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Brandy C Zoch Jun 2016
Opposites don’t attract, they exist in complimentary union at a distance acting in synchronicity.  Mirror me, am I you? Are we we? are you Yin? When I hurt do you feel pleasure? When we zig, we zag but we’re both in motion, in action.  Am I creating or just waving my waves about in space. Perhaps there is no my, there is no face.  existence is an amorphous blob, individuality a wasted case.
Dec. 12, 2013
Julie Langlais Apr 2016
The moon is out
At her usual time
Only the sky is bright
Blended in white clouds
A blue background
Kissed by the sun's rays
on the other side
As the moon enjoys
Her unexplored view
She is blown away
By all the natural colors
Vibrant and alive

I am,
Fascinated by this image
The sun and moon
Share the sky
In the spring
The love that radiates
In contrast
As they beam in unison
In circular beauty
A moment in the universe
That proves us
We are all connected
In some way
Our very own
On display to teach us
Significance of our existence

Jl 2016
I noticed this beautiful image on my run. I felt overjoyed and excited to write about it :)
Hales Mar 2016
We were perfect
If only for a moment

At first we collided,
only to fall apart.

Then we collided once more
our passion set ablaze by a simple word
you entertained my fire
and I, your ice

You were cold
I was hot

Together we were a disaster
in the worst of ways

You say my flames melted you, singed your core
But it feels more like your frost extinguished me, even worse than before
ᗺᗷ May 2014
I'm balancing the seesaw rhythm of the sun against the moon
Swooning in circles- my vice to your versa
Dropping the dice
Hoping these verses are keeping you warm when my hands cannot
Knotting underwater thirst taking aim at a sea salt sprinkled sky
Kaleidoscopes revolving in my eyes
Complimenting stars who have never blushed so bright

I’m sorry
It’s been a long time since I’ve been down this road
I’m looking for the letter that comes after ‘T’
I remember finding her
Where it rained rose petals
Rose pedals, from sunrise till sunsleep
Where every morning began like taking my first breath of real air
Like an overload of senses
Ego waiving defenses
So dizzy till your dancing

There are places where romance is like science and religion combined
How serotonin can spill from your mouth and into mine
And returning the favor gets wrapped in your thighs tied tightly
Where an epoch of yin meets an eternity of yang
Where the seesaw pivot meets rose petal rain
applicable to
any one subject
is called "knowledge,"
cross-applicable to
any number of subjects
is called "wisdom."

The difference
seems to me to be
but a matter of
liberating one's Mind
from functional fixation
and practicing the art of
creative contemplation;
to not fear the unknown
fighting it, running from it;
but to rather welcome it
as a teacher and a friend
and to allow it to noirish
One's innate curiosity.

T'is indeed not a path
for the faint of heart:
those who should dismiss it
and diminutize it
and demonize it
as "the Occult"
are, themselves, guilty
of occluding
such respendant and divine potential!

the unknown-
is just as sacred
as Light, itself,
for Yin
cannot sustain
without Yang.

Such is the Tao:
such is God.

Thus I revere it
and refer to it
as Taogod;
not to limit either,
but instead
to set both terms free!
Hence my term "Taogod"
Lawan Dec 2015
Don't fall in love-
I have done that before.
Instead climb above
It. And save yourself the drama,
the gore.

If you think love is an ocean,
I suppose you are right.
But if ever an ocean could burn
It'll be when two lovers fight

And if you believe love is a mountain,
I reckon that it's equality true.
To traverse such upsetting terrain
One has to be content,
At once, blue

Don't fall in the ocean.
Instead, climb the mountain
With commitment and devotion
And I promise you'll find
The vast ocean, a beautiful fountain
Opt to live above the barrier of love. As beautiful as love may be, it is but a fountain compared to the vast and endless ocean that is life
Ethan Solouki Nov 2015
As this heart beats and my mind thinks,
Battlefields are taking place inside of me.
Two main teams:
The Soul-Mind versus Flesh-Life.
Pirates and Sailors both floatin the same ship.
Peace, sometimes...though mostly misery,
As I attempt to find calm at sea.
The oppositions create distance with the teams,
As they've come to disrupt my woken dreams.
Which one is right, I often think.
Two of the same,
The same are not two.
There is no sense to be made.
We trade, we trade, playing this game.
We are yet to know that in the end...

All is the same.
Duality. High Waters Lower Waters
Yin & Yang
Intertwined & it becomes beauty beyond imagination

Graceful, yet graceless

Yin like a elegant silhouette drifting off into the darkness of the night
It fades
As the night gently turns into dawn

Yang majestic, blazing into the sunset
It fades
As the sunset falls into darkness

Balance of creation, its cycle everlasting

Into the abyss I am;
Screaming whispers of nothingness
Engulfed by a darkness that I have made my own

Within this darkness there is beauty
That only dark can emit
Yet I am of this darkness
There is light within me

A light within my own being,
a light within my heart
That leaves me with compassion

I am dark
I am light
I am balance
Justin G Aug 2015
I love my space
So I keep my distance
Like stars above
I am strictly meant
To be marveled
Never to be touched
Keep your hands
To yourself
Don't try and reach
Leaping is fruitless
I meditate
Among darkness
But I am
Exceptionally bright
If you dare come close
I will undoubtedly blind you
Like boarded windows
No sight for the soul
No scythe
For those who reap
I am cold
But like a comet
I'll eventually fall
Slipping downward
Into the void
Such lost of power
A magnificent plight
But until then
I will pocket my distance
And know full well
Never to trade
This place
For anything
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