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Elizabeth Jan 2019
This time his two am text wasn’t of something about evolution or the places we would see for it told me that maybe we just weren’t meant to be. I weeped upon pillows you once slept on- on nights too cold and long to even remember. Everything we went through washed back to
Me even the time when I cried in your open arms as you caressed my cheek. I remembered what it felt like to be the most awake I’d been at three am still talking to you about the things we would do when we were old, about the people we would meet, and all the lakes we had not swam. There was something about you that kept me going and made me realize that it was okay to be me...
He left me and I’m broken
William Solomon Jan 2019
My looking is a little more forward,
Because you look at me.

My words are a little less empty,
Because you listen to me.

My standing is a little bit taller,
Because you sit with me.

My faith is a little bit stronger,
Because you trusted me.

Because you...are my world.
A very short and simple poem just for fun. I literally just started writing poems so I have no idea if they are any good or not. I appreciate all critisms just to make myself a little more knowledgeable.
ThatBrokenOne Jan 2019
All I see are word,
All I see is people,
Here on Hellopoetry.

Those words are all the same,
Those people are all the same,
Here on Hellopoetry.

Those word are broken, all of them,
Those people are broken, all of them,
Here on Hellopoetry.

All I see is one broken person
Speaking one broken word
Here on Hellopoetry.

And yet it tells many stories
Of many people
Here on Hellopoetry.

And non of those stories, are the same
Neither are the people
Here on Hellopoetry.

We are on big broken community of people
And we are one
And one for all
Together we stand strong
Together we can survive
Yes we can all
Here on Hellopoetry.
Jupiter Jan 2019
everyone in my hometown has been rained on by the same rain i have.

everyone i went to school with has breathed the same musty air through the vents.

everyone around me has been illuminated by the same stars.

all these minute experiences that we share.

such small, subtle things that bring us together.

even when we part ways, when we're scattered across the globe, even if not a single soul i grew up with still lives in that same **** town,
we will all have felt the same rain.
we will all have breathed the same air.
we will all have seen the same sky.

and forever, the chunk of earth we have experienced will bind us together.

the rain will remind us where we were.
the air will taste as sweet as that place.
and the stars will guide us home.
where you were born is where the stars will take you, at the end of it all.
cms Jan 2019
if we live we live together
if we jump we jump whenever
if we stay we stay forever
if we stand we stand wherever
blackbiird Jan 2019
Maybe we’re ****** up but so is the world.
Maybe we aren’t meant to be
But let’s say **** the world
And be ****** together.
Kewayne Wadley Dec 2018
I adore you
More than I could have ever thought.
When time runs short & you have to go.
I say a prayer to myself, let us stay this way.
We have a lot in common and so much more to discover.
Regardless of what you tell me
You are all to perfect.
In times of anger I grit my teeth but look to you
for the same answers I seek.
The moments we lose sight of clarity and begin
to hate one another.
With you in my arms, only then are things clear.
The way you look at me.
The things we share.
Without doubt.
I have won an all expense paid vacation.
Every time you laugh.
Every time you smile.
The food I eat.
To everything I drink.
To see all of you even at times we become short at each other.
I am living my wildest dream
When I am with you
Kewayne Wadley Dec 2018
I've dreamed of you
Eyes dressed in desire.
Above your head a halo.
Metallic and bronze.
Uniquely dressed.
A pair of wings from your back.
When I dream of you,
I dream standing up.
The sun envious of the warmth your cheek provides
The side of my face against yours.
Together we sore.
We sore through this vision where I have no fear of falling.
Knowing that if I should fall
You'd catch me before I hit the ground.
Your voice soft
Comforting me through the heights we ascend.
Our hands but a kiss away from heaven.
I've dreamed of you
Eyes dressed in desire.
With wings in mid flight
Our hands in one another.
You lift my spirits with the simplest of smiles.
Followed by the blessing of your presence
Laura Dec 2018
Picnics on the frozen beach
Getting buzzed on a bottle of warm rosé wine
Popping pimples before steamy showers
Falling asleep during the last episode of our show

I'm glad none of that meant anything to you
I'm glad you didn't want to try anymore
I'm glad none of it was worth salvaging
I'm glad I wasn't worth fighting for
I'm glad you'd rather be alone
Than smile and laugh with me

Road trips to bumfuck anywhere
Baking at all hours of the day
Sleeping in until past noon
*** until three am
Kisses every hour
Concerts in dive bars and sketchy auditoriums
Getting lost trying to find our way

I'm glad it was all just a waste
I'm glad you don't give two *****
I'm glad it was never worth it
I'm glad it was just ammo
Perfect for your gun
To shoot into my heart
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