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Sabrina Feb 2020
You don't understand it.
The heavy breathing
The hollow gap in my heart
Even I don't understand it...

Doubt settles in my brain
Insecurity embedded in my mind.
This is an endless cycle,
My downwards spiral...

I want this to stop
I want the suffering to end
I want to cease the pain
I just want to feel whole again...
Amanda Kay Burke Feb 2020
The heart beating alone is only a half
1/2 feels like a whole one when it's all you've ever had
KMarie Feb 2020
Do you want me whole
Or just in parts
I can give you my love a la carte
Maybe I’m easier to digest in pieces
Swallow down your pride
And let your thoughts be free
Your heart doesn’t have to hide
From me
I won’t break it
There are moments we share that mean
Everything to me
Maybe I’m not your best
Or “the one”
Maybe I’m just a lot of fun
What we have doesn’t have to be forever
I just want to share our time together
In peace and not war
Not asking for more
Just mutual trust and respect
So I can leave my insecurities at the door
Jay Jan 2020
I am rather emotional, and honestly, you all probably already know that.
Each of you has probably seen me cry once,
Or so full of rage that silence was never an option.
Some would say that this makes me too much to handle,
That I need to control myself.
But how I am now, is better than how I used to be.
The screaming and the yelling and the crying and the falling apart,
It's all so much better than sitting in my room at night, unable to sleep, my mind racing, but my heart numb.
It is so much better than being unable to smile a real smile,
It is so much better than despising my life and everything within it.
I'd rather fall apart over something small than be unable to shed a tear over something big.
And maybe I look crazy,
Maybe I am out of control,
But at least I feel whole.
Amanda Kay Burke Jan 2020
We are afraid of alone
Love too much or not at all
Other person becomes our addiction
Without them caring go through withdrawal

You will not be whole without them
Who you are alone
What you regret
For which you cannot atone

Not today
Not tomorrow
Or the next
Have I made wrongs right?
Never felt a sense of conviction
I have been wasting words I write
I think this is lacking something but not sure what
Antino Art Jan 2020
The word alone
means nothing on paper.

It should be torn
in half: "all" and
"one" no longer

Anything that isn't one
must be in pieces,
and being with someone
is not the end all, be all.

God was a lonely man for Christ sake.

It's okay to be alone,
because oneness
is wholeness.

Sing it with me:
There is nothing greater
than being whole.
Q Dec 2019
ecstasy freed from
the ******* of mind and space
through your giving lips


~I was caught up in the moment of staring into your eyes.~

Q Dec 2019
there is no answer
no statement recorded
no such truth
that answers the souls yearning
other than
what is found within
we too often feel lost
stranded, abandoned
by the cosmic whole
without direction

but we were given everything
we need to find peace
within the being we animate

stop being a victim to life


thoughts from vipassana meditation and mom conversations

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