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Rick Warr Feb 2020
between fast food and poo
of benefit to this earth
what is left
or are you bereft
of any contributing worth

you accelerate too fast
and squander the stuff
that took millions of years to make
what do you think
in the din of your doof
as you take and take and take

are you nuts
to leave a trail of butts
and grunting diatribe
dropping your empties
what were you thinking
it's just such a bad vibe

you sneer an swear
and put smoke in the air
and criticise all that’s arty
you adopt talk of the street
and a derivative beat
as you fight for your right to party

between fast food and poo
that is of redeeming worth
that would be fine and true
that's of benefit to this earth?
to those more concerned about street credibility than growing up
Mansi Feb 2020
You stand there and laugh
At your pedestal  
As if you’re better than me
But are you?

We both come from dirt
And will be dirt.
Mansi Feb 2020
Who are you?
Who are you to tell me
That I need you
To be a woman?

Why do I have to
Attach my worth to you?
Am I not sufficient?
Why do I need you?
This poem basically came after I was told I need to marry someone to have a happy life.
Zoe Rain Feb 2020
Please remember, you are beauty.
Moulded by the hands of the ones you love.
Carved by the tools of those you despise.
Sculpted by the ancients who inspire you.
Glazed with joy and laughter.
Fired by the flames of passion.
And displayed for all to admire.
Please remember, my dear, you are art of the purest form.
Just cause neither of us believed
In happy endings
Does not mean we don't deserve one

Just cause you grew up knowing pain
So much better than love
Does not mean you shouldn't learn

Just cause life has not been fair
Or easy on you
Does not mean you should give up

Or am I wrong

Should we just give up
Just cause we're hurt
Just cause we were once broken

Should we allow them
Those things that broke us
To shape us

Or does that crucify you

Onto the cross of pain and torment
Living within the rumors
Crafted only to destroy you

Can one leave their skeletons buried
Smile and truly believe it
Even while dying a little everyday
Liz Feb 2020
What is sleep?
All I ever do at night is think
The thoughts moleste my mind
And there's no air left to breathe
Am I even loved?
Is it worth it still to be?

What am I even doing here?
I don't know my purpose
There's always someone loved more
Is this even worth it?
Is it worth it to struggle to socialize
With people who cant see
With people who don't care individually about me?

They say they do but everyone loves someone else more
Poetic T Feb 2020
Lets microwave our kernel
                           of thought.

Seeing what  becomes of it,
       when the moments have
counted down.

And the ping of freshly popped
                 ideas become a tasty metaphor.
Angel Forest Feb 2020
I don't feel funny or kind or smart
I'm not worth your time
You say it a million times but I don't feel it
I feel like a waste of energy
You say I'm worth the time
If you believe it, that's enough
KMarie Feb 2020
We all work to live
Live to love
Love to give
Love to take
The biggest mistake
We are all guilty
Sinners you might say
Some of us won’t see
Another day
We all give our time
We stand in line
We march to the rules
Some man has designed
But at the end of it all
Have you really stood tall
And made your life worth
Loving and living on earth
Birth to death
Love to hate
Maybe we are all
Just the biggest mistakes
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