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Esfoni Jun 2015
All things started with a big bang!
Some label it: Creation! Some: Yin and Yang!
Others say:We sit on the ancestral tree
from which the apes sprang!

Mariana Garcia May 2015
Please don't think I live a dark life
To be honest it's really quite bright
Sometimes it's hard to decipher some things
But I know I'll get it someday
For now I'll think these dark thoughts
Cause then again they keep me alive
Yin and yang, good and evil
Packed into one...
Makes it all better
Can't u see?
is a term for trivia; information.

Humourless. Dark.
Static. Solid. Literal.

Wisdom,* then,
is a sort-of *Martial Art of applied Trivia.

Humourous. Light.
Dynamic. Fluid. Symbolic.

Almost as if Yin and Yang!
Y'know, I gotta say: these patterns-
they're rather strangely.. *familiar..*
..are they not?

"Yeah, it's among the ten-thousand things.
Embrace it as such and get over it."
Ahdia Yina Mar 2015
The sky was shaded
Dark, yin was in its fullest
But, yang in the stars
"To dismiss as 'Dark' is to eclipse what complementary Light?"
Read between the line!

Porsche Newell Mar 2015
Moved to
Just a quick lunch break release. .
One can turn One's eyes towards Darkness,
One can turn One's eyes towards Light,
but I've found that it's most healthy
setting an eye quite firmly on each
with One's mind focused right in between;
while living right now before it's too late.
Christian Bixler Dec 2014
I look back at all I have written, all I have seen.
I think it was a good life, I think it has been well spent.
Kindness and joy, mixed and intermingled with sorrow and regret.
I like to think that I have seen both sides of the spectrum, if not to the extremes,
men burned and broken, for listening to their dreams. I have seen joy and heard laughter,
witnessed the happy innocence of a child with both joy and sadness, for the knowing that it will be taken from them. Ah, for life is a cruel experience, and though joy is in it, and laughter, and peace, and innocence too for a while, for a year, for a day, this all is mingled and mixed, interwoven seamlessly with sadness, regret. With the melancholy of a still winters morning, on a cold winters day. For one cannot be without the other. Or how else could life be? Could the joy of a raindrop falling from a grey and cloudy sky to splash against ones face be truly appreciated, if one had not first to experience the long, hard years of bitter drought, and the women's wailing cries in time of famine? Or could the joy of innocence, total and pure, be recognized for what it was, if one had never lost it? This is the balance of life, yin and yang, universal and eternal, for if it was not, how could we exist at all?
This is a hard philosophy, but I think,a true one. You have only to look around you and you will see the truth in my words.
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