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A Gulf Stream wisp, whistles, languidly,
along, a recalcitrant breeze.
Speaking of temperature, angrily.
The Pavement, can't help, but, freeze.

Branches, embarrass themselves,
with, protruding bark, baring all.
Their dream, is to one day, be shelves.
When, a messianic carpenter, calls.

Teeth clench. Bold, Blizzard, barges in,
nervous Fangs, creek, in Her presence.
She peppers, horizons, white, arduous sin.
Tusks, sign, mute alarms, luminescent.

Coy burrows, open their arms, to hug,
their Creators, for crisp slumbers, ahead.
Moonlit Creatures, pull and tug.
At soil, Voodoo dolls, to stab, Winter, dead.

© poormansdreams
Tangela Byrd Jan 14
It’s funny how you had me run to your

needs and everything I did it was with

ease, no time to sit back because I was on

your track so if it derailed I knew how to

bounce back, it wasn’t fated or in no

contract I just knew your soul was reading

my context, ever so lifted engraved with

transition full of life and always in the

distance; you filled my days with ignition,

simplistic with intentions but not gathered

by good decisions, we parted ways when

Moses split the sea leaving thoughts behind

as if you were a daydream, a cutoff to the

main stream but I reopened up those doors

like a dam who was in need, refreshing

with a lesson but filled those pages with

wages and empty spaces for me to erase,

create and fill a void that ached with greed,

I knew life would prevail I stood my

ground and watch the ocean exhaled with a

stare that came in like a seclusion hoping

you weren’t the reason I was choosing
Throughout the coldest days of the mighty winter
Think of a sweet spring and dream of a mild summer
During the harshest hours of the wintry night
Think of flowers and dream of pleasant sunlight.

Season comes, remains a bit and then flees
Life goes through a circular event like the bees
Like the moonbeams dancing around Mother Earth
In order to enchant, embrace and kiss her to death.

In the midst of deep winter, think of a divine spring
And dream of bright and sultry summer days
Never feel hopeless and pessimistic about anything.

Better days and glorious nights are always ahead
Remain positive and resilient as long as your head
Is present. Think and dream of warmer solar rays.

Copyright © January 2025, Hébert Logerie, All rights reserved
Hébert Logerie is the author of several books of poetry.
A new day
Comes every day
With a morning, a noon
An afternoon and an evening
It's day and it's night
Across the countryside.

The first day of the year
Is as special as the last
Man creates days of feast
To distinguish himself from the beast
That says that all days are the same
Like the wind that dances and sows.

There is a beginning
To smile and laugh
And an end of time
To cry and die
The animals are right
A new season does not matter.

A new year, a new day
A new week, a new month
A new night, a new noon
A new sun, a new moon.

Copyright © January 2021, Hébert Logerie, All rights reserved
Hébert Logerie is the author of several collections of poems.
Hebert Logerie Dec 2024
December is the coolest month
Or the coldest month in some countries
Bring the toys, bring the candies
Grab a jacket, grab a coat and wear pajamas
At night. Stay away from the labyrinth
Get a Christmas tree to decorate
December is the jolliest month of the year
This is the winter month to go from fête to fête
Ride, ride the carousels
Ring, ring the bells
Beat the drums and blow the trumpets, cheer
Cheer and sing Christmas Carols to celebrate
The birth of Jesus Christ
Let it snow, let it snow
Smile and paint a rainbow
Be happy, be enticed
Have a very merry Christmas
Peace on Earth! Peace alas!

Copyright © December 2018, Hébert Logerie, All rights reserved.
Hébert Logerie is the author of several books of poetry.
Hebert Logerie Dec 2024
The year just started;
Yet, it is almost over.
Today is the second day of the year;
Yet, it is with anger,
Fear, impatience, and horror
That we want another year
To show up at our door.

Give ourselves a chance.
Before we dance,
Let's pray first,
And stop the frivolous lust.
Let's quench our thirst,
So we can enjoy the party,
And be more relaxed and happy.

What's wrong with human beings?
We refuse to take it slow. Things
Should not be happening like that.
Of course, we're going to be fat,
And ugly, if we're not being careful.
'Cause we gobble everything down in full
Force, like gluttons, like fools in the pool.

Take things easy, little by little,
Step by step, stop being frugal.
A year just ended;
Yet, it is with anger,
Fear, impatience, and horror
That we want another one to start;
Please chill out and have a heart.

Copyright © January 2017 Logerie Hébert, All Rights Reserved
Hebert Logerie is the author of several collections of poems.
Hebert Logerie Dec 2024
The end of the year is the dawn of a new one.
The sadness and the yesterdays are all gone.
We have in front of us: a new era, a new horizon;
We are hoping and dreaming of a better season.

The moon seems to be brighter at midnight.
The migrant birds are flying very low tonight.
They are chirping, screaming, moaning and singing;
The children are happy, jumping, running and playing.

We set new goals, short deadlines and crazy wishes.
We invite friends over to enjoy novel drinks and dishes,
And we listen to old songs, which never go out of style.

The globe will not stop turning and the wonderful sun
Will not cease shining. A new season always brings new fun.
We need to relax, be more realistic, laugh more and smile.

Hebert Logerie - Sunday, December 30, 2012
Hebert Logerie is the author of numerous poetry books.
Hebert Logerie Nov 2024
C'è il sole
Tuona, piove
È autunno
Dal risveglio al sonno.
Le foglie sono secche e passive
E i fiori morti e inattivi
Più tardi, nevica
I vicini della locanda
Vedono passare il cervo
Tutto il santo giorno
E tutta la sera
Sentiamo che i nervi stanno cambiando
Per dare il benvenuto alla nuova stagione
Dove siamo lontani dal raccolto.

Puoi sentire da molto lontano
Il vento che ronza nel fieno
Le vibrazioni non sono monotone
Poiché i colibrì delle colline
Fanno sentire la loro spettacolare presenza
E i poeti con giardini immaginari
Descrivono tutto ciò che accade
Nella terra dove le masse
Restano insensibili e ignoranti
E dove i funzionari eletti corrotti si vantano.
C'è il sole
Tuona, piove
È autunno
Dal risveglio al sonno.

P.S. Traduzione di “The Ancient Canticles Of Autumn”.
Questa poesia è dedicata ai miei amici e fan italiani.

Copyright © Novembre 2024, Hébert Logerie, Tutti i diritti riservati
Hébert Logerie è autore di numerosi libri di poesia.
This poem, ' Les Cantiques Antiques De L'Automne', was originally written in French by the Poet Hebert Logerie.
Hebert Logerie Nov 2024
Está soleado
Está lloviendo, está tronando
Es otoño
Desde despertar hasta dormir.
Las hojas son secas y pasivas
Y las flores muertas e inactivas
Más tarde, es nieve
Los vecinos de la posada
Ven el paso de los ciervos
Todo el día
Y durante toda la larga noche
Sentimos que los nervios cambian
Para dar la bienvenida a la nueva temporada
Donde estamos lejos de la cosecha.

Podemos escuchar desde muy lejos
El viento que zumba en el heno
Las vibraciones no son monótonas
Desde los colibríes de los cerros
Hacen sentir su espectacular presencia
Y los poetas con jardines imaginarios
Describen todo lo que está pasando
En la tierra donde la masa
Sigue siendo insensible e ignorante
Y donde los funcionarios electos corruptos se jactan.
Está soleado
Está lloviendo, está tronando
Es otoño
Desde despertar hasta dormir.

P.D. Traducción de 'The Ancient Canticles Of Autumn'.

Copyright © noviembre de 2024, Hébert Logerie, Todos los derechos reservados
Hébert Logerie es autor de varios libros de poesía.
Hebert Logerie Nov 2024
Il fait du soleil
Il pleut, il tonne
C’est l’automne
Du réveil au sommeil.
Les feuilles sont sèches et passives
Et les fleurs mortes et inactives
Plus ****, c’est la neige
Les voisins de l’auberge
Voient passer les cerfs
Toute la sainte journée
Et pendant toute la soirée
On sent changer les nerfs
Pour accueillir la nouvelle saison
Où l’on est **** de la moisson.

On peut entendre de très ****
Le vent qui fredonne dans les foins
Les vibrations ne sont pas monotones
Puisque les colibris des mornes
Font sentir leur présence spectaculaire
Et les poètes aux jardins imaginaires
Décrivent tout ce qui se passe
Dans la contrée où la masse
Demeure insensible et ignorante
Et où les élus corrompus se vantent.
Il fait du soleil
Il pleut, il tonne
C’est l’automne
Du réveil au sommeil.

P.S. Traduction de ‘ The Ancient Canticles Of Autumn’.

Copyright © Novembre 2024, Hébert Logerie, Tous droits réservés
Hébert Logerie est l'auteur de plusieurs livres de poésie.
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