half-hexagonal shape
of collected stones
walling the shore
flapless flight, a
white-belied eagle
spread against hill
brass lock gate,
a dark morning
to high tide din
gulls fish diving
arrows at twilight,
star-mobbed night
waves swish above,
whip us a few feet,
push, crash, beat
perched on a rock,
soft airborne feet
part water again
an early morning
climb up a cliff,
as far as eyes
can see, the
endless hazy
ruptures of sea
little fire with
wet matchsticks,
coconut husk,
scrap wood,
twigs, winter
grass residue
a confetti of
tales at tea,
she, he, me
quieter in our
rooms at dusk,
again adrift
I sum up my
habits, their
shore lash,
wasted years
here, once
aside from
the crowd
my islands,
my inner seas
how demonic
to confront
oneself, for
once, let it be,
a calmness
settles like
residue, and
though youth
fades every
moment, I may
yet foray again,
again to meet
myself on a
salt breeze morn,
the tide, the beach