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rk Jun 2020
i do not want you
to try to complete
each missing part of me
to make me perfect for you
i want you
to see me perfectly flawed
lost pieces and all
and still want
to light up my darkest shadows
enough to outshine
each star in the sky.
Amy Perry Jun 2020
Caressing the void
With honeyed fingertips
So that when it
Swallows me whole
It does so gently.
JuneForever Apr 2020
All I want is for you to be free, healthy and whole.
Maggie Apr 2020
Yes darling,
You’re right.
You can’t be fixed
Because you
Were never broken
In the first place
You’re not parts of a whole, you’re a whole, so how can you be broken?
JakeY Sep 2020
As she walks down the road,
She must be every man's dream.
They all want a taste of her.
Am I greedy to want the whole meal?

The contours her body showed,
Every curve and edge in a perfect seam.
Not forgetting the locks in her curled hair.
Am I greedy to want the whole meal?

From her lips melodies flowed,
Guarded by perfectly interlocked teeth that gleam.
Her little brown eyes luring me to her lair
Am I greedy to want the whole meal?
Originally written when she was my world yet not in my world. She still isn't.
Nat Lipstadt Apr 2020
~for the men and women who fish to feed the soul of others~

this spring we will not walk Central Park.  The cherry blossoms and the new buds will go unobserved, and just like a
felled tree
in the forest, their birthing,  weeping, and silent dying, will go unheard.

but the roses come!

delivered by Whole Foods, red roses included with our food order,
for red roses are a vital staple, a gift of the globalized logistical feat that feeds we eight million prisoners, a red beacon to all currently

held in solitary confinement.

The men who bring them from the Netherlands, and the men from the Caribbean who deliver them, they by virus, as of yet, have not

been felled.

and I turn my mind’s eye to the mountains of heaven asking
“From Where will Come Our Salvation?”^

heaven answers with a wry awry, why Whole Foods, of course!

the cut roses pass in a few days, their heads slumped over, victims of their own virus, the inevitability + cyclicality of time.

but the petals, pose a question,
as they too are
felled and fall,
how is our death different from yours?

neither I, or the quietus of the empty streets,
even heaven,
have a ready reply;
for all of us are
felled, fallen,
by an onerous, hungry

^ Psalm 121:1
pilgrims Mar 2020
Absolutely whimsical!
Unfathomable pockets of love
swallow our hands
Touch searching for the unknowable
Feeling solid presence passed the hidden
deep in darkness
Blood pumping inside a heart
working out

Embers cloaked in ash burn still
smoldering onward
Pilgrims of being exhumed
Flames lick the surface of expression
Exposed passions dance openly
Smoke twists as the elements wish
they were one

Hands in my pockets
return to the physical.
I am me
We are we
Tanner Mar 2020
Waiting for a sunrise
Watching the horizon
The moon passes us by
And turns it’s back on me

I can feel it calling
That invisible place
The dark side that holds you
When you’re so far away

Words, they hold no meaning
Here, where the shadows fall
And the stars weep for us
As we all fade away

Down here, where every one
Of their voices cry out,
Pleading for another
Chance, to be whole again
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