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annvelope Oct 2014
Knowing you almost a year.

You had no idea that
You are the best thing that has ever happened to me.

I've found a reason for me to change who I used to be,
A reason to start over new.
I'd give all I have to say, just for you to stay.

I hate you,
You made me miss you too much.
axr Sep 2014
Der mom and dad,
This is an open letter to you
Finally, my actions have given me there fruit.
There are so many things which I cannot payback
Your love is something to which wealth will never match.
Remember back in '99?
You smiled when I cried.
The hospital authorities scared you when I was born
They said, soon I will be gone.
My lungs fought
despite their taunts.
Daddy finally found something to love more than his cigarettes
Till today, you've made sure I don't go hungry to bed.
I remember th early 2000s
When were pretty broke
Let it be anything,
Your refused to say no if I wanted more.
Hell, I was pretty demanding
Maybe I still am
But I take this opportunity to thank you for everything

Mom, thank you for giving me the X chromosome
I know I lose my temper often
But you're the sweetest person I'll ever know.
I remember
When you were against me getting tattoos
I told you it would be about the family
and you said "When you get it, I want to be there too."
If today anyone calls me pretty
it would be because of your genes
I didn't inherit them all
but I know when not to be mean.
I promise,one day I'll give the world to you
Make you lead the life which you wanted to.
We have nothing yet everything
You both are the only one who will understand these lines'  meaning

Hey there little sister
You're probably too young to read this letter
I love you more than anything else
You're my reason to live
and wait for this darkness to end
We can communicate with each through our minds
Just remember you'll always burn bright
I needed a moment to thank my family for everything. Here it is.
PS Sep 2014
How can I be sad?
All my dreams came true!
I'm so happy they did!
Rae Sep 2014
The birds singing outside, the smell of mums cinnamon porridge drifting from the kitchen mixed with the crisp cold morning air
The sun, she kisses my face as I lay in my bed waking from a peaceful slumber I hear the innocent giggles of my siblings playing outside
In this moment life is perfect & I feel total bliss & an unconditional love from the earth & those on it
In this moment life is perfect
A thought from the previous day passes my mind, my father standing over my sister with his belt in hand, he lashes out & she screams I cringe & hide further into the corner he pulls the belt back & strikes again " I told her not to hide ******* in the closet"
Another shriek of pain sounds traveling straight through my core
He leaves & my sister lays there weeping I go to her & hold her close she cries into my chest & pulls in closer
I whisper to her of our future & the leaving this place, I see the light return to her eyes
In this moment thing are perfect
Years later & I am a full grown woman my fiancé & I are expecting our daughter in one day I awake at 3am feeling terrified like a lost child in a shopping mall
I awake my partner & tell him something's wrong he reassures me till I drift off to sleep in his arms  
The morning comes with a gloomy feel & I rush into hospital
My mother & I throw jokes whilst waiting for the ultra sound & I feel safe again into the room onto the hard cold steel bed & we begin, I can't look my heart is racing & I look at my mother her face tells me my answer before the doctor slips out one word
The earth falls from beneath me & my dreams & hopes all come undone
After 24hours of excruciating pain I hold her body, limp & life less I wipe the blood from her nose & kiss her forehead before they take her away
My partner holds my hand as we weep for our child he tells me we can make it through this
In this moment life is perfect
A year goes by, she would have been one today my fiancé left for his previous lover & I sought comfort in a gentle caring soul who I am to broken to return love to
I crave to hold my daughter to hear her laugh & watch her blow out her candles
She is gone & I lay here wide awake sobbing into my pillow but it the morning I will sing her her song & the birds will sing & the sun will once again kiss my face as she sends her love down upon me
And in that moment ... Life will be perfect.
It's not about what you don't have, it's about being grateful for what you do have, life is a series of perfect moments you just have to look a bit harder for them sometimes.
No this isn't a poem but I find I'm not having luck finding the words lately...
Like this or not I hope it sends the message I was trying to achieve, be grateful it's the only way to achieve true happiness.
Maddie Grace Sep 2014
You need to know that
you are the sum of your parts
and I'm glad you're here.
Urmila Sep 2014
They were shattered pieces of glass,
In a jar I had kept away,
I thought I'd use them,
To create an artefact some day,
You found the jar in my closet,
I told you with this jar don't play,
You said you could make something beautiful,
With my shattered glass and your clay,
Then you made a masterpiece,
Your art had a metamorphic way
And although you broke your own creation,
Thank you, is all I could say
Jennifer Weiss Aug 2014
I never thought banging on these keys until my emotions subsided would matter.

I never thought it would result in things as sweet as this.

I never thought I would ruffle feathers

I never thought I could change the world.

I never thought anyone, anywhere would read my words.

-but if you are,
Take something from it. That's why the words are there. Take hope, love, redemption, but be careful, there are those out there who don't take kindly to your happiness, sometimes I think they're everywhere.
Thank you for reading, I would have given up by now if it weren't for this website.

Thank you.
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