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Seema Feb 2018
So here it comes to test my faith
Changing itself again and again
A disguise like no other
But carries on itself a negative rain

Everyday, it follows me like my shadow
Even I can feel its foul breath on my neck
Whispering tongues of filth
And today it tapped my back

A new test, everyday comes along
It knows my faith is strong
Yet, tries every of its ways to delude me
But gets leashes for its wrong

The pretentious predator preying
Eating away my shiney days
Clouding up heavy bags on me
And often does its own praise

I've tried to block its existence
By not hearing its sweet talks
Rather I chanted and prayed to God
While it did its pendulum walks

I stopped feeding it with my ego
And the arrogance I had
It was dying naturally, leaving
While all the negatives cleared from my head

Spilling thoughts. Fictional write.
Emily Miller Feb 2018
Under the cover of night,
A savagery blossoms in everyone,
Thriving in the privacy of darkened corners
And behind locked doors.
Inhibitions are lost,
And veils removed,
And the arching,
Wild things emerge.
There is one exception,
A predator that sinks into the shadows
And observes.
One who calculates every movement,
And plans,
How to create the perfect night.
As the moon inches closer to the horizon,
And the purple of the dawn
Begins to rise,
The predator manipulates her prey into the necessary positions,
Guiding them into the right movements,
To say the right things,
And rewarding,
For following her rules.
“Sometimes I wish that I were like the other
Animaux de noir
So that I could release myself,
Instead of cinch
And draw in
But meticulousness is all I know
And to design
Does not keep one warm.
I must plot every second,
Every reaction,
And list the rules for my prey.
Take away their sight
Their speech
Their movement,
And once they know the isolation of the sensation of touch
Without control,
Without authority,
They may earn them back,
One by one,
Until they can give me a definitive answer.
What is it that you want?
What do you need the most?
What do you want to do first?
And what will you do last?
They plead to give me what I already knew they would give,
To do the things that all before them have done,
Because they are puppets,
They’re easy,
They’re all ****** to be the same,
And I,
Night after night,
Will remain
Just as meticulous.”
Seema Jan 2018
Sitting out on the porch,
Watching the **** cockroach,
Flying from wall to wall,
Oh! I've just seen it fall,
Now running on the floor,
It neared the main door,
With a blink of an eye it disappeared in the dark,
Not long I saw a shadow mark,
And that of a tree gecko leaping from the side wall,
Flew in the cockroach from the tree tall,
I saw the gecko aiming at its prey,
Moving slowly camouflaging itself as grey,
The roach froze and Bingo! the gecko caught its prey...

Just an observation I had today.
IPM Nov 2017
Thrown into wildness
I was thrown into wildness...

Law of the jungle runs deep in ones veins
food chain topped by vicious prowlers
if blood keeps running cold
murderous minds grow more bold
predators take pride in their
hunter's prowess.

Thrown into wildness
I was thrown into wildness.

Where fights in the dead of night
and greedy hands with high demands
are everyday life
all part of ulterior motives
and rotten plans.

Where pretentious intentions
are the cost of survival
and no saints nor prophets
are offered revival.
It's hard to stay calm...

It's hard to stay calm
when wrath's laid on the tip
of your palms.
Gluttonous man eaters drool
in the depths of the concrete jungle
over lustful people
whilst maintaining an iron ******

Thrown into-

The sad reality of living day to day
and sloth's not tolerated
unless you've royal blood
survival instincts often tempt
a few to stray
their ways forgotten rest
beneath the murky mud.

In the end, envy runs errands
against the common folk
for in the jungle defenceless insects
have no place in the grander plan
or any rights to live humble.

It's a vicious cycle that takes
its toll
being thrown into modern wildness
and when the sun goes down
and follows darkness,
the world is then devoid from
and humanity is swallowed whole.
Inspired by Ka and his unrivalled lyricism. Also by other events.
Seema Oct 2017
She stood in the dark
With her long raven hair
Waiting for her prey
To grab her share

Clitching teeth, as thunder roars
Her eyes now glowing, red
As the heavy rain pours looks inhuman
The sharp claws on her hands
A disguise or her true form
Growls, as she lands

Her hunger raging
Like a wildfire
The prey’s blood must quench
And putout the flaming desire

Ready to attack
Without any remorse
Her full attention on the prey, of course

She jumped in full force
To **** with one shot
Not thinking of a power
The mighty prey may have got

A flash of lightening
Falling in between
Both looked fierce and frightening

The darkness creeped the night
As the war went on for hours
From far far away
I was watching with my invisible powers

The deeper the night, the intense the fight
In the land of "the half beings"
Who will shed a light?

Since the waging fight began
None backing to retire
The prey in digust anger
****** eyes, shooting fire

Instinct took over, on the prey most
Survival is a must
Fighting darkness with any priced cost

What will unfold from this battle?
Only time will tell
Either darkness will win or the prey,
One will survive from this bombshell...*

Rolling reels, spilling imagination. Thank you Jobira for keeping up with my imaginative theme and making this poem a success :)
Up north
The ravens are well-fed
Proud and bossy
Tail feathers two feet long.
Up north
The cougars are muscled
Prowling through yards
House cats go missing
Up north
The game grow bigger
Towering, stoic
Against beasts larger still.
Up north
The people are farther
I finally feel
That I'm plausible prey.
10.16.17 Inktober prompt: Fat
Poetic T Oct 2017
Collecting them from the far reaches,
                   mother was hungry..

So the boys did what they did best

Catch a wild one, never ****,
                                         prey is fun..

Mother smiled at our catches,
              she liked her food to scream.....
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