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K Balachandran May 2015
Sitting cross legged on earth, in the wilderness alone quiet,
I meditate,on the single sprawling tree, in her poetic best,
verdant and robust, I wouldn't fail to see how ceaselessly
she did strive, in  reinventing herself moment after moment.

A bird, dedicating her song to the evening's evanescence,sings on,
like nothing else ever matters to her, even after it's end,
as she has known her inner-self better, by making her songs
more relevant, each time  than before,and than the songs of others,
without any reason particular, more by a compulsion mysterious.

While delving in to the depth of that compulsion, Marianne Moore,
I feel present in my mind, she is the tree fighting the creative battle,
not to  dislike her own creation,the bird with persistent compulsion.
"Poetry" Marianne Moore once said "Ï too dislike it"She refers to a kind of poetry neither honest nor sincere, but has found approval by virtue
of it's obscurity.
Derrick Feinman May 2015
Busco simple mosque
Huge monuments are useless
Carpet under shade.
Rachel Apr 2015
Have you tried being so close to a person yet feels so far?
He's just beside you but his thought is out of reach
You're together but you know you can never have him
He said he loves you but you feel nothing
No passion, no feelings and especially no love at all

You always ask yourself what is wrong with you
Am i enough for him?
If i will stay with him for a little while, will he recognize my efforts?
Will he love me back?

But you're wrong, very very wrong
Because honey you're beautiful, you're smart
And there is nothing wrong about you
You just pick the wrong guy
And soon he will realize that he's a ****
a ******* and a fool for hurting someone like you

It will take you some time for you to move on
But you won't have any regrets because you did you're best
You did everything to fix this, to stay with him
But his just the wrong guy
So you better wait
Because the right one is just on his way
RazanSidErani Apr 2015
I've watched you grow so strong
             To see you break isn't real at all
I've watched you build bridges with all you had
                     With love, kindness and sincerity
             To watch you sacrifice all
In love and devotion is a sight to behold
                     You are beautiful and lovely to bits
         I pray the best for you always and forever
I hope others learn from you
                  Your love and patience is remarkable
             Your hope and believe contagious
I pray you get everything you ever wanted
© RazanRinaldi
Rhianecdote Apr 2015
Though it cannot
Be argued that there's
No sins here

Do good, be kind
And above all else
**Be sincere
Connor Apr 2015
Serenity coils like a Babylonian serpent
around simplicity and sincerity.
The soul burns eternal, perennial fathoms
of expansion and purity in wisdom and the search
for the crown of grace in this reality.
A crown not made of gold.
Àŧùl Apr 2015
A: Admiring everything done by the lover
B: Beautifying all habits of the lover
C: Caring always enough for the lover
D: Demonstrating love to the lover
E: Experiencing pain of the lover
F: Flirting exclusively with the lover
G: Glorifying all qualities of the lover
H: Holding hands with the lover
I: Inching closer towards the lover
J: Joking sufficiently for the lover
K: Kindling the flame with the lover
L: Loving every bit about the lover
M: Moving together with the lover
N: Never-ending love for the lover
O: Obeying with wishes of the lover
P: Praying for success of the lover
Q: Qualifying in the eyes of the lover
R: Reinforcing trust with the lover
S: Softening preferences for the lover
T: Trusting forever in the lover
U: Understanding words of the lover
V: Valuing all the feelings of the lover
W: Willing to always help the lover
X: Xenophiling always with the lover
Y: Yearning often to be with the lover
Z: Zooming in on the positives of the lover
Not exactly a conventional poem.

My HP Poem #824
©Atul Kaushal
Anshuman sharma Feb 2015
Come Sincerity
Come aspiration
Come illumine my soul in ineffable ways.
Be receptive to the light my coy soul ere you sway,
For Ruffled respulsive is the vital
Guarding the hallway.

Come sincerity
Come aspiration
Come illumine my soul in ineffable ways
For I must serve the divine
Pure resolute,myriad ways.
The vital mentioned here  is the lowest of all the forces present in us. From the vital comes the lower forces of nature like greed anger jealousy and so on.
DRXX Feb 2015
God, let me cry
For I am tired of my own smile
And that if cannot be
Please give me strength for sincerity
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