to whisper a name you do not Know
Your heart beats faster in answer as thoughts turn to what might be

An unknown, not seen or heard
But "felt" in that Solemn and Somber Embrace
Like that gentle wind a slight caress in each word
Thoughts and Emotions, without a Face

You close those lovely eyes, shutting out the moonlight
Silently he comes to you
A silken scarf In an unseen hand and you shiver in delight
As desire takes Form in your mind, filling you through and through

You Feel the silk against your eyelids, across you cheek
Your body feels invisible bonds that do not yield
Each nerve cries out for a touch, making you weak
Your soul rises from your body, dancing in a distant Field

Of Wanton Desire and Dreams
In this blindness you feel a silky Touch
Arching your back, your body crying out, it Screams
As that Silk glides across your neck and *******, almost to Much

Longing for caresses, you wreath in Desire
"Stay still," A silent voice seems to command
You lie back trying not to move, but drawn to Fire
You reach out to touch him with each Hand

"Stay still," that voice you can't hear
Seems to say again
Finally, as if in agreement and Final Defiance, still wanting him near
Your hands fall heavily to your sides, you refuse to lose but can't Win

Your fist clinches, nails Biting into your palm
You fight to remain still under what has begun
Lips softly explore your body, desire a building storm, but outward Calm
With each moment that passes more and more is Done

You find it unbearable to remain still
Fighting no to lose Control
It excites you, heightens your desire, tests your will
And yet seems to fill many forgotten needs, makes you Whole

Seemingly Complete
You do not move, but wait in the darkness
Feeling the Warmth cover you, Still somewhere your will refuses Defeat
As hands trace your curves, so tender the Caress

Over your stomach and across your thigh
Hesitating for a moment that lasts forever
A mouth nibbling, tasting your flesh, your will asks Why
As each touch leaves a burning fire in its path, fare weather

In a storm that builds with hands pressed firmly between your thighs
Straining not to raise yourself against them
Your will, your reserve, still refusing to Submit, but each moment buys
More Submission, More Desire, focused on him

The Silk becomes as Leather
He has touched you not, kissed your desire with words without a voice
But Binds you still to your pleasure
Lets you taste the whip, that binds, burns, heats your souls fire, a choice

What way Has been Shown
Do you surrender; is it greater damnation or bitter sweet salvation
There in that sensuous Darkness, alone
With your thoughts and emotion

Webs of smoldering silk thrown round you each moment
Binding your will securing your surrender, even as you struggle with the Storm
That rages within, a constant torment
So easily dismissed in nights past, now takes Form

It is a symphony, a struggle and a blinding dance
A song an Embrace that you never tire of, despite the hiding
Of Emotions and Thoughts, In symphonic whispers of master and slave, that does Lance
Strongly your Heart and Soul, Binding

Them to passion burning brilliantly
A consuming blaze alight
Melodious, harmonious, deliberately
Drives your Will and rational thought to Flight

Your heart and soul laid bare exposed and naked
To his touch Silence rarely hears the screams
Of a slave's whispers, and a wills hated
Submission to the kiss of the whip and silk, as each envelopes your dreams

-Wes Noneya-
Feb 2017 · 998
Words I weave...
Wes Noneya Feb 2017
My Words I weave to be just a whispers’ lingering caress
Tormenting, Bitter Sweet thoughts that make you burn at feeling such
The wishes cast, but not granted that make you shiver over less
The briefest touch

Words, that speak of all unspoken desires
oft what a Heart's Hopes and the Mind rightly Fears
That nightmare in the making, speaking truth amongst avid Liars
That Healer, Sinner and Saint, who wounds you deep but dries your tears

For a vision of thy sweet face compels my pen, my deeds
Still that vision leads my words to fall upon thy screen
Before thine eyes, to serve thy needs
Yet still for but my minds eye you remain unseen

Between Breath & Touch
Strides a whispered Caress
Across endless plains Of Dream not much
Past the blind denial of less

Beyond the seasons of a thousand dreams and desires
My words fall seen and felt but unheard
Bitter sweet they may be and easily kindle passion's fires
They torment and delight, caressing your heart, mind and soul with each word

Subtle song, resonating rhythm unclear intent
Desire a sourcing fire as the words serenade the heart
For the bitter sweet seduction of words the body will lament
They are but a start

-Wes Noneya-
Feb 2017 · 552
Sublime Surmise
Wes Noneya Feb 2017
Sweet slumbering, sublime surmise
Dreams one source of oblivion, a rendition of her submission
Imagined kisses taking her slowly, staring into those eyes
Fast asleep, breathing sweetly, lost in purgatory or perdition?

A tear falls in the night, forgotten and forlorn
A secret relic of sorrow and joy in simplistic form
Glorious, but gone, long before morn
A moment of clarity, you stir to say goodnight, I weather the storm

Of emotion, the joy and the tinge of pain
As another night fades away and denies
Your touch, the taste of us is sought but I shall not gain
A trap in the dream telling me lies

Daylight brings the flame of life
Mirror full of lost secrets and the end of yet another night
Of delight and desire, burning strife
Such is the dis-glamour of our union and desire, strong is the bite

Bitter but oh so sweet the broken
Trampled, mangled, torn asunder, it's a long road to tend
That angel who slumbers, still in rest, what rages unspoken...
Within' makes me shudder... but mine is to mend

Marks upon her heart and soul
Lingers long, heals slow
Heavy is the toll
Great the distance, greater the longing; dealing with all I don’t know

I could ramble on and on in poem and prose
****, seductive or tender and soft, the words I might find
Only the bottom of her heart and soul, knows
What limitless bounds, memories and pain that cling and bind

Fate and fortune to my will
That at journeys end "we" go beyond her history
Seeking all that we can, beauty beyond my measure, dreams to fulfill
For a moment or an eternity, oh that mystery

Lost in moments as I sit and reflect on the words, barely aware
Have I finished or simply begun
A prologue, composed at 14 after midnight’s kiss, sitting in my chair
Past, present, future - matters at hand; one by one

Line by line it takes form
I find function for each word, making a case
Nothing of the norm
Each word has it's place, like tender kisses on that lovely face

What words, what fate, what shall I do
I find myself working, crafting, smithin', my reason sound asleep
I wish I was lying next to you
If I lay my head upon that pillow, my soul might weep

In joy, watching the gentle rise of thy chest
Lying next to thee, how divine
Bodies, hearts and souls at rest
Words to open the story well, hints in each line

~Wes Noneya
Lay Me In Your Stead
Upon That Bed
Of Nails
Feb 2017 · 2.8k
Passions Fire Kindled
Wes Noneya Feb 2017
Mouths meeting rushing to be fed and feed
Tongues mingling and exploring
Hunger and thirst crushing need
Passion’s fire roaring

Bodies and hearts entwined
Soul and mind thriving
On all they find
On a journey bereft of depriving

Passion’s fire consuming
A life unto its own in their head
What lay buried, lost, undiscovered, forgotten or dead

Born anew or resurrected
Nerves, thoughts, and emotions it imbibes and revives
By passion’s fire new life injected
Brings new purpose and experiences to their lives

Passions kindled now burning so hot
It sears, mind, body, heart and soul
Delivers everything they sought
Two lost, now one tempered and made whole

Passion’s fire, burning growing as they explored
*****, freaky, and debauchery with revel
With passion's fire they soared
FInding the primeval

In the chasing
In the wooing
In the embracing
In the doing

In the B, in many ways
In the D, defining each other’s roles
In the S, setting new trails ablaze
In the M, reaching dark corners of each other’s souls

~Wes Noneya
Feb 2017 · 417
A kiss for her
Wes Noneya Feb 2017
A kiss for her
To steal her breath
So deep and soft to confer
She is lost consumed a sweet lil death

Born again in a moments embrace
An electric captivity
A hint of heaven and sub space
Brief connectivity

Birthing eloquent shivers and long sighs
Making lust and love in a kiss
Of longing and urgent need growing between thighs
Lost in erótic reverie's bliss

~Wes Noneya
Feb 2017 · 638
A survivor still grows
Wes Noneya Feb 2017
A survivor still grows
I came upon it by chance
A survivor that arouse
I wonder if it was design, desire or happenstance?

That it found it's way
To that strange spot
What keeps the cars and tires at bay?
I know not

Wonder it is will?
Or perhaps spite?
Either way seeing it gives me a little thrill
I speak to it now and then to encourage it's fight

As you can see
I got a picture back then
Should it be gone on the morrow, it would sadden me
But the parking lot is not exactly a secluded glen

~Wes Noneya
-- a flower grows... from the edge of a wheel stop in a parking lot... standing all by itself purple and green contrast with the yellow painted concrete block and the paved lot...
Wes Noneya Feb 2017
So little so much
Brief brush of fingers
That soft touch
Heat that lingers

“Mine” she could swear she heard
Her heart for a moment stands still
With that whispered word
A devilishly divine thrill

Hint of Everything
In a gentle brush
Makes her soul sing
Blood starts to rush

Thoughts, want, and need, a ravenous desire
Taking Form
Capricious Fire
Fanciful Storm

Growing tempest of lust
A she devil of need
Feed soon she must
Dances in her eyes, take heed

Growing lustful state
Hunger and thirst, in wicked measure
She wants to sate
With pain and pleasure

~Wes Noneya
Wes Noneya Feb 2017
Satietatem potare dulci nectare tua desiderium ego
Ad nos transeat, usque mane
Nostra corpora convol
Corpora nostra lusibus
Sol ortus, Sitis commoratur

Amorem vivere devora tua suavita
Vitae caelestis
Nostra ad et aut angelus diaboli
Quod viget, vitae singulis nobis,
Retorta peccatorum gaudium de salute nos

Corpora *** carnis luxuriam
Tenebrae concupiscentiis saginatus
Dolorem voluptatem servus
Impium impium fames
Sanctus diversitas peccatorum

Ita et nos, in manus nostras et amore peccatorum nos
Nos ad unum corpus est cor

Translation Latin to English

I drink my fill of sweet nectar of your desire
To pass to us until morning
Our bodies roll
Our bodies dance
The sun rises, thirst lingers

Love, live, eat your sweetness
heavenly life
Our call to the devil or an angel
That is active, the life of each of us,
Twisted sins, the joy of our salvation

Bodies with carnal lust
Dark desires fed
Pain and pleasure slave
wicked, wicked hunger
Holy diversity of sins

Even so we, in our hands, and the love of our sins
We are one body and heart

~Wes Noneya

My Latin isn't the best but I gave it a go. I like both versions.
Feb 2017 · 424
As I go walkin'
Wes Noneya Feb 2017
Winds howl in dead of night
Under moon's glow
And stars delight
Words flow

As I go walkin'
Pondering the nothing; I feel the kiss of cold
My mind full of chatter, ideas talkin'
Some soft some bold

~Wes Noneya©
Feb 2017 · 665
To ruminate
Wes Noneya Feb 2017
Even in the darkest night
With winds cold kiss that tempest that batters
I would find or make shelter and light
To ruminate on all that matters

Of want and needs
Of those that do and don't
Of good and bad deeds
Of those that will and won't

Of death decay growth and life
Of joy and sorrow
Of triumph and strife
Of hope on the morrow

Of dew on a blade of grass
Of sunlight through trees
Of critical mass
Of conversations and the flight of bees

~Wes Noneya ©
Feb 2017 · 1.0k
Tears of an Angel
Wes Noneya Feb 2017
The tears of an angel are emotions not a toy
A broken spirit, crippled wings of a Dove that can not fly
Romance bitter and sweet, but the heart deception can destroy
The Heart and Soul, weep and cry

Others have done their damage, broken again and again each wing
In time, with healing, again you'll fly and soar
You have to hold your head up, let my words to thy heart sing
Then maybe find the want, the desire to try, true emotions at the core

But for now the tears of an angel, solemn tears
In the dark in silence, continue to fall
She punishes her mind , heart and soul with doubts and fears
Wondering if love or a brief romance is even worth it at all

This sights and sounds, to comfort, taunt and torture
You don't know what is right or wrong
Heart and Soul on stormy emotions transfixed, is their a cure
My words, are they so distant and so unfamiliar a Song

Images of what can be, in the dreams dance, in the embrace
Throughout the day and way on into the night, fell the beat
Words a melody to kiss and dance in your heart and soul, a smile to your face
Warm is the embrace, ever so brief, bitter and sweet

'Tis plain to these eyes, such radiant beauty that rose standing alone
Through eyes, dwelling deep within, desperate for tending
Untended that rose yet has blossomed, who would have known?
What grand and greater beauty lays in wait, for a heart that needs mending

Full of promise, what dreams on flights of fancy and fantasy rises
When will that blossom of mystery unfold?
What dreams may come, oh what unfathomable surprises?
Lay hidden, what raw beauty and ecstasy to behold

Even the strongest and coldest of souls without a heart would cry
If you could see into her world, look there through her eyes
You could see the hurt she feels and maybe even know why
Tortured and almost barren the heart scarred by lies

~Wes Noneya

— The End —