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Hollow Steve Dec 2014
Stricken by the absence of color,
and the absence of rainbows that once sung to me.

Nullified and numbed by the irrationality of my ego,
and my hatred for sanity.

These are punctured wounds by the hands of the stained glass,
as this shattered hourglass speaks gibberish to me.

I'll take all the blame,
it was all my fault anyways.

As if my world wasn't trippy enough,
the only thing standing in my way is you.

So let violence sing one last time...
Scream for me poetry.
Graff1980 Dec 2014
On tv it looks so copper clean
Ringing in naked dreams
Living out those picket fence schemes
To get the American bling

Morality is black and white
There are no heroic black knights
The good guys are just
And they just wear white hats

But life is painful
Like a cancer vampire
******* your life force
Pale skin quivering

Dark bags under your eyes
No hair there because of the chemo
Despair and denial on ivy drips
And reality tv made us ill equipped
To handle it

Sometime I wish the tears would stop
That the empathy would vanish from me
That I couldn’t see what I see
See what this reality has made of me

History is white sheets
Red arm bands, fat *******
Uninformed Loud mouths
A canvass that drips wet with my outrage

I sip the last drops of my stimulants
Drop the anti-depressants in the toilet
Forget my docility
Embrace more than half of my hostility

I don’t think much will change
Despite how hard I clamor
Despite the sparkles and the glamour
How I use the language to entertain and inform

This is just therapy
In the form of Poetry
Luke Martin Dec 2014
I see you you got off, scott free.
You disrespectful swine.
You hateful trash.
You living filth.

Letting me swell with anger.
A violent flower, blooming with a blood dye.
You wouldn't be able to tell.
I have quite the poker face.
I'm so close to bursting.
You can watch if you'd like.
Watch my insides deteriorate.
Watch my lifeless arms come alive.
Only to grasp your washed out neck.

And to those who run the school.
Who let hate crimes happen.
Who think a slap on the wrist is acceptable.
You are to blame as well.

My love would rather side with those who hurt me.
She'd rather just let me burst.
She's not here to comfort me.
Only to respark my firestorm.

I'm so close
Jake Meizell Dec 2014
There is beauty in our souls and love in his eyes
But there is no beauty in the destruction that grows like a **** from my finger tips, my eyes are dull and empty and you are gonna taste blood
The beaten love me made feels like shards of glass in my toes, there is no beauty in our bed
There is no beauty in the deafening silence, no care in your finger tips, you pound out words made to cut
My vision goes dark and I let fear swallow me, I will go out the same way I came in: screaming in joy and fear and confusion with archaic song in my heart.  There is no beauty in a young casket
Freddie Rogers Dec 2014
Monster we call protection
Hidden within our own declaration
Wealthy build and succeed
While poor find shelter to bleed
We the people isn't what we imagine
Simply a phrase causing oblivious contemplation

Disease, power, and war for what?
For the sake of being better?
**** this world, I'm done with this lett...
dareujoe Dec 2014
what do you make of me?
is there even anything there?
there are barriers
put in place
between you
and i
i cannot express myself to you
for if i did
i'm afraid
you would find me utterly insane,
nothing else matters.
what matters? but nothing.
the ultimate goal,
a final destination.
So cold.
Jackeline Chacon Nov 2014
Oh what a shame

My mom is a ****
My dad does *******

My brother hates me
I have no friends

Help me, Help me

Scars hidden deep
I want a cigarette

I can't sleep

Words unspoken
Too many secrets

My life is broken

Family of lies
Everything I hate

Oh why, oh why

Trapped at home
With monsters

I'm so alone

Is love even real
Life seems empty

I can't even feel

I'm so lonely
I want to escape

If only, If only
It wasn't my fault
Valerie Csorba Nov 2014
There's a reason I notice your name where I never thought it belonged before, and I don't think my heart can project my feelings where I set my eyes to look because if it could it wouldn't jump so hard and fast at the slightest vocalizing of your name. I try to shut that book like I violently slam the door shut on any negative thought of you. I've never seen signs like this before, it's almost as if they were flashing neon lights that were actually important to someone.
Not someone.

Moon Shine Nov 2014
When I was a kid
I wanted to do what my father did
I followed him around to see what he saw
And man, I'd seen it all
He took me to where the fights were fought
Over who had shade and who did not
"Those filthy tree sitters!" He'd say
"One day they will pay!"
So my dad and his men went on a scary parade
And the tree people were very afraid
And were told "in case we fight you, we'll give you grenades!"
Back to town my people went
And to the citizens stories of grenade tree people were sent
In the streets they screamed "War! We must be protected!"
For now the tree people were rejected
Back we were to the place where the fights were fought
Guess who has shade, and who does not?
This is about the oil wars in the Middle East, it wasn't great but oh well.
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