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Michael King Apr 2018
As I walked over the mountain tops
with glory in my hair.
I saw a bird upon the wing.
It floated in the air.

It hovered near, above my head
not leaving for a while.
Just glared at me, like food for free.
I swear I saw a smile.

I swear this bird, this soaring beast
had me in terrors grips.
It longed to be the end of me
to ******* blood... one sip.

But I was not a weakened soul,
and on these heights I strode.
As surely as the sun was high
and in this bitter cold.

This bird would never get to me
or strike in me a fear
of being eaten dead alive.
Worms crawling in my ear.

Oh bird alight, please fly away.
I'm fearful of your stares.
On this day, I surely know, you'll
linger in my nightmares.
Katie Burton Apr 2018
Swishing and swirling in a mass of frenzied bubbles
The shark swims after its prey
Sinking diamond cut daggers into the velvet flesh of the next feast to dine on and take into the depths of the sea.
I wrote this years ago whilst listening to a very powerful piano concerto and an image of a shark feeding came into my head.
Amanda Kay Burke Apr 2018
Quivering, afraid of the pain,
A stalking predator ready to tear me apart,
I cannot control my emotional beasts,
They continue to claw their way through my heart
Sometimes i feel like my crazy feelings are tangible living creatures. I know that sounds nutty but in a metaphorical sense. I am hunted by fear and frustration.
Sara J Mar 2018
The coyotes were crying last night
giving chase to some morsel
too quick to catch,
too small for their appetite.

Their crying went on the whole night long
as they trekked the boundless woods
behind the cabin where I lay awake,
turning in bed like a rotisserie.

Creatures of the night conjoined,
restless mind joining restless paws
in pursuing an aimless chase
while timid sleep ran like a rabbit.
A Mar 2018
The gazelle sits in quiet repose,  
In its flighty heart, it knows,  
There is no predator nearby,  
And it scans the sky with an eagle's eye.  

In the grass, fifty feet away,  
The lion waits in the heat of the day,
It stalks the gazelle with the silent tread of a ghost,  
As it patrols on its outpost.  

The gazelle tenses quickly, it knows there's something there,  
It stands in the grass, looking everywhere.  
There! Near the tree! The tip of an ear,  
It starts to bound away, the lion very near.  

The lion starts as the gazelle runs,  
It licks its lips in anticipation of great fun,  
The chase is on! The lion gains,  
Its tawny coat covered in mud stains.  

It takes only a moment, but the gazelle turns,  
The lion skids to the side and the soft ground churns,  
It leaps after the gazelle, the tail of which is seen,  
The lion jumps on the gazelle's back, their tussle is lost in the green-

A moment later, the lion jumps up, the gazelle lying dead,  
The former grabs the broken body and begins to walk ahead,  
The vultures shrilly cry,  
The gazelle had been killed in only a blink of an eye.
A poem on predator and prey.
Behold, you prey! You who is being chased by predator,
You are lover of death and despiser of life,
You who is afraid of being drowned in the ocean, still you find comfort in the abyss of despair,
Oh prey! You who loathe the pinnacle of growth loves your mediocrity,
You who is afraid of demons, can never relish the endless,
You who detest the nightfall how can you take joy in early bright?
You who is afraid of endless darkness, how can you ever find the gleam of light,
You who is afraid of your previous ***** deeds, doesn't need ghost to haunt,
Oh prey, don't let your predator devour you, turnaround look into his eyes, let the cowardly devil in you flee, you of all must find strength and never deem you fighting a losing battle.
Austin Stafford Feb 2018
I hate how anxiety even affects my sleep, its black sickly tendrils slithering into my mind and wrapping around my dreams, one by one. Gripping tightly and ensnaring its prey as it twists its scaly body around my soft dreams, suffocating them with its serpentine embrace. A ****** mist permeates my mind as I awaken from my slumber; dead dreams are all I see now. A mental battlefield strewn with the cold corpses of my hopes and dreams. Anxiety came like a thief in the night and took nothing, but killed everything. Sorrow is quickly snuffed out and replaced with rage. Rage and a new kind of hunger. My esurient soul is now ravenous for vengeance. This corpeal soul shall wage war of the likes only seen in legends of ancient battles between deities and monsters of long lost myths. My demons have won this battle, but the war has just begun
Seema Feb 2018
Into the dark alley
It lures its prey
By acting dead
Laying on the sideway

Recent news alerts
Of missing people lately
But none found alive
While they disappeared secretly

No signs of blood spurts
Yet rumors spread up quickly
No signs of decap bodies
But the atmosphere turned sickly

A homunculus out in the night
Feeding on people as it's prey  
Visible in the nights shadow
While hiding from the suns ray

Or maybe a chupacabra sneaking
From those mythical histories
Creatures of the dark
Unsolved mysteries...

A Fictional write. Spilling 3am imagination.
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