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you said you wanted to see
but I felt it could never be

you circle scars
i circle

we've gone ways, love

i said

when they marched in

they saw
they condemned

could barely move a muscle

but the walls didn't hold
and the passersby

have just had it with us

and our airy tones
  weighed down

we couldn't help ourselves
love, let alone each other

we saw the skies bleeding red

*or was it just us?
We've decided to bring it back. My reply to (sensational) Belle B's poem, (Want) to rewind:
bear Jan 2015
I protect you from bear traps
It seems like you've pushed me into a few.
But I've gotten better and I've forgiven you.
But you still get injured from tripping over twigs.
I've taken the blame because its what I'm use to.
Why won't you grow up and take care of yourself.
You stumble and fall too easily.

You have so many opportunities
but you act like you have none.
I try
I really do
to point them out.
But all you want to do is be
a toddler and play and wait
for everything to come to you.

like it has all your life.

I'm starting to realize something.
I'm losing hope in you.
I see no reason why I am still helping you.
You're not even trying!
Be a freaking man!
YOU have two feet
YOU have two hands
Take some responsibility
and stop thinking everyone will forgive you when you ***** up
The world isn't out to get you
but it definitely leave you behind if you let it.

You're gonna fall a lot,
but I don't feel like sticking around to help you heal
after tripping over air.
I've been around for it too many times.
I don't even see anything in it for me
I have too many wounds to take care of on my own anyways.

Come to me when you've finally felt the gut wrenching pains from the bear traps
and be able to get through it on your own.

But I know you won't.
You will just keep tripping over twigs
and blaming the world for your cuts.
I'm sorry I didn't tell you sooner
PrttyBrd Jan 2015
There is wisdom in a life well rounded
Lived with both joy and pain
Depths of despair
Weightless heights of bliss
There is peace in a heart that loves
Vulnerability and trust
Truth in all things
Caring more for someone other than yourself
There is fulfillment in accepting your mistakes
And continuing on your path despite bad choices
Demons can only die when you forgive yourself
Blank Jan 2015
She's better now
than before.

because she realized
that it's time to get up
and move on,
to forgive
and forget,
to be happy
and contented.
Serenity Marine Feb 2014
I'm buried inside of my thoughts.
I have a dark secret
hidden deep inside my thoughts.
Close, very close to telling it.
The urge to tell someone with trust.
Should I spill it?
I shouldn't,
then what would be the point of it being a secret?
A horrifying secret,
to keep a secret.
Locked inside,
to never be revealed to anyone
but if trusted.
Secrets are suppose to be discrete.
They're secrets,
that are to  stay secrets,
to stay very discrete.
Once told,
ruined the trust.
They will tell.
To tell is to never be forgiven,
They have told your deepest,
darkest secret.
Never trust,
but forgive.
Hate man, it soaks to the bone,
leaves you eatin' animosity, every night, alone.
And I know, it can be an easy thing to harbor
but brother understand, it only makes the heart harder.
A slow burn, just like the end of a cigarette,
sometimes it's easier to cling than it is to forget.
That's why I highly advise you breathe easy,
cruise on through it like fluid, smooth in movement.
And my brother please let your wrath fly freely,
Never aim it like a gun waitin' for you to **** and shoot it.
I recognize, life leaves you searchin' for answers you can't find,
,but it's better to let go than to poison your own mind.
I hope you listen to this message I'm sendin'
and try to get a grasp on the lesson I'm stressin'.
This... is rough, but I still kinda like it.
kaylene- mary Jan 2015
Kaye B Anderson Jan 2015
Be who you are she said,
as she looked me in the eyes.
She told me not to worry,
not to be afraid to cry.

She touched my face gently,
and whispered "live and dream",
"don't let others bring you down,"
"you've got to fight for every dream!"

What an inspiration,
a true friend, in a world of fake.
An everlasting friendship,
forgetting all that hurt us,
forgiving all mistakes.

She is all that I wish I could be,
and I will never find another.
my life I owe to her,
my dearest friend -
*my mother.
Zac Mac Jan 2015
Forgive and forget
easy to say
but hard to do
when the image of you
creeps back to me
every time I fall in love
with someone new
Ellie Geneve Dec 2014
Why did I say
"you are forgiven"
and not
"I forgive you"

you are not forgiven by only me
but by my eyes, and my heart too
by my neurons and synapses,
and by my cheeks and fingers.

you are not forgiven by only me
but by all my pieces too.
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