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Alexis May 2019
You want my body and
I just want some of your time
But you have none to give and its left me in a
Feeling trapped in myself and can’t unwind.
So I push myself so hard trying to use the grind, as some sort of outlet, but let me tell you- it’s just not enough

Lights on
Lights off
Lights out
I’m out, of my mind, out of reasons to continue to live on- this way
Way out
Out there somewhere
I’ll find the time to bring myself back down to
Where I can love
And still be mine.
I'm lazy,
I drain,
From their incentive,
I'm a pain,
And overly sensitive,
But not enough,
When it comes to pets,
Not an "animal person",
Just not into vets,
I'm so terrible,
yes oh yes,
The worst,
yes oh yes,
Intrusive thoughts,
Please help me,
No medication,
For the thoughts,
"It's electronics",
Your brain rots,
They hate me,
When I make,
Any sort,
Of mistake,
He blames me,
When somethings missing,
Why can't I be left,
Left alone,
Given privacy,
In our home,
Can't close my door,
Can't have food,
Suspicious to have water,
I wish I could,
Just be left,
To my own devices,
But it's on me,
It's my fault,
That I'm called names,
By an adult,
He sometimes says,
"Lord Help Me".
I need prayers,
Though he never prays,
Outside of me being weird,
I'm a demon for these days.
"Can't wait till you leave",
I can't wait too,
I'm spoiled?
You don't like me though,
It's true.
I'm always the bad one,
Never defended,
Only attacked,
Then I can't be offended?
Hard to tell exactly what I'm experiencing through a poem.  Their great parents, my new adoptive ones (who originally were my aunt through marriage and my blood related uncle), but they have faults in emotional support.  It's never positive reinforcement like "You'll do better next time!"  only,  "No electronics".  They think taking my electronics solves everything.  How about helping me learn from my mistakes by actually explaining what I did wrong, or understanding that I have realized what I did wrong?  I don't know, I'm only a child I guess, hard to put myself in their shoes.   And other people have it worse off.
Christina P May 2019
I act all tough
But underneath the surface
I am fragile.

Because I hide my pain
You break me over and over again.

I constantly seek your approval
But no matter how hard I try
I never get it.

Because I don’t understand
I see myself as the problem.

I look for answers in my flaws
When in reality
The problem is you.
Ruheen Aug 2019
I asked my friend.
"Me or five strangers?"
She would **** me.
My friend asked me.
"Her or five strangers?"
I wouldn't **** her.

I asked her why.
"The greater good."
She asked me why.
I just smiled.
And walked away.

Sad, isn't it?
What would you do?
Pandaboy May 2019
was not the reality,
I was unwilling to trace back.
Ignoring the last scene
forgetting where I have been
afraid of fear, surviving in the dark.
Though all it took was a moment of serene.
After all darkness just needs a little spark.
The Poem goes by the name “ The Satori “ , which in Japanese refers to sudden growth or awakening by insight . The poem starts with feelings of pessimism followed by a subtle trigger .. Thanks to Thomas gray for inspiring me to use the word "serene" .
mjad Apr 2019
I've always had a way with words
my tongue lets lies slide off
like ice cream drips onto the floor
causing distress
I notice it more
when I talk to my mother
her ignorance astounds me
like magic to a child
not understanding
Masha Yurkevich Apr 2019

Every conflict is just an opportunity to solve a problem.

                                                              ­          ~ Lisa Hodge
My language arts teacher keeps on saying this, and so I finally decided to make something of it.
Sketcher Apr 2019
You are back.
               back in our city.
               back in my time zone.
                             my beautiful baby.
          Soon to be my own again.
          Soon to be in my arms again.
          Soon, her and I, and nobody else.
                                   I won’t have to share her.
Her body will be mine.
                  Will she enjoy our time?
                           She will!
                                   Will I?
               Of course I will.             And I shall take every  course  of action to make sure she enjoys herself.
She will.
     I will.
     I will be in heaven.
                         Heaven will be on earth.
                          I hope I will see her soon.        That is my only hope.
      Without my hope, my lover, my everything, I am sure to go insane.
    How can I tell?
   Is it what I can feel?  
     Or what I can’t?
                       Can’t you see it?
                    I think you can...
                    I am losing all control...
                    I am going insane...
                    I am.
Ngssg3 Oaekm Tbeie Blhl: Eeel( Itri< Noin/

I made a language... Can you decode???
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