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AndresAjala Mar 17
You are my weapon,
my avenger,
the one I unleash
on anyone, anywhere.

Anyone guilty
of my lack of effort,
my frustration,
or of not being kind.

I fire you
for the things I lose
or the ones I fail to overcome.

I keep you tied to my waist,
always loaded,
but never well secured.

I **** you,
like a revolver in my hand,
and pull the trigger
with reckless passion.
umar farooq Mar 8
Once untouched—so pure, so free,
A whispering breeze, light as the sea.
But with one soft push, I lost my ground,
No longer floating, drowning in emoting.

Chained in the shadows, longing to flee,
Trapped in love’s gallows, with no escape to be.
Syafie R Jan 13
It calls, sharp as a crack in the sky—

is it a hand reaching to lift me,
 or my own voice,
 drowning in its own echo?

The wound hums with the weight of rescue,
 but I wonder if I’ve always been

the one to pull myself under.
silvervi Oct 2024
Lost inside
Fractions of mind
Consciousness split

Bubbling up
Unhealthy impulses


Conflicting parts
No peace
No bliss

In a dissociative

Let me out!
You have to endure.
Every feeling

So I am enduring

Opening one eye
Hate. Closing it.
Opening another eye
Lust. Losing it.

Never opening both eyes for too long.
Awareness. Awareness. Awareness.

How to connect with myself
When there are 100 parts
Within me arguing.

Who am I?
Who was I yesterday?
And an hour ago?

I am fear.
Afraid to lose control.
I am freedom in disguise.
Lock me up.
Hide me in those woods.

Being is survival
Existence a struggle
When you fight.

So stop.
Stop fighting. Now.
Trying to find my center again. Not quite myself today.
Pman Jun 2020
I’m spiralling.
Heading nowhere but down,
With each curl getting tighter,
And the pull getting stronger.
I’m losing control,
In a way not typical to most.
My emotions evade me.
I’m numb.
I held them in for so long,
And felt them slowly going deeper,
But I couldn’t bear to retrieve them,
Before they were gone.
Now, only remnants remain.
I speak of immorality with such disdain,
Only because I’m ashamed.
Ashamed of who I was,
And who I’ve become.
I can’t help but be critical,
Because everything I do holds weight.
Not just on myself,
But on those around me.
A weight that I’m struggling to carry.
I’ve already dropped so much,
And so I remain stationary.
Immobilized by the fear,
The fear of losing more.
Michael Sep 2018
As I sit here consuming the evenings last few conscious thoughts,
It occurs to me that the thoughts in my heart do not match the way I talk.

I talk of kindness, care, and of love, And of putting everyone around me way above.

I think and feel that I could ****, at the slightest drop of a hat.
Normal people do not think like that.

Knowing what I am is the scariest of thoughts.
Knowing I’m undeserving is a feeling that I’ve caught.

The darkness that resides within me, consumes my every thought.
Yet I have the audacity to walk a kindly talk.
I have the bare faced cheek to ignore my darkest thoughts.

They are part of me I know, but I must not put them on show.
The darkness is my failing, nobody else needs to know.
A few of my innermost thoughts on who and what I am. Identity is a fragile and fickle thing.
We lived as the slaves of consequence
For one above all created our life to be transcendent
Fated to live on without a preference
Never know the true meaning of deliverance

In the black and blue we hanged our life
Hoping that someday we will survive
But destiny always forced us to strife
And will not given us any compromise

Everything will turn to be a void
For regret is the one we can't avoid
The answers that we always fought
Are not the things that we truly sought
The dusky skies full of embers
Was the only thing i could remember
Before my mind gone restless
And everything became motionless

Condemned by my own guilt
Chained by something that never be
For the sins i've commit will never go away
In circular motion i tried to make my way

It feels like this life was uncompetitive
For i've been pushed to edge of the cliff
Caused by an obligation i forcefully had to take
Didn't even know how to repent for my own sake

At last, there isn't any means to strive
Empty-handed, no reason to survive
Falling and kneeling over my grief
Waiting for salvation to be lit again
Anthony Smith Jun 2017
Whispering Shadows
Looming behind every corner,
Deadly Creatures
Waiting within.

Rivers of Blood
Flowing across wooden floors,
Forgotten Memories
Coming near.

Radiating Darkness
You are it's source.
Deadly Wishes
Seeking escape.

Excruciating Pain
Maintaining your sanity,
While Damning Forces
Battle within
Alayna Coleman Oct 2015
There is something about my room that seems to fuel my habitual sadness. There is something, about the way the light doesn’t shine through the windows, something about the mountains of pillows that seem to be calling me into an infinite lifetime of warmth and sadness, something about my desk hidden underneath a wooden box of darkness containing my midnight thoughts scrawled out onto crumpled up sticky notes, something about the anthems of cry babies and alphabet boys that play on repeat and surround my room with an aura of  indie tumblr stereotypes. When I arrive here in this forum of happy sadness I am filled with a certain type of joy. Not the kind you get when you ace a hard test or when you someone compliments you. This kind of joy comes from giving in. When the war between you and your inner self finally ends and you become a victim to your own sadness. There is something about my room that makes my depression bearable…

— The End —