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You are so sweet
and so much nice
Too beautiful inside
that open my eyes

And when you speak
I love to listen
Stay a while
for a moment longer

Even though your just a portrait
Yet, sometimes your words remind
That guides me when I'm lost
and lift me up when I'm down.
written in May 1, 2015 @ Tagbibinta Falls
Blind Aesthetic Apr 2015
If I drew myself
If I drew a self-portrait
I’d use watercolor pencils
They’re easier to work with
And it’s just as easy to blend
They give more defined lines
A great choice I would think
I’d begin with an outline
Drawn in a mistaken
Grey or oops blue
Working my way bottom to
Top and right to left to maximize the unwanted
Smudges that will later become the mistakes which weren’t my own
I would move onto my face.  Switching to a false green color to start on
My eyes. Coloring the right iris, heavy handed the tip breaks. I sharpen it
Color in more as it goes from fake green to saddened black I stab through
The canvas bringing in some light from behind. Moving onto the left now
I go from green to useless brown. I’d dip the tip in water and just let the
Pencil sit, stuck to the canvas the color drips down the cheek pooling at
The jawline before stopping as if not wanting to let go. Snap goes the lead
Throwing away the pencil so it doesn’t bleed onto the other colors I move
Onto the lips this time. I’d go with pale promise to compliment the right eye
I would add hints of passive anger red and narcissism orange as highlights
For the skin I’d color it in disappointment, several shades, to show definition
I would then take a brush and dip it in water. I’d blend all the colors so it looks
Natural. Blending disappointment with anger, narcissism with uselessness
Fake with disappointment and the mistakes with everything that they touch
Once the painting dries I’d look onto the creation with the same look that a
Famous painter would give their child when they're told their painting *****
I would reluctantly sign my name, take a step back, and crumble the painting
Into a ball and throw it away saying to myself “I know you can do better”
Mike Essig Apr 2015
your hair
reminds me
of a storm
in Ireland

you face
reminds me
of Botticelli's

Your eyes
remind me
of unsolved

Your lips
remind me
of stolen

Your smile
reminds me
I am still

CJ Hattingh Apr 2015
I painted a picture today
using only red and white
The wall covered behind me
such a pretty sight

With a flick of my finger
I made the portrait appear
Now that I've lost my mind
I have nothing left to fear
Alessander Mar 2015
She sat beneath the high-noon blinds
The light too garish - spilling bleach
Not the soft song that falls behind
Far-off horizons of aural beach

No, this was hill-light - mountain-light
It was harsh, abstract, Cézanne
Cutting deep into each crevice - dust-mites
Irradiated at dawn

Overlooking every balcony
Of barking mutt - of barbeque
She craved for an epiphany
To change how she perceived the view

To find some meaning in the pools
The bars - the plastic awnings
She muttered, “I am such a fool”
Then took a drag and kept on longing.
Neal Emanuelson Feb 2015
Tender soft skin, once thought to be stone
Once separate layers now split, uneven
Exposing it's red underneath a dark canvas
A razor edge brush guides this painting
The peace that was once dead- springs to life, unwilling
Hoping once more that this form will contain it

A temporary hold; a soulless container
The colors are dull and the mind is hazy
Exposed a red brush upon the dark canvas
The paint is too thin, it lacks the luster
Searching for more, brush turned inward
Gushing from the source for a scarlet hued angle

Fading in and out, a masterpiece undone
Marred with a vision that remains so tranquil and clear
Exposing bits of red to the darkest corners of the canvas
It reaches outward to escape the ending
A final signature, caught weak of final breath
A nightmare come true without the masterpiece completed

This story once told hangs lost on these walls
Fading colors of a past still remembered today
Exposed to reds hue in the dark canvas of this mind
The paint long worn thin and the canvas is tattered
But it recreates itself as this peace will never last
A dead portrait of myself that will never be finished
Addison René Dec 2014
drag your ****** lips along my skin
and paint me pictures
with your mouth
on the canvas of my body
paint us lying in lust
paint us in slow motion
with love in our irises
paint the sky on my hands
and the clouds on yours
place your paintbrush along the curve of my thigh,
kiss my flushed lips with yours,
give them color;
red with resilience
red with anguish,
the fires in our chests
have ravaged our fibers
and our atoms have come undone
the very being of our existence
has unraveled
in synchronicity
drag your ****** lips across my skin
on the canvas of my body.
brush your acrylic blood
in the crevices of my anatomy
*paint a portrait of  you and me
Jayanta Nov 2014
I am in confusion
In my room
there is a portrait
on the wall
and the picture
Sometime smiles
give me applause,
sometimes smiles
and condemn me,
Sometime smile
and Question me !
When  share it to my
Fellows they tell me
‘You are lucky,
Somebody is there to caution you’!
One of them asked
‘Who is he?’
Really I don’t know!
But always alert me!
Everyone laughs and said
‘You are living with your scruples’!
Àŧùl Nov 2014
I love the winters,
And the snowy hills too.
I love the mountains,
And the chocolaty peaks too.
Let me snap your portrait,
Yes you will pose elegant for me.
And it's your thought on my heart.
My HP Poem #695
©Atul Kaushal
WritinginStars Nov 2014
We paint ourselves everyday from head to toe
Being careful with what we paint
Because every stroke shows
For when the paint tips over
All secrets will spill out
And our deepest fear that we hide inside,
Is to let those secrets out

For the mess we have made
We will pay the price
These stains will be permanent for the rest of our life
Showing bits and pieces of what we hide inside
For you to judge us wrong for what we know is right
What makes you think you've lived our lives?

We know you're broken because
We can see the expression on your face
So will give you a second chance,
To fix your mistakes
But remember we won't always be here
So you need to find a way
To be strong, be brave, have courage, and have faith.
Written with my colleague
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