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Devon Dec 2014
My forgiveness
     will not come from you -
     smiling, snake tongued

     With your holier than thou eyes.
     and bitter hearts.

For now, I only ask it
     of myself.
For my fumblings, my fears -
     as I begin again.
Jenn Nix Dec 2014
The beauty of the desert
Is not in the land;
Barren, dry, harsh and bitter.

The beauty of the lake
Is not in the water;
Brackish, still, cold and endless.

The beauty of a man’s soul
Is not in his prayers;
Angry, conciliatory, false, importunate.

Look up

All reflects what shines above
Sun painting mountains pink
Glint of light on wave
Love that gives more than it takes

Beauty in the eye of the beholder
Blessing in the eye of the beloved
Perfection in reflection

Peace within and without
This walks with us
The vessel must be open
To receive the wine.
Jane Deer Dec 2014
undskyld at jeg ikke var der
undskyld at jeg var væk
tilgiv mig, for jeg har syndet
men synd er nu så let

undskyld at jeg ikke kunne
undskyld at jeg ikke ville
tilgiv mig for at jeg aldrig turde forsvare dig
men jeg har altid været den stille

undskyld at du skulle være den stærke
undskyld at jeg har været en last
tilgiv mig for mine fejl
jeg troede aldrig der var plads
til mig

undskyld Emilie
kan du tilgive mig?
when I walk down the road
what is it  others see.
Are their smiles complimentary
or are they laughing at me.
I have done much to warrant this,
caused bad thoughts to flourish.
So now I plant good intensions
and hope these new seeds will nourish.
May they grow like a blossom,
these seeds in their mind
and just to show that i've changed
I shall be extra kind.
I shall show them the hatred
that once surged through me
is now no longer flowing
and if they can but see
they will notice a change.
See the old ways have gone.
They can witness first hand
the bad deeds are all done.
I think it will be hard
because I've made many cry
but with a new look on life
I'm determined to try.
Perhaps within time
others might come to feel
that this is the new me.
This change is the real deal.
But wether or not
that they ever forgave
I will show to myself
and take good to my grave.
I hope when they look
in the future at me
a more prettier picture
is something they might see.
That they may, in the long run
let there hatred depart,
allow some small piece of me
to get into their heart.
I hope that they will see
good intent from this guy.
do not see me as evil
but as he who did try.
That is high on my wish list
of how this story ends
but til then I'll continue
to make my amends.
But as I contemplate
what it was that they shun,
I'll try so hard to copy
what many others have done.
By making a change
of themselves for the good
they became better people
but don't be misunderstood.
It can be just as hard
to turn you'r life about
as it is for the good-guys
who wrestle with doubt
and the reason is this
it can be so hard to live
when it's easier to hate
than it is - to forgive.
19th December 2014
Amber Bowen Dec 2014
I wish I could stay
I’m terribly sorry
It had to end this way
I hope you’ll always remember
The times you kissed me
This way
The times you were there
When I couldn’t stand
The times we held hands
Without hesitation
Your breathing was altered
Every time we touched
Maybe one day
You’ll forgive me
But I forgive you
Please, don't go
Kara Jean Dec 2014
Forgive and forget,
your lips on the mess I made.
Sometimes love's enough.
How'd I get so lucky, though
kelia Dec 2014
they found your parent’s home address tattooed on your inner thigh
and picked you up at a quarter-to-five
the ****** bourbon was dancing in your bloodstream
so you called from prison and asked if you could see me
i said not tonight, the moon is full
you wrapped my arms around your neck and began to pull
my throat is not the ocean and your tide is not the sea
i never said i loved you, so please forget about me
Andrew Saromines Dec 2014
We all have habits
Hang ups we turn to when words fade from use
When the touch of another feels false
And the skin that you're in feels ill-fitting and loose
Of addictions we choose, are you the user or the used?
Light-headed from smoking far too many cigarettes
But it's better than the spins I get when your name is said
Her toxicity is met with one of my own
Eroding with every upturned stone
To find a reason to use the air in my lungs to talk to her
Instead of fill them up with smoke
But I don't.
Returning burning bile from drinking far too many drinks
But it's better than the taste of blood from getting hit in the face
A father who longs for the respect of fear
Maybe he hits you because he hates himself
And he sees in you the colour of his eyes or the curl of his hair
Or maybe he just does it because it's easier to hurt than to love
The same way you drink because it's easier to be drunk than to forgive.
So **** anyone who does anything to keep you from being able to live
But try to forgive
Not for them, but for you, to begin to heal these wounds
Because your peace of mind was not built for two
Live while they rue.
Ellie Geneve Dec 2014
Do not hold my past against me, for it is not who I am
it is who I
InTheWorldOf Cyn Dec 2014
"I could see what a mess we were. Our insecurities, our flaws became more exaggerated when we were together. We truly brought out the worst in each other. "

"I apologized, for not knowing myself better, and thereby not realizing how wrong we were for eachother"

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