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Aaron LaLux Apr 2019
Didn’t know,
there were so,
many people our there,

I thank you,
you’re welcome,
now we can drink,

incredibly perfect,
choice present,
actions with intent,

it’s the man in the mirror again,
what does it mean does it mean anything,
just relax take a seat have a drink,

try some marzipan or better yet try again,
but wait what about marscopone,

catching the time watching it go by on the mirror clock,

“Are you okay,
you look a little tired.”,
“yeah I’m fine.”,
I reply,

never wanted to **** a man,
even if he had it coming,
and he did,
bring out the dogs and get the cats to quit complaining,

it’s raining cats and dogs,
open the box don’t wake up on your death bed with regrets,
I’ve killed men in service of my country,
God bless the USA stars and stripes promises and threats,

and I’d say there’s a conspiracy,
at least that’s my guess,
and I almost know what I’m doing here,
but I don’t quite know yet,

didn’t know,
there were so,
many people our there,

I thank you,
you’re welcome,
now we can drink…

∆ LaLux ∆
Arden Apr 2019
I just realized that peter pan is actually an angel
And neverland is heaven
Those kids didn’t age because they were dead
I wish I didn’t age

I try to put my mental health before education
But then it affects my education which effects  
My mental health which effects my
Educ- you get it

Do you realize we are the kids our parents
Warned us about

I am an overly emotional
Distant private person
Who has the tendency to overshare at any moment
And I don’t know what the **** that means
But I'm going with it

This poem doesn’t really have a meaning
But I think that might be the meaning
lovely Mar 2019
you seemed shocked when i told you
i’ve never seen star wars
or godfather I or II.
Nor have I seen pulp fiction,
ferris buellers day off,
little rascals
or most marvel movies.
you insist on a movie night,
“i can’t let you sit there uncultured”
you say with a smile.
i agree knowing that i won’t remember the movies.
all i’ll remember is you sitting close to me
too nervous to hold my hand, but too stubborn to move away.
i’ll remember seeing out of the corner of my eye, you watching me in awe.
probably thinking “how beautiful”
and you aren’t even watching the movies.
you’re watching me,
staring at me,
longing for me.
all i want is for you to grab my hand
and take me in your arms
make me yours.
don’t be embarrassed my prince...
i want you too.
Randy Johnson Mar 2019
I owe money to a man named Robert G. Durant.
I want to pay him the money I owe but I can't.
He cuts off the fingers of people who don't pay him money.
You may find it amusing but I sure as hell don't think it's funny.
He cut off all of my fingers, he didn't even spare one.
I couldn't even pick my nose after he was done.
I want to give Durant the bird but I don't have the finger to do it with.
I'd chop his ***** off with a lightsaber if I had fingers and if I was a Sith.
You'd better take my advice because it sure isn't a lie.
Pay Robert Durant or you can kiss your fingers goodbye.
Alyssa Gaul Feb 2019
I am a collection
of half-watched movies

End yet to-be-determined
Stuck in the middle bits

An unfinished  biography
of a life put on-pause

The characters have no future
Just like I have no future

My library remains full
An over-whelming archive

When will the master
finish the piece?

The follow through
is the most important part

The neurotic longs to discover
the treasure at the end of it all

Though sometimes the final destination
is only death or tragedy

Only pain and no closure
And nothing meaning anything

And maybe the movies are
half-finished because

I already know
I'll be disappointed in the ending.
adriana Feb 2019
my world is flipped upside down.
the blood is rushing to my head.
i can feel my face flushing.
you're next to me, right side up,
as if nothing even matters.
my stomach's hurting a little,
and i'm holding on for my life

our knees are over the back of the couch.
and my hair is brushing the ground.
and we're hanging here,
falling in love a little,
and laughing like absolute maniacs.
Kewayne Wadley Dec 2018
We laughed
Scrolling through the new arrivals.
Bird Box, The Little Hours.
The last movie gone off.
Your head against my shoulder.
My head sunk in the curve of your hair.
The couch beneath us,
Critically acclaimed movies seen through one eye.
Peeking through spaces of hair.
To be honest.
None of the movies mattered.
Agreeing to disagree.
Our binge put on hold.
The attention put on you.
Being in your presence.
The way you say my name,
The way you stop and stare.
Our connection to movies
Old & new.
Easing into comfort,
Readjusting my body to see you better.
My head in your lap.
Conversation progressing.
All the favorite parts to my favorite movie in view
Juno Dec 2018
If I were a Jedi
From District Two
I’d spend my schoolyears at Hogwarts
And summer breaks with Lilac LaRoux.
I’d talk books with Lady Jane Grey
And if I were an Angel-Blood
I’d fly far away.
The books/movies mentioned are:
Star Wars
The Hunger Games
Harry Potter
The Starbound Trilogy
My Lady Jane
The Unearthly Trilogy
Cherry Dec 2018
Words i don't say
Write themselves in memories form of "what could have happened".
Words that dont slip their way out of my mouth haunt me in my dreams with action figure subtitles and fading silhouettes of a never put in life movie.
Life is a movie!
Cardboard-Jones Nov 2018
I love you
Just like the movies.
I need you
Just like the movies.
You leave me
Just like the movies.
I chase you
Just like the movies.

I think this is my scene,
And I forgot my lines.
What am I supposed to say
To make you fall for me?
I didn’t get a script.
Am I just stuck inside a montage?
Or better yet, it’s all a collage.
The camera makes me nervous.
Can we edit this out?

Thought it would be
Just like the movies.
Your leading man
Just like the movies.
I know that you are the star.
If I’m supporting cast, well that’s alright with me.
I’ll play your fool
Just like a comedy.
Narrate our lives
Just like a documentary.
Dance you to the stars
Just like a sci-fi musical fantasy.
Tell me the theme, tell me the theme and it’s yours.

I’m not a good actor.
And I don’t like CGI.
But I rehearsed this moment
In case this was my breakout performance.
Scene one take two
Lights, camera, and action.
I hope that kiss
Was to your satisfaction.
Do we walk towards the sunset
Or wait til credits roll
Just like the movies?
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