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Clare Veronica Jul 2016
And he was the only one,

The only one who ever loved me

Oh so innocently

He was the only one

Who tried to stop me
From always lowering myself

He was the only one

Who helped me
To be confident with myself

He was the only one

Who changed his way
So that I won't get hurt

He was the only one

Who still cared
Even after there's no more 'us'

He was the only one

Who showed me
What love was really like to him

I spent months wondering
How could a human be so unselfish

And I realized

He wasn't trying to make me love him

He was trying to make me love me
To the only guy who ever touched my heart (K)
PFL Jun 2016
Do what you say,
Say what you mean.
Ambiguity our soul’s divinity,
Attends to the in betweens.
Looking as to see,
Where each day’s sincerity,
Accumulates within you.
Everything exist in nothing,
No thought is complete.
To find what you seek,
Lose the notion to search.
Nothing we do,
Can out-way acts of compassion.
Empathy, is to be one of humanity,
If we are to be one,
We need to cease
Speaking of two.

Anneteiku May 2016
There's no victory without battle
Winning isn't always a victory
Be pure to your countenance
Fraudulence will never do
Strive for excellence
Fight for righteousness
Lead us to honesty
Don't touch me if you only want
To know what it feels like to **** with my head.
Don't caress my cheek if all you desire
Is the sensation of my skin.
Don't even think about gripping your hand
Over my mouth just because you think it would make a marvelous joke.
If I hand you something, don't take my fingers with yours
So you can keep up your reputation.
Stop looking into my eyes if all you are searching for
Is a reflection of your emotions.
And I need you to stop pulling me into your arms.
Just stop taking me in,
Stop cradling me,
Don't trace my spine and shoulders with your fingers,
Don't embrace my little body,
Don't try to trick me into thinking that you care about me.
Don't you dare say that you love me,
Because you don't mean it.
Based on the overheard words of a Stranger fighting against someone who was clearly poison to her.
CJ M Apr 2016
Take me to the place where lovers play.
Where the word love is on the tongue of each person who passes by and the jitters of emotion break us down and build us as twin towers of faith and infatuation.
Roll me down a river of finality, telling me sweet things in order to keep me close to you with little lies that make me love you.
Show me the tip of time and take me past it. Let me now that I’m a possibility for forever and that I’m forever going to be close to you. Show me that I’m wanted, that I’m needed, and you don’t want to change that.
Kiss my lips with sincerity and whisper your thanks to the lord into my ear with a seductive air. Because your voice is so beautiful and your lips so sweet that you take me back to times when we first courted, times when the deepness of our love was judged on how many tics the clock made when the phones were on.
Take me to the most sensible form of tenderness and let me teach you how to surpass it. For the threat of love is my only danger, and I remedy the fears pragmatically.
Is it ok to admit I’m in love? Tell me now, because I’ve been burned before. I’ve had the knives of deceit stab my heart before, and I didn’t like it. So Let me know how far our love can go before I need to jump ship.
Tingle my soul and make me shiver with the electricity generated by your feminine touch. You always start the wonder every time our skins connect.
Take me on a journey that sends me into Neverland with you by my side. I could care less where we go, so long as we are together, it won’t register which direction I’m walking in. show me that pretty smile and tell me it won’t matter to you either. Take my hands and lean in close to me, catch a breath and let it out slow just staring in my eyes.
And I will know where to take us.
You take me to the place where lovers play.
The little bit of space where time doesn’t agree with its surroundings, the place where we could stay an eternity just thinking about how we could spend our time together.
Lover’s land.
Is the love poet back???
Oscar Mann Apr 2016
Last night
I thought I met a sincere politician
But it turned out to be an actor
Inspired by Jimmy Stewart

I thought I met a wonderful actor
But it turned out to be a politician
Pretending to be a politician
Stara Mar 2016
I don't want another heartbreak
I don't want to feel that pain
I can't live with all that suffering
Another man could bring
I have opened my mind
Before we ever kissed
And suffered for myself
Transformed my being
How do I know
You won't do to me
What I can do to myself everyday
But choose the hard way
The work on myself to be patient way
The internalize situations before confronting way
The stop in my tracks to breathe way
The constant fight to be better
The vicious cycle of escaping relapse
Is that not enough
Is the pain you could inflict on me just
You tell me now you love me
You tell me now you wont leave
You seem so sincere
And I want to believe you
But sincerity is a sin
Marcus Belcher Jan 2016
I've always been afraid to be ******
Never wanted to be a raging hormonal beast
Loving her parts but not her whole
Perverse thoughts staining my soul

But wanting her skin AND mind is fine
An appreciation that ages like wine
Thinking of your body while feeling your light
Wanting to make love then hold you tight

To please is to love
Learned that from above
Your comfort is a priority
*** is wanted but part of the minority

No scheme or plan
Coming before you a bare man
Offering the radiant tangible feelings in my hand
Fighting to stay when other ran

Drowning in the depth of her essence
Overcome by your totality
Unable to exist with you in reality
Hence why he's the latest fatality

But I'm here on demand
Trust me, I'm your biggest fan
Don't worry, it'll be alright
I'll be here when you greet the morning light
A very personal poem that explains my anxiety around women who are beautiful. Inside and out.
Nina A Attia Sep 2015
Greet me!

You think you know me
You think you’ve seen me

Praise me!

For I am a hero with my own might,
I am a savior in my own right.

Love me!

For I am Love,
and I am a vision of him

Fear me!

For you think you know me
You think you’ve seen me
You think I’m your hero
but in truth; I’m no one’s hero but everyone's last step before the fall
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