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Heim Jun 2018
Maybe I’ll beat up my sister today to deal with reflexive reprieve. No.

I think it’s because people are  disappointments.

Maybe it’s because I’m afflicted with poverty. This is not real poverty, just the poverty I live with, the type I’ll see today and tomorrow.

Maybe its because we have the opposite of wealth and will never have enough to facilitate a dream. Fathers a salesman what can I do?

It’s because I’m disappointed with how shallow my life has been.
The Dybbuk Jun 2018
I wake up in the morning,
with a pit where you should be,
And the air I breathe isn't filtered like it was.
I walk through the day with two broken legs,
And my feet drag along the broken glass.
You say that you're empty, but I'm hollowed out,
And I hate what's left.
I'm innocent, and that's the worst thing I've ever done to myself.
Colm May 2018
The hollow sound of heavy rain
As it beats upon an empty chest
No leaves to tear or lives to end
There is only rain
And storms unrest
Sometimes you have to feel empty in order to remenber what make you fulfilled.

I'm just selfish.
XyL0S May 2018
Oh...I held to your
When I was afraid of the
Frightened to stumble,
lose the grip,
Unsure of the length of the

Too raw to digest,
the intensity of emptiness...
I don't feel you anymore either,
Your hand just threatens to fall,
I accuse the loss of my sight-
-for not seeing your eyes,
For the depth I'm sure will be there to suffice.    

But won't it be marking me easy?
For assuming I'm too much of blind?
For sight I believe isn't watching-
-Its seeing, and I can see the truth to your voice...

By the time I'll be pacing to walk on,
I fear you'll be lagging behind...
But isn't it funny?
It'll be your preference
And I'll be waiting denying.

But weren't choices offered to both?
Wasn't there faith in complying?
Wasn't I there when the silence broke?
Am I ceasing my tears with time?

I'm caressing my skins where you kissed me,
I'm regretting not saying goodbye.
Nayana Nair May 2018
Oh! Let me be you.
Who walks with a sun in your pocket
for every rainy day.
Who stood at crossroads
and decided which road shouldn’t exist.
Let me be you for a day.
So that I am not the one
who hides in hollow words,
who makes her bed on the dreams of others.
Let me be you,
so that I can put out my hand
always with the confidence
knowing that the love I ask
shall be given.

But what is this that I feel?
Why my hands shake?
Why my heart cries?

Is it because
the one who is breaking the wall
with bare bleeding hands
has the same pain, same fear
as the one who is hiding behind that wall.
Is it because
this love, this life
leaves no one without scar.
Hollow Steve May 2018
I've awakened to grey themes,
they cling to me.
I am myself again,
but nowhere near.

I am myself again,
as if death had life to give.
An offering at best,
and crippling the gift.

It bends, it burns,
it dies.
It's held in so tight,
just let it die.

It builds, it floods,
it's empty.
Spewing out the same nonsense
from so long ago.

Eclipsed by the blood,
blackened by the stares.
Dead death blooms,
lingering a hollow consciousness.
Emma May 2018
I wish I could hate you like I used to,
the ferocious hate that came after the betrayal.
I remember when I still loved you,
my endless devotion that ended up being fatal.

After it happened, you made my blood boil.
I could barely look at your face without wanting to shout.
It made me sick, my stomach would turn and roil,
how you still were able to fill me with self-doubt.

But now, I don't ever see you.
I don't ever think about you.
And on the rare occasion I do,
I feel nothing for you.

And that, for some reason makes me feel sad.
All my passion for you, just gone.
It's too hollow, and even if this sounds bad,
I wish I still hated you, at least that's a feeling I could count on.
Fritzi Melendez May 2018
I feel like the laughs and smiles rattle in my chest like my anti-depressants when I shake the bottle.

It feels so hollow and dark until I light up momentarily, and then it dies again.

The smiles and laughs are like bugs in a jar, you shake them and they move, but leaving them in too long kills them off.

I just can't understand why I cry feeling this pain but then inflict it upon myself when I can't feel anything at all.

I can't help but think how ****** up I am, taking pills, talking about my problems, slicing my arms until they drip with blood.

It's impossible for me to be happy when this hollow feeling lingers with my emotions as its prisoner.

Shaking itself, rattling them up to taunt them until they cry out.

I can't live in this false hope anymore.

There is no help for me, no happiness for me here.

They're just echoes that bounce off the walls in my chest.

No one can hear the loud pain beneath this numb body.

It's like screaming for help underneath water.

and happiness is the one keeping me under. It's






Eerie filled rooms full of avengeful ghosts. I can't help but feel,




Perplexed by these feelings that rattle in my ribcage.

Maybe this life isn't for me
Eternal emptiness that can not be fulfilled.
I can't feel anything.
like a dying tree
alone in the forest where its brethren stand tall and strong
the sun peeking through their canopies of green
casting their shadows onto its blistering bark
cold, dark, rotten
past its prime and waiting for the end

but nestled in that tree is a nest
and inside that nest three bright blue eggs rest
patiently waiting to hatch
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