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Dec 2023 · 293
For You Differ In
Mystic Ink Plus Dec 2023
Nourishing the soul
Wake up
If you wish to be happy
Appreciate silence
Talk to your shadow
Live, every day
As authentic, "you"
And stay close to
More than anything
That's enough

Be addicted to
Your inner child
A child with dreams
And stay thriving
Theme: To whom it may concern
Jul 2023 · 997
What if I write about you?
Mystic Ink Plus Jul 2023
At times
I wonder

You are emotions
Feeling everything

Worth knowing

At a time
And all the times

I want you
To know

Of my soul
Apr 2023 · 241
Souls Journey
Mystic Ink Plus Apr 2023
How ironic it is?
To hold on
Unwritten thoughts
So many unsaid things
Composed dreams
Secrets to keep
Till the end of time

No matter
There is too much left
Next version of us

You just are
And I just am
It makes sense
To be felt

To the present
In all ways
Genre: Observational
Theme: The Path
Feb 2023 · 555
Mystic Ink Plus Feb 2023
Things that can be felt


But those who feel
Feel life

Feel that way
Genre: Observational
Theme: Senses
Author's Note: Where Soul Resides
Feb 2023 · 2.4k
Happy Ever After
Mystic Ink Plus Feb 2023
Many moons ago
With sips of exotic coffee
And a fluid conversation
With a profound beauty
Laying next to her
Drowning into her eyes
With ambience so tranquil
Celebrating gravity of being
With emotive senses
And precise words

With last sip
Finally he proposed her

"Come live in my heart"
"And stay musing"
"And let me embrace you"
"At soul level"
"Like a poetry"

Looking into his eyes
With next sip
She replied

"You're welcome"
"With a vibe like that"
"You have touched my trust"
"I want to read you"
"In more ways, than one"
"Like a poetry"
Genre: Almost Romantic
Theme_ Validation
Feb 2023 · 655
The Element
Mystic Ink Plus Feb 2023
No bond has
Ever lasted
One is
A pathological liar
And another
A psychological trustee

The light inside
Awaits to overtake the dark

Just like that
Genre: Observational
Theme: May be it's too critical
Feb 2023 · 803
Mystic Ink Plus Feb 2023
Teacher asked a reserved student
"What do you want to be?"

He replied, "Alive"

Just alive
Genre: Inspirational
Theme: Survivor's Note
Author's Note:
Modern day mathematics, that's where the problem lies
Feb 2023 · 503
Lunar Twilight
Mystic Ink Plus Feb 2023
When a poet has
Writer's block
He will
Embrace the sky
Get lost in the oblivion
Adore the magic of
The moon
Feel the warmth

And words have a way
In words
He writes
Hello there!

If I could
I would
As it is

Thanks for the memory
Genre: Observational
Theme: Quiet Moments
Feb 2023 · 191
Happy Ever After
Mystic Ink Plus Feb 2023
Many moons ago
With sips of exotic coffee
And a fluid conversation
Laying next to her
Drowning in her eyes
With ambient so tranquil
Celebrating gravity of being
And beauty so real
With emotive senses
And precise words

With last sip
Finally he proposed her

"Come live in my heart"
"And stay musing"
"And let me embrace you"
"At soul level"
"Like a poetry"

Looking into his eyes
With next sip
She replied

"You're welcome"
"You have touched my trust"
"I want to read you"
"In more ways, than one"
"Like a poetry"
Genre: Almost Romantic
Theme_ Validation
Jan 2023 · 917
Lyrical Justice
Mystic Ink Plus Jan 2023
A thought of you
A poet picks up his pen
Genre: Observational
Theme: And write beings
Jan 2023 · 476
Mystic Ink Plus Jan 2023
The path we step
Might be narrow
Yet set
Our minds
That worth the ride

Basically the soles
Of the shoes know
Where we’ve been

Look at them
For future references
Genre: Inspirational
Theme:  A voyage of the great unknown
Jan 2023 · 517
Gypsy Soul
Mystic Ink Plus Jan 2023
Whoever is
With their insanity

Will become
A freeman

Genre: Observational
Theme: To Whom It May Concern
Author's Note: Let this simple fact poke your thought and vibrate your conscience.
Jan 2023 · 460
Life Goes On
Mystic Ink Plus Jan 2023
To appreciate
The presence
Do accept
The absence
Dec 2022 · 1.5k
Mystic Ink Plus Dec 2022
If you are entering
The Writer's zone
Bear in mind

They will bound you
By their illustrious words
Highlighting the mysteries
You seek
Framing the immortal soul
Transcending vivid images
Idolizing an abstract
As a metaphor
As a prose
Claused by semicolon
Detailed by comma
A version of reality
And there exists
A you

And you will be
No ordinary
Then after
Genre: Experimental
Theme: Are You Ready?
Dec 2022 · 166
Mystic Ink Plus Dec 2022
To the infinite you

If I tell you
You may be
One truth away to reality
One step away to destiny
One smile away to harmony
One moment away to awakening
One thought away to applause
Just one inhale away to life

If I tell you
You're rare
You may not be perfect
Yet still
You are not less either

The way it is
Genre: Inspirational
Theme: Convincing
Dec 2022 · 434
Mystic Notes
Mystic Ink Plus Dec 2022
Finding the answer
Is important
But understanding
The question
Is even more

Any one
Who can show
Something in you
You have
Never seen before
Is important
Keep them closer
Genre: Observational
Theme: Stay happy ever after
Dec 2022 · 1.2k
Smile Connects
Mystic Ink Plus Dec 2022
If you
Ever get
Space to smile
Smile like a child

No ego
Just soul
Genre: Observational
Theme: Soul Element
Dec 2022 · 141
Mystic Ink Plus Dec 2022
I want
To be the one
Your heart
And soul think about

Touch me
With your verses
Spell the words
Syllable by syllable
Mesmerize me
With your effort
Admire me
Like a Masterpiece
And craft me
How you like to

She said
Dec 2022 · 505
Just Let It
Mystic Ink Plus Dec 2022
To the world
You have

Nothing to fear
Nothing to hide
Nothing to show
Nothing to prove
Nothing to pride
Nothing to judge
Nothing to ask
Oh! free soul

An anonymous
Just let it
Theme: A reminder
Nov 2022 · 155
Mystic Ink Plus Nov 2022
You will never be in control of
What they thought
Certainly, you are in control
How to react

Maneuver likewise

And that is what
Your strength is
Nov 2022 · 883
Yours Truly
Mystic Ink Plus Nov 2022
Writers are those
Who does experiments
With words
Finding no other better way
To ablaze soul

Reciting you
Genre: Experimental
Theme: In being
Nov 2022 · 136
Mystic Ink Plus Nov 2022
Beyond mere words
I often do wonder
Why we want freedom
When we're
Already free
Genre: Observational
Nov 2022 · 138
Beyond Reason
Mystic Ink Plus Nov 2022
How could I
Not write
And dedicate it to you?

One day
Those thoughts will be
A public property
And I will
Read them to find
Who I was...
Who you were...
And why I thought...
Like that
Feeling nostalgic

A life worth living
Nov 2022 · 196
Everyday Wisdom
Mystic Ink Plus Nov 2022
Every day

You'll find some way
To captivate the light of the soul
The eternal sight

Own it
Nov 2022 · 155
Mystic Ink Plus Nov 2022
I'm not
What you see, feel, and think
I'm not
What I eat, and wear

I'm not
The last promise
The last mistake
The last fight
Or the last goodbye

I'm not someone
Whom you see strong, loud
Neither I'm whom you see weak, numb
I'm not mere words
I'm veiled, I'm unveiled
I'm not only that one, when I'm in my best
I'm the hustling story behind
I'm not the light you see
I'm the burning tungsten inside

I'm Past, Present and Future
I'm a paradox
I'm senses
I live in it

I'm one of you
Meant to be
Nothing more

The old man
Used to be young
Said me once
Theme: Perhaps
#nepal #metaverse
Nov 2022 · 580
Stay Raw
Mystic Ink Plus Nov 2022
Is Injurious
Genre: Rational
Nov 2022 · 436
Mystic Ink Plus Nov 2022
When things break
Noise generates

But when heart breaks
It doesn't

That's the difference
Theme: In the name of love.
Nov 2022 · 373
If You Don't Mind
Mystic Ink Plus Nov 2022
You are
Touched by
The light
The love
And the spiritualism
You will never be
The same

Before I begin
If you could read the mind
The intentions and the vibes
And got lost, then found
Without any question
You don't belong here

Mystical, you are
And the rest will be history
Thank you, one and all
All the way
Genre: Observational
Theme: Secret Of The Soul
Nov 2022 · 820
Mystic Ink Plus Nov 2022
I am a firm believer
That you are a magic

All of you

I can't seem
To get enough

Yours truly
Genre: Inspirational
Theme: So It Is
Author’s Note: Before I begin
Nov 2022 · 940
Note To Self
Mystic Ink Plus Nov 2022
I was

I am

I will be
Genre: Minimalist
Theme: Towards the Zen
Author's Note: Who I was, I am not
Nov 2022 · 269
Sign Me Up
Mystic Ink Plus Nov 2022
At the very end

The warm bed
Of the Earth
Heartily welcomes
Every solo traveler

Wish one gets
Chance to bid goodbye
Nov 2022 · 141
Key Note
Mystic Ink Plus Nov 2022
To perceive
The world beautiful
Close your eyes
And see it

You will

Theme: concept
Author's Note: Excuse me, not blindfolded
Nov 2022 · 988
Mystic Ink Plus Nov 2022
Every time
You look
Into the mirror
You will traverse as
An evolving mystery

Own that

Else look again
Theme: Observe
Author's Note:
The more
You will

You be
Nov 2022 · 647
Mystic Ink Plus Nov 2022
If you are caught
In between
Past and present

Choose future
Nov 2022 · 1.1k
Mystic Ink Plus Nov 2022
If you really
Want to listen
Listen to the silence

Silent Eyes
Silent Breathe
Silent Heart

Whatever you need
To hear
Exists there

For your understanding
A voice of the soul
Theme: Zen Element
Nov 2022 · 280
Mystic Ink Plus Nov 2022
Like any other day
You may tell me
A beautiful lie
Or hide me
A raw truth
None of this will make any sense
Out of nowhere
I'm aware

Oh! an innocent wanderer
I trust the vibes
And with those, who do
We are allies

If I told you my story
A different story
Nothing in sight
Seems so clear
When life overwhelms
And soul lightens up
Cherishing the time
Seeking the way
Transcend the endless steps
Where, I end
From there, I still begin

And the journey continues
Theme: Being an anonymous
Nov 2022 · 438
Web Of Life
Mystic Ink Plus Nov 2022
I see so many people on here
Saying something
Sometimes I can't understand
Sometimes I do
There is more to this life
Than a moment
Just try to get through

Those who found themselves
To the dark side of the Moon
Will wake up
To the bright side of the Sun
Breathing a new life
With amber realm of hope
And the journey never ends
Nov 2022 · 2.8k
Make Me Your Poem
Mystic Ink Plus Nov 2022
Many times
I have tried to embrace you
In my ink
As you keep on evolving
Over time
I lost for words
Yet I'm still trying
To write about you
Without any filter, let me reveal

I regard you as
A wandering soul
Beautiful incarnate
Evolving metaphor
A breathing canvas
A prototype of artistry

With that omnipresence elegance
An epitome of decency
And phenomenal smile
You make the world worth living

Stirred by those musing ripples
I submit to you
Let me bathe my imagination
Cast you into vivid hues
Search you in the unknown
In between the recesses of the mind
And found every time
As my share of moon

Thanks for being
Genre: Experimental
Theme: This much to say
Oct 2022 · 737
Mystic Ink Plus Oct 2022
Making sense
With a constant notion
Heart beats

As a stirring reverie
I'm enchanted
By your echoes
Genre: Inspirational
Theme: And tell me your way
Sep 2022 · 453
Mystic Ink Plus Sep 2022
If you really
Want to listen
Listen to the silence

Silent Eyes
Silent Breathe
Silent Heart

Whatever you need
To hear
Exists there

For your understanding
Theme: Life goes on
Sep 2022 · 125
Mystic Ink Plus Sep 2022
Those who found themselves
To the dark side of the Moon

Will wake up
To the bright side of sun

Trust me
Sep 2022 · 146
All Of Eternity
Mystic Ink Plus Sep 2022
I know what I want
And so does she
Coffee, tea or me?

There’s more to life
I want beyond.…….
Said She
Sep 2022 · 151
My Perspective
Mystic Ink Plus Sep 2022
If you could see
What I see
I saw
The sky in her eyes
That deep

It was an infinite
Genre: Experimental
Theme: Together then after
Author's Note: I was with a wish to get inspired
Then I see you
Sep 2022 · 199
Mystic Ink Plus Sep 2022
You MUST be

You must be your own FRIEND
At times
Your own CRITICS
Your own MIRROR
Your own QUERY
Your own LIGHT
Your own ECHO
Your own TRUTH

You must be
All costs
In all the ways

All the times

Genre: Inspiration
Theme: On becoming
Sep 2022 · 721
Mystic Ink Plus Sep 2022
For him
You left your home
For him
You forget your comfort zone
For him
You bid goodbye
For him
You adjust yourself
For him
You open up
For him
You surrender

Ask yourself
For her
What did he do?
If "nothing"

You are too vulnerable
Sorry, it's not love
Without any sentiment
Plz. roar
Like that

And there is a way
Genre: Observational
Theme: Liable
Aug 2022 · 1.1k
Mystic Ink Plus Aug 2022
Genre: Inspirational
Theme: circuit
Author's Note: How deep will you go to discover yourself, is who you are.
Aug 2022 · 128
Just Enough So
Mystic Ink Plus Aug 2022
If you can invite me

Invite me to your thoughts
And with all my might
An aesthetic senses
Let me be
In my own way

In all the sulci
And the gyri
Synapse the nerves
Of sensory delight
Transcendent realm
Of heart, body and mind
Cross the elemental avenue
Where solely soul resides
With the sacred worship
And the exquisite conscience
Let me lighten up
Letting your spirit high
Nothing much......
Immerse yourself
Like yesterday
And always

If you can invite me
Aug 2022 · 2.1k
Mystic Ink Plus Aug 2022
Those who touched
The skin
Are forgotten

Those who touched
The heart
The fingerprints
Are immortal

And with
A touch of love
Poetic soul is born

Simply like this
And here, I'm
Genre: Inspirational
Theme: And so much more
Author's Note:
I love the way
You reach for me
In the early morning pray
Mystic Ink Plus Aug 2022
I can’t word it right
I’m afraid to word it wrong
And all I have are these words....

To feel anything that comes across your way is the greatest gift, you need to appreciate as being human. Time humbles everyone.
Stay human.
Or at least try to be.
Just because someone has 2 hands, 2 legs, a head and knows your language, still that doesn't make one mankind.
Honestly it's like that.

With deep intuition, writers are the sensitive being, highly mentally stimulated. Passionate when inspired with calligraphy of thoughts.
They simply can't resist the allure, and the temptation. They are fond of dancing. They dance relentless inside their cerebellum, between fantasy and reality keeping balance, showing their soft edge and the hard edge, saying more with less, weaving words with a hypnotic spell.
Deep inside, they alluringly longs for understanding human emotions, ****** expressions, perceive more from less. All the time they immerse themselves in a moment, with the ink they feel free, and finds pleasure even in pain, making utterly breathless.
In their verses they tend to get lost and caught, yet somehow still manage to be hidden. However the avid seeker who can read their mind can finds them, naturally they hide in all those places where only soul can reach with pulsating heart, consumed in enchanted dream until the end of time.
Always they try to grasp reality still enjoy solace in the silence, often insomniac which can burn out extensive for the honest salvation. If restricted, they redirect themselves breaking the pattern and find a way to validate their journey.

If you get closer to them, and say one reason of being worthless for a while, they give 100 good reasons what makes you so special.
Pointing to a drop of water, they may glorify as an ocean, and showing the ocean, they can compel you to believe it’s just a drop. Whatsoever they write for a purpose, not for a praise.
You are welcomed to get life in between the lines, beautiful in your own way.
Thank you for your vibes.

Sincerely yours
Genre: Experimental
Aug 2022 · 1.3k
Mystic Ink Plus Aug 2022

To keep the soul warm
Genre: Sensual
Theme: That simple
With you
I feel safe
With you
I open up
With you
I grow

With you
I'm like water
I flow
I freeze
I evaporate
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