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georgia sophie Jul 2018
passed memories
what good is a blurred compliment
"you were once good at this"
so i am now a failure
and have lost what made me worth something
i guess i will never be good enough in your eyes
Arcassin B Jun 2018
By Arcassin Burnham

I begged and begged,
it still didn't sale,
you ran away , i brought you hell,
the time is changing , still i wanted you.
you told me them lies,
they believed you,
disgraced my name , like plans for you,
that day time stopped , now I ******* hate you.

It can't rain all the time,
i nearly lost my mind,
and though it always does,
you only did the crime.

you failed all of us,
and we trusted you,
pure female demon,
filled your own virtue,

I begged and begged,
it still didn't sale,
you ran away , i brought you hell,
the time is changing , still i wanted you.
you told me them lies,
they believed you,
disgraced my name , like plans for you,

that day time stopped , now I ******* hate you...
Amanda Kay Burke Jun 2018
Face to face with fate
Fingers find flowing fire
Feelings fall far
Alliteration FTW!
Ashley Jun 2018
No liver, no lungs. No talking equals no hate. Scared of the outcome when the outcome is bland. Hearts must be 1,000 times the size. Even if you forget and forgive people won't let you leave the past behind. Mistakes are mistakes, not failures.
I ****.
George Krokos Jun 2018
If you’ve got a letterbox you’ll end up getting junk mail
which will usually be on a weekly basis and without fail.
From "Simple Observations" ongoing writings since the early '90's
She Writes Jun 2018
As surely as a raindrop will fall
On a stormy day
My words will fail me
Once again
Lilly Jun 2018
"She does it for attention"
Attention is what made me start in the first place
Getting noticed
Coming out
It was all a mistake
This is what happens when the quiet girl tries to change
People talk
They all say this
Don't I have enough "attention" focused on me already?
Them noticing me
That is why I started
And my home life isn't much better
It doesn't exist
Can only be broken so many times
So I take my blade to my skin
Not for you
Or anyone else
But for me
So I can feel something
Cause you make me numb
So I can get what I deserve
Like you say I should
My promises
Empty words that don't mean ****
My life isn't as perfect as my smile tells
So I take the blade
To new places on my body
I'm sorry
But attention is what got me here

nick armbrister May 2018
Cut and Dried. Bit and Stitched
Oh he still loves her. They married and were in love, still are, have kids and what they had. I won't say they had what all married couples had cos they didn't. She died, leaving him the widow.
Think of that fact, imagine it was you. How would you cope? What would you do?
Oh, he did things. He drank for a year, had dark ultimate sin thoughts, PTSD shell shock. Yes, it was a war and he suffered a defeat. It was his wife, lost in this world. Then he started writing a story, one he must finish. Or all is lost except memories.

Then something remarkable happened. Not his loss by his suicide. He met another, twin mirror image. What are the ******* chances of that? No ****** would dare take that bet. None.
She lost her boyfriend, a victim in the same war of stolen souls. His lady will understand, for she has been involved in a war and an equally forlorn a battle. I am shocked and try to understand. I wish him well and say remember her, do the book.
Me, alone.
Helena May 2018
the proud moments of greatness
seem much louder than
the strenuous, arduous

                                  But it is then
                      when our bodies collapse
                    and the crowd no longer claps
                     that the brevity of stars is felt
                 and the call of the siren is heard
              rising from the depths of our humanity
( it is only then we learn
that no being deserves disregard
nor should be made a deity
for failing is part of the duality  
that comes with the mortal experience)
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