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NeroameeAlucard Nov 2014
Thank you very much
for teaching me feelings are a crutch
for educating me to how my dreams will get crushed

Thank you for enlightening me
to get rid of my heart you see!
It's simply nothing more than a tool
others use to hurt you you fool!

Thank You for forging my armor
to make me stronger for much longer
opening up it seems will just get me hurt
so thank you for forging it, you did admirable work

Thank you for killing my once happy self
the world was trying but it just needed help
now I have all the happiness of a caged elf
or a nobleman lacking in wealth
This poem is essentially backhanded flattery
Ali Nov 2014
Every little word we take for granted,
Every little voice we hear,
Every little pair of eyes we meet,
Every little smile we put on each others faces,
Is a brief bliss that we can’t ignore
We take these things for granted,
We think these things are everlasting,
Be grateful.
No one else has your voice.
No one else has your ears.
No one else has your eyes.
So consider yourself blessed.
I Am Nov 2014
Time Is Alway's Tikking And Tokking
Never Ever ******* Stopping
Hear The Clock
Tik Tok
Tok Tik
Stop Time's Figting
Get Up And Start Realizing
Look Around You Ungrateful *****
Amanda Oct 2014
My view count has reached over ten thousand! When I started posting a little over a year ago, I never imagined so many people would see the words that come from the deepest places of all my selves. I am forever grateful to everyone and anyone who has ever read a single word written by myself. This whole experience has been completely cathartic. My poetry has helped me through my darkest times and reminds me of my happiest times. So I just want to say thank you, from the bottom of my heart, to everyone who was there with me through this never ending journey that we call life.
farahD Oct 2014
If we remember,
That one day we could lose someone,
That one day we could lose everything,
That one day we could get sick
Or die.

Then we will take,
This life,
Full heartedly.

Not because,
We have nothing to lose,
But because,
Everything in this life,
Can always be lost.
emily grace Oct 2014
it's 12:44 a.m.
and i am forgetting you
something so seemingly impossible two months ago
Lessons learnt through
narrow spaces.
Some widened themselves
to give your soul
some freedom.
Others ****** every
ounce of joy
and squeezed your bones
till numbness was all you felt.


You searched for it,
all over your backyard
and then chased for it
in all the wrong places.
If only my dear, you knew-
The most spacious place
was in that beating heart of yours.
You didn't have to be on your knees
begging for a space in his heart.
You didn't have to be in his flesh
if it was made out of deception
and too many masks to count.
You are a galaxy on your own,
you own the stars,
you do not need another shining light
to flee from the darkness.
You need the darkness
to understand your own space sometimes.
You are an endless space yourself,
if only you allow yourself to be.

The cosmos will shiver at your liberation.
But first, own your space,
which is within you.
And when you find yourself,
do go in depths of all those dreams
you had for years,
Fall in love with your soul
and realize, that it has always left a space for you.

MeganW Oct 2014
It has been a year since my best friend has come into my life.
Scratch that, it's been a year since my sister has come into my life.
For the first time I believe I have found someone who will be here all my existence and will continue to love me.
You have taught me to be brave, to be strong, to keep going on. You've protected me, fought for me, loved and sometimes hated me.
Our friendship isn't perfect because they never are but you are the perfect person to be a friend to me.
So I stand here today thankful that the girl who usually goes away stayed.
Here's to having one of my friendship soul mates coming into my life and for the many years we have ahead.
I love you
Jeremy Rascon Oct 2014
Today I thought
   About dying,  
And was humbled
     By death
  My end will
But hasn't yet
    And I
Am forever grateful.
Of being deceased
   I am home
Today I thought
   About dying
    But didn't.
Natalie Neo Oct 2014
Actually I am very clear.
I know that things aren't right
and I need to get my **** together.

But I just needed to hear it from you.
Your voice. Your tone. Your words.

Thank you,

I know what to do now.
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