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I'm chainsmoking your breath
Filling my lungs with your oxygen
I'm kissing your sweat
Using your body fluids like glycogen
I'm tasting your skin
My lips exploring every inch of you
I see your beauty within
I feel **** when seen from your view
I'm dressed in your shadow
When you meet my body from behind
Everytime you have to go
I wanna hit pause and then rewind
As soon as we're uncovered
I know we'll both be wetter
I love being your lover
When our bodies snare together
Lost Jul 2016
I haven't been this in love since the first time I laid eyes on a cheeseburger.
Holy ****
Mila Berlioz Jul 2016
I got a problem
I'm in trouble.
I like you, way too much; even more than I should.
Look at your right, I'll be there, waiting.
I love you, and you're my trouble.
It seems I like being troubled.
If there's anything or anyone who should be my trouble, it should be you.
lo Jul 2016
people say out of sight, out of mind and i used to think this was true until i met you. out of sight, but never out of mind, for absence makes the heart grow fonder. he said you never know what is enough, until you know what is more than enough, ive known from the start that you were more than enough, but enough none the less. if in each forward step we take we leave some phantom of ourselves behind then id gladly take another step towards you for the me without you is not a me id like to be and id happily leave that me behind, and if weak eyes are fondest of glittering objects, then i see now why i am so in love with you, for you shine so brightly. if its true that the tighter you squeeze, the less you have, then ill hold you lightly, but even more so.
Christina L Jul 2016
He likes to keep his radio on the country music station
because he's from the country and the songs remind him of home.
He likes to have his hair played with but doesn't like it too long
because then it's a hassle to take care of and doesn't take 2 seconds to dry after his morning showers.
He likes to be the little spoon just as much as he likes to be the big spoon,
because it makes him feel like he's giving love while also getting it.
He acts all scary when on the road or when walking somewhere,
but I know it's only because he's blocked out the idea of getting hurt
and it's much easier to not get hurt when people are scared of you.
He likes the feeling of his feet gliding on ice,
he likes the wind in his face while driving his boat
he likes the colours that paint the sky for sunsets
and the smell of apple and cinnamon.
Strawberry rhubarb pies are his favourite
but only ones that are made by his grandmother.
And when you ask him about her,
his eyes will light up and he'll look away as he talks in a happy tone
as he remembers her hugs, her home, her voice.
He loves his studies because it's also his passion
and sometimes you might feel like he loves it more than you...
okay, maybe more than sometimes.
More than sometimes, you'll feel like he's more interested in leaving a mark in history than in going out for a dinner date with you.
More than sometimes, you'll get a text from him saying he'll be late because he's working or that you have a limited time to talk to him.
But as hard as it is to, try not to dwell on it.
Because don't forget,
more than sometimes, he'll drive hours to come see you.
More than sometimes, he'll show you how vulnerable he can be around people he loves
and more than sometimes,
he'll remind you over and over again how much he misses you
how much he misses your smile and your hugs
your kisses and your giggles.
How much you mean to him.
God, you could talk to him for hours and hours and never run out of things to talk about.
You could stare at him with a smile on your face and always find something new to love.

I should know...
I wouldn't change any part of him for anything in the universe.
I'm in's a problem.
Arcassin B Jun 2016
By Arcassin Burnham

Like manually overriding the outskirts into your mind,

The beauty of you will live on forever and through all time,

Teenage crush why don't ya,
That smile gives me..amnesia,
I could feel my jealousies emerging-like-bacteria,
Beautiful like capitula,
No-place-of dystopia,
I'll make a wonderland for ya-through utopia,

miss ricci,
what's your name
wait!I just said it,
maybe I'm just nervous,
the beauty of you
makes me regret it all,
don't wanna deceive ya,
smile so enticing,
your voice is heaven,
no second guessing,
the beauty of you,
makes me regret it all,

I could put a million flowers in your hair and
kiss you like Casper when he changed into
human form to flaunt his charm into impressing
your Sight with his presence,
that's a lesson to learn,

miss ricci,
what's your name
wait!I just said it,
maybe I'm just nervous,
the beauty of you
makes me regret it all,
don't wanna deceive ya,
smile so enticing,
your voice is heaven,
no second guessing,
the beauty of you,
makes me regret it all.
Lost Jun 2016
And I knew then,
if I dared let the poison of love consume my being,
I would never be able to recover.
And yet,
I let it happen.
And I wish I regretted it,
but I don't think I ever will.
Your love was my favorite poison.
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