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Paras Bajaj Dec 2018
I took the high road
while you were catching a plane.
We didn't put efforts to decode
instead we became strangers again.

I took the yellow pills
while you were dancing in the rain.
We never climbed uphill
instead we became strangers again.

I took the therapy
while you were inside my brain.
We never resolved our issues
instead we became strangers again.

I disappeared into the thin air
cause' you never felt my pain.
We were never meant for each other,
that's why we became strangers again.

-Paras Bajaj #PoetrybyParas
Instagram : @mr.parasbajaj
Masha Yurkevich Dec 2018
As a family we stand,
together we fall.

We lose one,
we lose them all.
Kewayne Wadley Dec 2018
We laughed
Scrolling through the new arrivals.
Bird Box, The Little Hours.
The last movie gone off.
Your head against my shoulder.
My head sunk in the curve of your hair.
The couch beneath us,
Critically acclaimed movies seen through one eye.
Peeking through spaces of hair.
To be honest.
None of the movies mattered.
Agreeing to disagree.
Our binge put on hold.
The attention put on you.
Being in your presence.
The way you say my name,
The way you stop and stare.
Our connection to movies
Old & new.
Easing into comfort,
Readjusting my body to see you better.
My head in your lap.
Conversation progressing.
All the favorite parts to my favorite movie in view
Mara W Kayh Dec 2018
Between us lies
an eternity
yet I breathe your air,
an eternity between
but I felt it again!
the thrill, the high when i'd caress your hair..

that same glimmer in your eyes,
that same stare,

a wiser embrace
a wrinkle here and there,
your countenance still other-worldly
and fair.

an eternity between us,
but you broke the spell!
still together..
and no one can tell
the most vivid dream to date that I have had of my beloved.. who left this realm 14 years ago. age 26. He spent the whole night with me. it was a real visit and i woke up feeling he was with me ..yet so far away
Lightning my eclipse
He became unlit
for love was a hybrid
of both dusk
and dawn.
Maxim Keyfman Dec 2018
to be behind the door
beyond the door to exist
be and exist
be behind the door together
coexist with
door in hand in hand
my door was spinning like
existence and how being

to be behind the door
beyond the door to exist
all forever be behind the door
forever forever wonder how I have
my hands were spinning in my hands
being existence is my being
the creature of the door behind the door I stood
in blizzards as usual in the hands of the living

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