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Penny Laine May 2020
I can't get the words out of my head
like the vision of a man lying dead
as she professed her love for you
because of a night I didn't have a clue
I'm trying to relearn trust
now for ignorance I have a lust
I have nightmares of ever smile you ever gave
and to my paranoia i'm now a slave
I can't kiss you the same
or believe the love that you claim
I have visions of her lips on yours
but I'm scared that they're truths from behind closed doors
I try to love you with out fear
but I need the truth to be clear
Akintola kunle May 2020

This piece projects the way we humans feel and think about our selves in politics, business, social and more. We refuse to trust each other because we all are greedy treasure seekers, we are soldiers always out there to out smart each other
sometimes love can be evil
but don't get discouraged don't blame all us people
deceitful to trust and be mad when it's lost
you are the giver taker and receiver
you make your losses
and you chance your tosses
until you are dead you are your own believer
your own lovely keeper
no maids for your mess you are the only sweeper
use swiffer be swifter don't sniffle don't fall
don't let the dust get in your cracks on the wall
hang up some paintings a picture or four
each of your memories stick them in drawers
no room for bad company kick out remorse
open their door
vacuum the floor
clear out your vents
and make way for what's more
spring cleaning is fun
isnt clutter a bore?
not knowing what's here, and never getting much more
Benjamin Brown May 2020
I once asked a demon
who’d fled eternal night,
“Why did you flee the darkness?”
Its answer was, “the light.

My home lies far beneath me
is filled with nought but night.
It’s there I dreamt of fire
that knows the way of light.

Because my home was dreary
and filled with nought but dark,
I caught a glimpse of fire
and sought to catch its spark.

Because this home was measly
and filled with nought but night,
I left to meet that fire
and seek the way of light.

My home lay far behind me
When I’d left dark for light,
and stepped towards that fire
that burnt so bright at night.

My home lay far beneath me,
once I’d escaped the dark,
and stepped towards that fire,
To catch myself a spark.”

Then, I asked the demon
who’d fled towards the light,
“What did you learn from fire?”
It’s answer was, “it’s bright.

My home, so far beneath me,
had dimmed my measly sight,
as living deep in darkness
all one can see is night.

I went towards that fire
and touched the burning light;
living deep in darkness,
you don’t learn flames can bite.

They burnt my skin, let darkness in;
the dream had been untrue.
Fire’s not right, to light up the night,
to make me one of you.

“My demon friend, how did you then
become as one of us?”
Its reply lit up the sky,
the answer was, “I trust.”
Just a bit of fun.
parthenope May 2020
Four drops of Carmine.
One for hope,
One for trust,
One for love,
One for guilt.

Carmine is the color of dried blood, the color is sometimes used to represent crime.

Life is real and hoping for something good even if the situation is ****** up, seems naive. Loving and trusting people with our lives then getting back stabbed for materialistic things is the truth.
Accepting our mistakes out loud and expecting the society to give us a forward push instead all we get is taunts and negativity.
In every individual's life there comes a moment where trusting, loving, feeling guilty and even hoping feels like a crime.

This piece is for the person who is trying to be as selfless as they can be and yet is faced with the downfalls. These four drops of carmine- hope,trust,love and guilt are the crimes committed by this person.

- J
Sabika May 2020
There is no companion,
Only company.
There is no love but
They are lovely.
There is no curiosity to ask:
“What are your dreams?”
“Your secrets?”
“Your difficulties?”
There’s no desire to observe a legacy.

Maybe the protagonist is to blame.
Years were spent building
A foundation based on
Secrecy and mistrust
But I had no idea
People were happy and willing
To play along.
Holly May 2020
I had so much faith
that your hands
wouldn't drop me,
the same way
everyone else's
But as i fell
through your
I realised
you were
all the same.
Pepperdust May 2020
I have seen you naked, in more ways than most.
But somehow your words still can't reach me.
I'm not an easy person, you see, and my trust seems to be nonexistent
So somehow, between our layers, I still can't give you anything.
But you will always be the love of my life
and I will always keep you close, in my thoughts, even after we inevitably die.
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