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Raven Mc Chim Jun 2020
What you have done me
What I have done you
I don't know anything
Why it's all like this
Why can't you be like before
it makes me so sore
Is it all about what she said
it is aching in my heart
Be with me like before
So, I will be so happy more
I can be with her and with you too
So, don't feel so sad and make me sad
Sorry my dear friend...I don't know that this will end up like this.
I wish you can understand buddy...
GENIE Jun 2020
I donot trust the noise, it hides so much
I donot trust the silence, it knows too much
I trust the silence, it keeps so much.
I trust God
Fireflies Jun 2020
Words of others were too hard to trust
Every attempt at intimacy bites the dust
Perhaps the issue lied with her
Burried let downs makes trust a blur
She thought deep down, she was incapable of love
Her feelings fleeting, hard to get hold of
Although she hopes to love someone different
Possibly with emotions more coherent
She leaves those thoughts all unspoken
For who could truly love someone so broken
Putting feelings into written words is not very easy, but it is definitely easier that talking to someone about it.
Tryniti Jun 2020
A new hope; a fresh start
Exciting, and frightening, too
From the moment I gave you my heart
I put all my trust in you

See, there are black marks where I've been burned before
And some wounds that are still trying to heal
But what you've given me is so much more
It's beautiful, and warm, and so very real

I'm scared but I'm trying to be brave
Because I want you to be mine
There's so much that I wish to say
As our lives and our hearts entwine

But I'll tell you with a look, a laugh, or a smile
I'll confess within my touches, my kisses, my embrace
That every second with you is worthwhile
I couldn't hide it if I tried
You can see it in my face
Kruti Jun 2020
So the rules say to stand strong
With feet on the floor, in the storm
In front of him, facing the same side
And let your body falling in backslide
Here you will be taking the risk
Your free fall should be really brisk
If your partner is able to catch
He is called your perfect match!!

"Okay, so I'm ready!" I said.
Standing straight in this empty ground
With arms crossed and nothing around
I closed my eyes, the day was turning dark
Me in my veins experiencing a different spark
With open arms, calculating the distance
You behind me stood in persistence
Saying: "Hey dear!
I will not let you fall in these farms
Trust me I will have you in my arms"

As I leaned back a little, my legs flattered
I wanted to trust you, but my mind staggered
So I took a deep breath and closed my eyes
And let myself fell under those yonder skies
My heart can hear it's pulsating sound
I was totally sinking in you when I found

How gratifying it was falling down slow
The pause at the moment when I know
That I fell exactly into your hands
The reassurance of not landing on land
And amongst all, the best part
Not letting your trust fall apart
As I fell in harmonious white light
I finally found you, my mister right!!
Jacob Lyons May 2020
I should’ve known how this would end
We played the part of distant friends
And I knew it’d hurt like a metal fist
A strong uppercut that almost missed
You should’ve seen my hand the other day
Shaking and trembling like a rusty train
When it comes and goes in a fiery blaze
Lungs burn, stomach turns, this must be fate
I’m calling around for a saving grace
And with two bruised knees, I’ll try to pray
What was that thing you said to my face?
Honey, you’ll find love, but not today
And I never wore a frown very well
But it’s been hard, if you couldn’t tell
It’s not even summer and I already fell
I’ll buy any hope that you try to sell
Wrote this song to the melody of Inhaler’s My Honest Face.
The Untold May 2020
If only there was an instrument to measure the sincerity of words,

We wouldn't have to hate
                  ourselves -
           for having so many flaws
               Too many scars.
But there isn't, so we'll hate... and die. We just can't trust anymore, we can't love.
Cerasium May 2020
It hurts to have your heart broken
But when it’s your trust that’s broken
It can be years before you are strong enough
To trust someone else

My trust was broken a few months back
And now that I found another
In which I like so very much
The trust is effecting me

Delusions and hallucinations set in
Causing my mind to panic
I try so hard to push them away
But they keep getting worse

I’m reassured that I’m not a burden
That I’m attractive and liked
But at the same time
My thoughts run ramped

Maybe he’s lying
Maybe he’s talking to other people
Maybe he’s with someone already
Maybe he’s just using you

Maybe he’s seeing multiple people
Maybe he’s this
Maybe he’s that
Thoughts of mistrust running wild

I can’t sleep
I eat everything in sight
Or I don’t eat at all
I cry all the time

I see visions and delusions
Of me cooking him dinner
And someone else coming in
And kissing his cheek calling him babe

And I wonder
Is my head really this bad
Am I going to let the past ruin my future
But yet the hallucinations continue

Visions of him holding someone else
Visions of me saying just take me home
Visions of me breaking down and crying
Visions of me that I wish to unsee

Cause you see
I like this guy
So very much
But this mistrust

Has got to stop
It will eat me alive
And it’s not fair to him
To compare him with the past
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