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Fheyra May 2020
Farewell, no—
Not a crow,—
But a lapse of lightning,
Flashes in films— with rocks thrown on a brim—
Creating verges on waters,
As it expands,— a mirror was formed
But shrubs are sobbing,— As the fog meddles with the river— So blinding; Then the mirror disappears
When droplets keep dripping,—
I could not see anymore..

"Find me..find me.."
Who are you?— "Find me.."
Are you a wolf from another pack?—"find me.."— Were you buried? — A breath? Or only pieces?— "find me.."
To be revived below the tree is a befuddling been..
"Find me.."
Somewhere, you are;
Somewhere, you will be—
I will find you..

In the misty voids, I followed you— and submerged to your world
The assuage of none,— oh, 'tis an eerie coldness—
Of belabouring sorrows and haunted dreams
The maze of narration leads to this path—
Summons the whispers of bushes that kept breathing and moving..—
Closer and closer..

In the silence— I sneak;
Someone screams,
—Run and run; Never look back— For shadows are treacherous trolls,— Seducing temples—
Enshroud the wilderness to frighten the all grown..
—"I shall call you once more."

Suddenly, I tripped to the quarry
Serpents hissing; The Arachnids are stalking—
"Where is my fire?!"— I rattled to tend
One foot back— Murmurs chanting rituals to this goose
Spill embers! Spill embers!
Fiery torches cast my foes!
Now, I could escape.

No!— The ravens,
I shall not be abducted
Hastily, I blew my feet—To leap in sleek,— As to surpass the endless drear—
I am not a kin to your lair..

Hence, I was a fool
Befallen is me,—
When I stepped to the end side of knoll
This rebel is a victim of sheer torn scheme
Help me..
I need to find you..
Help me.. Please, help me..

A nowhere eagle swooped me from my lore
Bounce away from this pity storm,—
And let these wings fly to the morn
The lenient Stratus Clouds— Bolstering my spirit— Up here, there are no hostiles and skulls
That it declared to me, as well,— "Away from your madness— Perpetrators are attracted by insane vigor. Cease grubbling illusions!
You must seek to believe that it is there, and not unknown."
I conformed to my Savior.

"Find me..find me.."
It was more vivid and louder..
The glimpse of gables, I see now— with a Cross at its top
"My eagle, nest me here"
—"You are here..Enter within."

Where am I?— I remember there were smoke and mounds;— Above me were clouds..
Wait, why are you smiling?
I shall pant— for I am petrified by all those obscured hollows,— Quite absurd?— Shake me instead
Now I ask you,—
"Who are you?"

—You found Me!—
Nightmares can devour the soul, and make ourselves lost forever..
This is overcoming death in the representation of dream sequence.
rk May 2020
she dances
with the winter dew
in her hair
silver moonbeams
gently kissing her skin
carried by the wind,
she speaks
and the stars
sing along in unison
following her
into the unknown.
Michael Luciano Apr 2020
Way out on the bounds down deep in the struggle.
The killer sits dormant just waiting for his lover.
A fire ignites sparking the struggle.
Lighting the path to feeding his hunger.
The feeling he gets is fleeing at best.
Leaving him with feelings of grieving regret.
It's never enough the voice it whispers.
Crawl with me darling lets crest as Victors.

Up Upon a hill way out side of town.
The killer digs in beds himself down.
Awaiting the moment to levy his strike.
The feelings of eager and willingness bite.
Prowling the night stalking his ****.
Taking the life in the morning chill.
Dreaming inside what he's done is his duty.
The thrill of the **** is more than consuming.

Lost among the trees deep within the forest.
The killer loved the wilderness made him feel normal.
He could walk along the woodland for weeks upon end.
No feelings of contempt no loosing his head.
How can a man be judged for making his fulfillment.
Taking another's life when the ******* deserved it.
Lost in the wilderness tasting no pain.
The feelings he felt removed from his brain.
indi Apr 2020
i have a yearning
a desire which pangs at my ribs
that aches like an old lover's betrayal
to run into the forest barefoot
to climb up mountains for no reason
swim with my clothes on in the ocean

i yearn to make myself a home
in the feeling of spontaneity.
stay safe everyone, wash your hands and stay inside <3
Tea Apr 2020
The journey is long...
No time to sing a song...
The blazing sun on your heads...
Wondering where the path leads...
As you continue night and day...
You've forgotten how to play...
With only a goal before your eyes...
You walk in the heat that dries...
Frozen waves of sand...
But when you touch them with your hand...
They are burning and easily movable...
Dry throat and legs unstable...
Seeing dreams come true before your eyes...
But, when you come closer, they are lies...
Not able to go forward, against the howling wind...
Sand, wanting to drown you and you fear the end...
Losing sight and sound...
The tiny rocks have you, finally bound...
Waking up after an unknown time in an unknown place...
Of your friend, there is no trace...
Still thirsty, you start walking around...
Following the musical sound...
King Arthur Apr 2020
You let the jungle in, dear
The steps leading up to your room
Are covered in dirt and plants
leaves brush past your face
And vines hang from the ceiling
It gets darker the deeper you go
And the growling gets louder as well
If you’re lucky you might catch a glimpse of a spotted pelt
And if you see a pair of luminescent eyes
All you’ll see is yourself reflected back in them
Lily Bajo Apr 2020
She walks
Yes she has walked in a sea
Fecklessly running and strumming
Heart beating not seeing but grasping onto homeless dreams.
Note to self…
That next time you see Leviathan
Tell him there’s One much greater
And any time you hear the silent ring
Whistle while you work.

She prays for peace and she prays for mercy
Redemption only a sinking heart can long for
See she wondered in the wilderness
Singing breathless songs and looking into holes
A wild woman yet unnamed
A wild woman yet untamed

But she prayed for peace she prayed for mercy
So next time she sees Leviathan
She’ll tell him there’s one much greater
For when tears were her prayer
A king came to save her
On clouds of wonder
And righteous splendour
So she walks on...
rk Mar 2020
do not look for me here
i am running
barefoot through the trees
with the scent of soft pine needles
and moonlight on skin
my heart in my hands
wide eyed and free.
TS Ray Feb 2020
Driving through a lake of frozen tears,
hardened and numb to anymore fears,
when you are out in the wilderness,
your mind can only stare at blankness.

Fighting through a winding river of crystals,
walking and wading just as we are mere mortals,
hunkering down to reach faraway bank of promising petals,
holding onto dipping heart rate wishing it was made of metals.

Just then shining crystals pointed to the sky,
ray of yellow brightened and brought a new high,
I got ready to pitch my tent in that cold like it was dry,
for I was ready to face my own fears and give it a goodbye.
TS. 2020. As the sun starting to shine over a frozen lake that I was walking through...
Michael R Burch Feb 2020
Listen to me now and heed my voice;
I am a madman, alone, screaming in the wilderness,
but listen now.

Listen to me now, and if I say
that black is black, and white is white, and in between lies gray,
I have no choice.

Does a madman choose his words? They come to him,
the moon’s illuminations, intimations of the wind,
and he must speak.

But listen to me now, and if you hear
the tolling of the judgment bell, and if its tone is clear,
then do not tarry,

but listen, or cut off your ears, for I Am weary.


Published by Penny Dreadful, The HyperTexts, the Anthologise Committee and Nonsuch High School for Girls (Surrey, England)

Also published by Michael R. Burch writing as Immanuel A. Michael and Kim Cherub

Keywords/Tags: Listen, heed, prophet, crying, wilderness, voice, prophecy, black, white, gray, moon, wind, speak, speaking, speech, instruction, teaching, warning, omen, illuminations, intimations, ears, hear, judgment, bell, toll, tolling, peal, pealing, tone, I, Am

Note: The poet as a “madman, alone, screaming in the wilderness” is likened to John the Baptist, foretelling a momentous “second coming”: his own, with no other Messiah in sight.
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