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thetimeisnow Nov 2015
And finally I share a moment of peace and release. I share this moment with myself only. For only I can ever know my own inner darkness, sadness and emptiness that I felt for so long. And only I can heal myself from the controlling and almost abusive relationship we shared. Together, me myself & I can support and be there for each other. And in this moment I realize I haven’t been alone at all.
Grace Jordan Nov 2015
No one is ever quite certain they'll feel a moment where they can't stop uncontrollably crying just because they are so happy. Especially not in their aunt's dark and cold basement, but I guess I've always been different like that.

I just watched a movie I never thought would effect me so much, one about growing up and loving people and loving yourself. Normally I find them sweet, and this one wasn't even particularly spectacular, but after it I just started crying.

I was picturing all the wonderful things I would write, and the beauty I could create. What wonder the future may hold. About nights where I could fall in love with myself and writing all over again. Being alone terrified me, and having no one is so frightening, but the idea of spending time alone with someone merely a touch away?

I can learn to do that.

I can learn to paint. I can learn to be a mom. I can learn to speak other languages. I can learn to work in an office. I can learn to work from home. I can learn to love myself. And the best part is that if I work at it and figure things out, I have already found the person I want to show all my projects to like a little kid for the rest of my life and that makes me so happy I can't even fathom it.

Its like that fear that rides on my shoulders constantly has quelled. I know it never will be gone, but its like there's this calming in my head and I can see how wonderful my life just might be. I will do things I love, with a man I so very love, wherever we may see fit.

A moment like this is something I've never felt before. Where I don't feel perfect, far from it, but I feel I'm in the place I'm exactly meant to be. I'm so excited for the future, for the now, for everything.

I don't know who I was yesterday. Honestly I've probably changed at least three times today. but right now just feels right.

I can be stubborn and scared and complicated but in this moment, I feel so capable. Who knew a cheap teen-flick and a "*******" nightshirt would feel like the world has shifted.

I was crying on the toilet merely thinking about how much I love me and how much I love him and anything we might create or grow along the way.

I've always been paranoid and abandoned, but lately the fear has never been that they will leave. Its that if I take my eyes off of  them the person I love will suddenly be gone.

But I've been through a vicious fight with him, and I still woke up the morning after smiling at his sleeping face before dealing with the problems of the night before and coming out stronger.

And God knows the wicked fights I've been through with myself, and normally its hard for me to look in the mirror and be OK. But even with my annoying long bangs right now and a little more weight than I'd like, I know I'm changing. It'll get better. I can almost see it in my face, that things will change and be crazily new in such a better way.

I am aware there will never be no fights, but there's something magical about loving even through the ugly sides.

I am content. There is no mania in my veins about being godlike and perfect, or hyperactivity. There is only steady words matching the steady smiles and tears upon my face. I thought mania was happy, but this. THIS is happiness.

Maybe from now on I can have more moments like this. Moments of pure, unadulterated love that just fill me so to the brim I find it falling out my eyes and through my fingertips. Love that is so intoxicated in my veins that for a moment, I don't feel broken anymore.

I needed a moment like this, and it feels like a new beginning.

The best beginning I could ever wish for.
aniket nikhade Nov 2015
Decide about the present in the present moment of time
Decide all that is present in the present moment of time.

Experience proves to be an asset when expectations are raised
Now is the moment in time when something substantial needs to be achieved within a stipulated period of time.
Substantial efforts need to be made when expectations from prior need to be surpassed
Hence priority comes first, better to do one thing at a time.

Decide doing one thing at a time
Be firm in your mind about the same, then proceed towards doing the same.

All the time there is some sort of a thing that always goes on in the mind
Ascertaining the future in the present
Think of the past in the present
The mind does everything, everything related to past, present and also with regards to the future.

It’s important to decide upon something definite before taking the first step towards doing the same.
Better decide first and be sure about the same
No point in deciding later with regards to what you want to do, since time has always remained important.
When you decide upon doing something in advance, it’s planning.
When you decide upon doing something at the spur of moment, then it’s because of an experience that you have on your side.
In any case it’s always better to decide first and then proceed towards doing what has been decided.

Crucial moments are part of everyone’s life,
if not a part of everyday life,
however, in the end these crucial moments enrich the experience of an individual.

So it’s always better to be a part of the game,
always participate,
learn from your own mistakes rather than doing the same routine thing daily,
the same mundane thing over and over again.

Better decide first,
be firm on the same and then proceed towards doing the same.
Definitely a moment in time will come when you will know exactly what needs to be done in order to achieve your aim.
JR Rhine Nov 2015
Be a regular somewhere.
Ask for the usual.
Turn head up from the facade
of reading the by now memorized menu
to the smell of peppermint chewing gum
and a voice like old rubber treading gravel.
Notice that she did something different with her hair,
asking about how her kid's soccer game was
over the weekend.
Blonde curls--as opposed to waves--streaked with white dangle and bounce restlessly
encroached on an oval face
movement synchronized with fast and tight lips dark wrinkles formed around a bad habit swore to quit after her second child
but conversations and routine keep her body
and mind moving
their weakness frozen in place.
Nod to the chef, a dark-mustached thick-skinned and coarsely-coated fellow;
he tips his hat in greeting, smiling mostly
to himself as he looks down half consciously to chop the tomatoes.
You catch in the air the familiar scent
of coffee brewing, your ears perk up
to the sizzle of bacon as it
slaps into the pan.
The chatter of dishes and silverware
clinking together as they're
scrubbed scrupulously by an oily ambulant adolescent in the kitchen.
You look around, spotting the elderly man
enshrouded in the brown overcoat
patches at the elbows
on the stool, hunched over
the counter, orders coffee black
and graces hot sauce on meals like an elixir.
The lines on his face
seemingly not from the assumed winces
one would have from eating such a spicy meal
in the waking hours.
Wiry fingers coated in aging spots
reach out shakily to the coffee
like a saving grace
thin lipped breaks formation
solely for the formulaic
meal to be consumed.
You watch him now
as you're prone to do
His eyes look forward
and beyond
the kitchen's outer walls
where to in time
you wonder,
and think better of it all.
There's an atmosphere of peace,
not so much the calm before the storm
but the walk before a trot
to a jog and then a sprint.
This is the moment
before the preparation
for the moment,
frozen in time before
the blink of an eye
or the exhale of breath,
before the stretching of muscles
or the cracking of stiff bones,
as the eyes open from sleep
still carrying a few seconds
of the dream
before awakening to reality.
To have this moment all to yourself,
in the presence of others.
To share an atmosphere,
dense with the allusion of dreams
It's in the appreciation
of the mundane
as a sign of life,
in the shared atmosphere as a
sign of community.
To see less blurry faces,
and maybe just a few good ones.
To see the imperfections
of others patiently,
or in awe,
perhaps at the work of a creator,
or of nature,
or to wander between
fact and fiction
unlike two sides of a coin,
but more alike two bodies of water
on opposite sides of an endless isle;
currents break onto the shore
with crashes full of yearning,
as if a call to the other side.
You walk amidst the cacophony
interpreted as a symphony
the sizzle of pig meat
the clinking of dishes
the monotonous yet
harmonious chatter of
ritualized conversations
with nuances you've interpreted
and analyzed, memorized;
you could sing it like the refrain
of an old folk tune.
This is your song
this is your orchestra
clinking dishes
sizzling bacon
chewing gum between yellowing teeth
you write this symphony
and rehearse it everyday
before it fades into the world
of chaos and conundrum.
But for now
you are on the shore,
with the coffee wind
carrying the sizzling and clinking
breaks awash white foam like milk
with a peppermint gum-
flavored saltwater mist that
kisses your face as it asks
about a refill.
Of course you say yes,
sitting upon worn leather upholstery
on the beach side,
feeling yourself settle
into a familiar crease
you sigh with relief.
Tucking away the urge
to anxiously wait
for the moment to cease.
I am a fan of routine on a (sub)conscious level. Something about going to the same place, sitting in the same seat, and analyzing your environment to take note of any changes from your last visit is... intoxicating.
ParisThePoet Nov 2015
Take my hand and let's see the world
take my heart and be my girl
let's make memories we'll never forget
let's have moments we'll never regret

Let's walk around and explore the earth
let's enjoy our lives from this day forth
let's make every tick tock worth
let's be together like we were meant to since birth

Let's venture into unknown places
let's fall in love over and over on a daily basis
let's stay up to watch the sunrise
while we kiss and look into each other's eyes

Let's cuddle up and look at the starts
then let our love reach that far
let's always be happy in each other's presence
with a love so pure it feels like heaven

Let's never take each other for granted
and let's do everything that is romantic
let's hold each other through every night
and never let go cause it feels so right

Let's be together till we're too old
let's let our love story be the best story ever told
aniket nikhade Nov 2015
For a moment in time everything seems to be possible
Later on, something else seems to be possible
Still later, still something else gets sighted that seems to be possible.

It’s the mind that travels to far off places covering a large distance
The mind works constantly,
from the present to future,
from the future to present.
Still it’s always better to live with the present moment of time.

The desire to get something more, than all that you have leads to the process of ascertaining the future.
The lure for a better future spoils the present.
Still the process of ascertaining the future does not stop here.

Other way round,

Possibly something better seems to be possible in the future
Most probably there seems a better opportunity in the future
The worry about better future ceases to die down.
It neither settles on it’s own nor does it die down.

The mind continues to worry in a hope that a day will come when something better will happen and the future will be secured.

All this volatile nature of the thought process seems to be for a moment of time, otherwise after a moment or so, everything returns back to normal.

Satisfaction and fulfillment seem to be there only for a moment in time.
Then thereafter, the restlessness of mind starts again
What now?
What next?
What else?
What if something like this does not happen?
Questions and more questions are raised as the restless still remains.

Better to have something definite in mind, something of own, something certain.
Better to work with a positive mind set.

Definitely a day will come when something better will happen, something of which you had never even thought of.

Never wait for something like this to happen
Always make a way of your own, follow the same
Definitely a day will come when you will be confident as to how to reach to your destination.

Till then, it’s work that counts and matters.
It’s the input that you give in your work that counts
It’s the thought process that gets activated and worked up that counts
So keep going, till that point in time, until you reach to your destination.
Unknown - KS Nov 2015
For who am I, compared to you,
For you are a lion and I'm a mouse,
Living among lies in an abusive house,
I skitter and skatter until you pounce,
For there is nowhere to hide,
And none by my side,
I feel alone,
In this broken home,
Day by day I wish and pray.
But no one listens,
For what I have to say,
For that after all who am I compared to you,
For you are a lion and I'm a mouse.
K Balachandran Nov 2015
I wasn't listening to the whispers of the moment
that embraced me tight; her vigor was such that
I did completely surrender to the bliss enveloping.

The night, spiritedly dancing, said something softly
in her characteristic language,darkness spotted with light.
A distant star,witness to this pantomime got impatient, yelled
at me for not listening; being unaware of the larger picture:

" I am past,robbed by light years, kept a prisoner for your eyes,
still unabashedly yearning to be in present,keeping my hopes alive,
Listen to what night says, get the essence of the moment, remember,
the morning is going change everything,then it would be lost for ever.

The night fell silent for a moment,extending her tender hand, winked.
aniket nikhade Nov 2015
In the frequent changes that take place from time to time
In everything that moves from one moment to next
In each and everything and in all,
there is something that will remain constant
There is something that will remain the same
It's the response to change.

Every change has got a start at some point of time
Every change breaks a myth,
bringing a new reality to life.
Every change has got something substantial to do with the present moment in time
Every change makes sure that it presents the present moment in time in a different way, different from all that happened prior.

Every change will tell what else is there with regards to the future
Agree, accept and welcome a change with concise and clear mindset and an open heart.
Tsaa Nov 2015
i felt your hot breaths on my face
the extreme anticipation as your lips neared mine
i felt the warmth coming from your embrace
the synchronization of our hearts' beats
i felt the perfection as our fingers intertwined
the silence in the air but the noise in my emotions
i felt the way your hair brushed against me
the way it hid your face from time to time
i felt the motion as your curled up to my side
the safety and security i knew i had
i felt the intensity as my name matched with your sleepy voice
the sound of sweet serenity

i felt the morning sun rising up to shine upon everything
the night has faded, the moment has ended
i felt my eyes opening up to the feeling of loneliness
the empty side to my right desiring your presence
i felt the need for you so much
the person i may never have on the same bed

i felt it
the dream
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