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Dominique Torrez Jan 2015
He finds happiness and comfort in me,
While I'm looking for solace,
where could it be?
He sees a glow in my eyes,
Lit by an artificial happiness.
It's my fault, not yours,
That I'm drowning in my sadness.
This is for someone I know who will read it. There are so many things I wish I could tell you...
When you're so used to feeling broken,
Feeling whole again probably just feels like a different kind of broken.

When darkness and chaos become home, what used to be home seems to be so far from home that it may as well not exist.

But home is always waiting for you, regardless of where you go or where you've been.

Yes, it will take a lot of effort to get back. But it will be worth it. Just start the journey. You will stray from the path, but that doesn't mean you should give up.

Home can be a house, an idea, a pair of arms wrapped around you, or anything else. Home can take many faces, and, here's the kicker. A lot of times, home never leaves you. You just think it does.

That sense of belonging is there, just buried deep below the surface. Home goes where you go. Home is you, and you are always home.
Everyone has a fix
Drugs, ***, money
Anything at all

My fix is love
It's also my greatest weakness
Until I fell in love
I felt like I could conquer it all
Now, I'm vulnerable

It's odd to think about
One person
The person that is dearest
The person that makes me see clearest

This person; my greatest weakness
This person brings me down to size
This person dominates my thoughts
My dreams, and aspirations

This solitary person is my solace
And I am okay with that
Amitav Radiance Dec 2014
The soul finds solace
In the soliloquy
As sense prevails
Sonorous voice
Touches the self
Making complete sense
Simple moments
Salubrious to the soul
Mind and heart in sync
Simple seeking
Worth the search
Edward Coles Dec 2014
Don't give yourself to points of misery
every time the die doesn't fall your way,
for tomorrow could be the day you wake
to all of the outcomes in the right place.

I have seen it for myself, my dear friend,
the way days drag on but you have no time
to find a conclusion, to find a reason
as to why you even woke up at all.

But the day will come when fear has no hold,
only loose ties to old loves and old selves.
You can learn to count your blessings amongst
all of the wreckage of your misfortune.

You will find yourself amongst lost pieces.
You will finally see all that you've done.
You are noticed my friend, and always loved.
The day will come when you see it for yourself.
Because even I need to be a ray of sunshine SOMETIMES...

Dawn of Lighten Dec 2014
All those eyes face upon my movement like a circus monkey,
Laughing at the uncontrollable flailing of my arms and head.

How could I express my embarrassment of so many entertained by my misery,
Like the stabbing of needles around my whole body.

So much movement and sound moving in thousand beats per second,
"And this desire to release sensory overload by hitting against my head."

This solitude of being alone is overwhelming,
And I wish I can convey my deepest emotions.

Only if I can communicate my world to you,
And tell you how I feel.
To dream like you,
And have many aspirations.

How could I express these thoughts to you,
I am a human being stuck in a different body!

Please be patient with me,
Show me the right way,
And I will show you my deepest thoughts,
My dreams.
I was watching a video about this autistic girl, and how people thought she was less than human who could not convey her thoughts, but until she reached 11 and started to type on the computer.  Wrote this in thoughts of this autistic girl's perspective, and some lines taken from her own direct context!

Youtube video
Lennox Jones Dec 2014
I glided through
the diaphanous breeze
with a desolate hope
that I would find my
way through the haze.

I stopped to rest,
finding solace  
in the pounding
syllables of the sea
where I could see your
glimmer in every wave.
hayden cooper Dec 2014
each morning the light leaks through my bedroom,
beautifully caressing our sheets, the spots where we lay,
cherishing the creases where you rest your weary head,
i often catch myself leaning in to hold you close,
only to be without what always brought solace.
my dearest girl, i find you in the light,
maps intertwined with your smile,
and compasses in your embrace,
you are the calm after the storm,
you are the light that brings me home.
Chloë Fuller Oct 2014
390 days of self talk isn't ****
when you have no self control
the way your hip bones stuck out still haunts me
i'm sorry things weren't perfect
the way they should've been
easter sunday was religious thanks to your
your hand on my waist for hours
"Adults can grow apart too."
We were barely adults.
infiltrating my dreams is not welcome
i wish you'd fully disappear instead of just physically
we'll be fine one day
but now we just have to live on
i hope you're happy
3 am thoughts about a person I have been trying to forget for the past year
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