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ms reluctance Apr 2018
‘What’s the point of it all?
Life is such a long haul!’
All my distress melts away,
bleak worldview turns upside,
once I saunter inside
the air-conditioned café.
Sometimes you are just hot
when you think life is fraught
on a white-hot summer day.
Mystic Ink Plus Feb 2018
Being, behind the words  
Feels a sublime ease  
With a calm memory  
A sense of being alive    
In no Man’s land  
Subscribing a new world order  
With a sacred realm  
Encrypted hope    
The soul speaks    
The Heart listens  
An Ancient script,    
In a native tongue  
Don’t get it, Regardless?  
A native tongue,  
Same syllable,  
Stammer astray  
Misspelled, misunderstood    
Those celestial pieces  
Being, gracefully rude
All in Innocence.
Words with hope.  Shared from my Anthology, Canvas: Echoes and Reflections. 2018.
Ryan Holden Jun 2017
Love is a balloon, One tiny
little pin ***** and all of the
Filled love that has been blown,
Will Burst into absolute nothing.
of calculus the man had no good sense
which was plain in the poor syllable count he did
on figuring his abilities dense
an accounting firm wouldn't pay him a quid
yet he professed to being very sum smart
though of genius none could be reckoned
the error in the abacuses bead part
correct numbers of him so beckoned
eleven were employed on each line
over the roof by a digit he went
instead of using the standard ten mine
his sonnet seemed so ungainly of bent
the final total wasn't quite up to scratch
hence his poem not put in the flawless batch
Breeze-Mist Dec 2016
I have learned many things from the universe, such as that
We all come from the same life force, the same centrifuge
We are interwoven in this wild world web
We all have many things that we keep hidden
Nature favors the adept and diverse
Nothing lasts forever, even ends
The one thing I've learned from the stars
If I have learned nothing else
Is that it only takes
A single spark to
Start a fire
And one speck
To make
Matthew Harlovic Apr 2016
A poem with five
moras above and below
and seven above.

© Matthew Harlovic
Inspired by Ambrose Bierce's Devil's Dictionary.
Sethnicity Oct 2015
(Release Me!)

I'm the illa Killa Vanilla Consilla
Know That
I be the dope deala and deli meat Grrrrilla
like a Mystical street Thrilla  
The Miracle Manzilla
A Mothra villian Chilla

If you rashin like pencil scratchin
for tongue tappin I cure like
penicillin the Wolf and Ben Stiller
I'm a hot steel on flesh wound heala!

(Bang Bang)
Wake up to phone ringing
I'm head slinging
cloth stacking on a body
I'm sleep lacking
stay on track AND
(click clack)

My engine blows steam to
organize the regime
*** when I'm working
and writing
I am typing
and crying
*** this Job is dying me colors
like slashing my back and
(click clack)

They beast master and calls stack
I get my slack
between breaks and phone clack
and back track
to where the last ink slapped paper
and draw back from vapors
that ventilate out my ears
like kids caper through streets
with Halloween treats
I'm riding rails
like open sails
like blowing gales
it's raining hail
I'm screaming Hell
In this cube E Cell
(Toot Toooot)

My grey matter is burning
My soul coal is churning
like a witch on stick burning
(Crackle Pop Snap)
(To get Back)
I Master peace
cause my mind's eyes flying
the call cue is dying my fingers fly
no longer trying
to typecast
I drive fast
then Breakfast
for den her

The universal remote
is on mute

transcending this dome
my transcendental home
It's my cue

To slip into
the zone
I sip a bit of foam
my cup of coco from
thus releasing my thoughts with YuuHmm

(slurp slurp)

I think for others Daily
Rarely given space or time or Air We
All must trust the Wind gust of
dust and skin gone so scaly
Yet I slither as slow as snails to my home
for me in my dome
to slip into the zone
I sip a bit of foam
from my cup of coco
thus releasing me with an
of work for others Daily
Rarely given time or space or air WE
all must trust the Wind gusts of dust
and skin gone scaly
So we slither as slow as snails
to a home
for me
deep in my dome
sipping on the zone
bit off coco cup foam
slow snails slip
I master peace
A syllable Killer, Inspiration from Inspiration Thanks Ghost!
Must say
You're best
At how you beat me
With the very bit of mine imagination

A second
You make me
Want to think,I'm the greatest amongst your enemies
When I
Grasp you in mine arms
And proximate you on me
Shall you quiver yet not so long
And shall gasp to kiss on my lips

Now and then
Shall your sighs puzzle me
And for every bit voiced
Cram how you had want to gulp me
whole inside of you
And even how you can't live without me

I'm cloack
With remorse
For I feel I make you a bully of my love
Each now and then
Will  I listen to the words
You say and purge their fairness
To the very syllable

Believed you whole
And mine eyes shall flood with tears forever
When I heard you say
He always make you ebb through
The beautiful blues skies and make you want
To catch the golden sunset
When you two make love
Even believed
You thoroughly
And had sink into wild waters
Or probably drown into the deepest part
Of the abyss
And rest myself there
For an eternal self-torture
I heard you say
His touches make your heart beats faster
Than the rhythms of love played by a ghost
On a magic lyre

Every word you uttered
Was a false figurine in your eyes
By and by shall I peek the verity
They cloack your soul with
Like what they say
"The window to every soul is the eyes"

I may
Had Believe the very words
Your  tongue chimed
Yet then
I trust wholly in the verity your eyes spoke

The verity your eyes speak

©Historian E.Lexano
I love you so much but please let rekindle these old flames
sun stars moons Nov 2014
I watch the water tumble into my class, swirling and rocking
You're speaking but I can't understand a word that's coming out
Like wind on a beach, their meanings are lost
I'm drowning with every syllable
like the waves you made in my glass of water.
Hannah Nov 2014
He is a haiku
Tragically short and sweet
And you’re still breathless
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