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Mystic Ink Plus Jul 2018
If I am asked, what is the best topic to write?

I will always reply,  
Theme: Silence got a big voice
Genre: Autobiography
Esridersi Jun 2018
tired you must be
running, rolling - red, ablazed
all around my mind.
haint gonna mock ridiculous science
     asper to be bled
dark practices to leech out mailer daemons,
     not so laughable nor in cred

double, when oppressed diabolical  dread
oompah loompah fealty l'chaim fled
as hand grenades explode within my head
mettlesome monsters

     make mercuric chrome dome feel like a led
zeppelin with fractured stairway to heaven in stead...
delivers me zombies, where angels fear to tread  
cuz, the devil and psyche did wed

shotgun Swedish crow did house mafia style
wrenched, wrested wretched
     mental state most intense (no croc) dial
shattered, slewed, splintered sanity,
     thus practitioner with "FAKE" know how aisle

apprentice Aunt Roadie,
     who will skewer me evil spirits den da deuce
till I beak home one sacrificed overly cooked goose
a burnt offering shish kabob

     no longer able to raise cane on the loose
like a red bull
     rocky on the shoals of a frantically angry moose
livid with rage
     (akin to diary of mad a housewife)
   entropy written, where death will be only truce

pyromaniac qua ramshackle shanty (tinderbox)
     unleashes wicked zeal
hellacious incendiary juiced ride
     up plies noisome rubbery odor,

     sans hot wheel
along the outer limits of functionality explosions
     precipitate like drops of molten steel
routing hunger, searing nostrils,
     tearing tenuous fragile tethered tendrils

     self cannibalizing via tooth and nine inch nail      
     linkedin with nauseousness as thine meal
exemplary asper full blown panic attack
     lodged within mine genetic blooper print deal.
Cee Valenso Mar 2018
A wild forest is she, a covert forest is she
Donned in a sable jacket and thin-rimmed lenses
In this city jungle, to suffocate is the norm
But her presence is a breath of the freshest air
Air that stirs life in the corners of my lungs
In the hollows at the pit of my stomach
In my arteries, in all places until my puny fingertips
A wild forest, her sockets as designated firmaments
The palace of browns that blinded me, ensnared me
And when they curved into midnight crescents
I lost my breath, I missed a life beat
Her visage, a stunning union of night and day
A sight that douses a pleasing warmth on my frigid soul
And enlivening chills on my every bone
Honey-glossed dusty rose petals are her mouth
Their softness still yet to be known
With a smile so enthralling, laugh so riveting
Hers is the symphony that renders birds listening
Words that emulate soft rustles of juvenile leaves
Ironic how they placate and intensify quakes in my ribs
She is a sturdy tree, lacking beside crystalline skyscrapers
But her branches promise sojourn for my fatigued frame
A bed of grass drizzled with morning dew, her palms
Vines that I wish to braid my bi-colored locks, her fingers
And her skin, the bark my curious fingers want to trace
The surface where my nails desire to carve my name
And she, in her glorious entirety
Is a signal for the beginning of the stampede
Sending my gait unsteady
Cajoling my stone bricks to remodel its tracks
She is a wild forest amidst the bustling cities
A land of fertile soil with wild plants and flowers springing
From her chest, her wonderful mind
And I, once an eon of drought
Now an eager seed wishing to grow
With her healthy yellows and greens, I yearn to grow
Louisa Coller Feb 2018
The storytelling poetic, symbolic and exotic,
the heartbeats of many ambitions follow.

The story touched hearts, brought people to dance,
a sunlit harmony of bodies.

The pain and the grieve written through their teeth,
laid there in public display.

For many dance to the romantic trance,
her pain and memories will stay.
This is actually a poem inspired by how much I currently am in love with the film 'La la land' and how many people most likely think I love it only for the romantic tropes, but in realistic viewpoints, I actually admire their characters individually much more.

Mia shows a lot of emotions in the regards to how I feel when I lose someone in my life and in a way I wanted to subtly replicate that emotion I feel in contrast to the romantic trope-following emotion of the masses. Sometimes, people genuinely like something more than what people would expect for.
Alec Feb 2018
Casually not okay
I mean granted you’re allowed to say anything you say.
Yeah i know I’m not perfect I’m not preferred
And I’ll be honest it’s expected so it’s not like it actually hurts.
I’m not tall enough, I’m not strong enough.
Which makes dating pretty tough and rough.
Short guys get the short end of the stick
Fitting isn’t it?
I should work out more i should eat better.
Would that mean i could go get her?
She’s out of my league to begin with
And me, stealing her heart? That’s a myth.
I’m the one she’s interested in,
But I’m not the one she really likes.
People are interesting
Svode Feb 2018
A poet,
hopeful; on course.
Writing not for interest,
but due to force.

A writer,
worried somewhere near.
Writing not for interest,
but due to fear.
Triscuit Dec 2017
Our eyes make acquaintance in the dim light of the car.
I search them for a person I once knew, someone different, someone not you.
I see a familiar glare.
I want to test your patience.
I want to taste your soul.
Two different bodies with the same paces.
They make your intellect into copies.
Not the same, no.
The differences are obvious, but the intrigue stays.
It always comes back.
No two people are exactly alike... But love starts out the same.
Kaels Nov 2017
why is it that
when you want someone
they don't want you
as soon as they want you
you don't want them

but at the same time

why is it that
when you're single
you stay single
because there is
nobody interested
in a relationship
with you
once you're taken
in a relationship
or even talking to someone
there are all these people
suddenly interested
in what you
have to offer
and want you
to themselves
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