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aniket nikhade Mar 2016
Every opportunity comes in the form of a disguise
When an opportunity seems to be there, then many things seem possible
Initially, at the first instance only be absolutely sure as to whether or not an opportunity is available.
Once confirmed, then no point in looking back.
Time now to get hold of the things and make sure that the opportunity does not get out of hands.
Definitely every opportunity comes in the form of a disguise.

The disguise can be that of an odd, a challenge or some difficulty
It's absolutely important to be honest to your ownself, then the opportunity will not get out of hands.
What follows later is an experience gained from an opportunity that came along the way
Experiences have got an important place in everyone's life, good or bad comes later, much later.

Opportunities multiply when they are seized,
however, they die when neglected.

Nothing succeeds like success, same is with opportunity
Once an opportunity is seized upon,
time now to wait for the next.

Time alone can tell when the next opportunity will come,
till then keep your fingers crossed and wait for the same.
When the iron is hot, strike - John Heywood
Opportunities multiply as they are seized; they die when neglected - John Wicker
Silverflame Feb 2016
With his curly ginger hair, wild like a lions mane,
he just have to give you one look before you go insane.
He knows he is charming and he knows it so well,
that he finds joy in casting this inescapable spell.

His eyes are like the abyss: dark, cold and deep.
They consume the soul, make your mind go to sleep.
He has damaged you already and you think he is your remedy.
If you could just open your eyes and see his true identity.

With a longing for love and hoping it would float,
you went right in his trap to get him: the antidote.
But instead he fed you up with toxic dreams and lies.
Because this is what he is: poison in disguise.
Pauline Morris Jan 2016
What do you dream of when you close your eyes
What do you truly dream of when you take off your disguise

What is it that makes your heart quicken
What is it that will make your blood thicken

What gets you moving and going on you way
What helps you to survive another day

What do you do when all your dreams have died
What do you do when they no longer dance before your eyes

What can you do when there's no thoughts when you sleep
What can you do when the hole it left is to steep

If all your dreams die what motivates you then
If all your dreams end how do you get up time and again

Are all dreams ment to die
Are they ment to dissolve into the sky
Seth Milliman Jan 2016
Peer into my universe,
Lifting my disguise.
Although things could get worse,
Trying to hide from everyones eyes.
There are days I'd rather be dead,
Being free to roam it all.
The foolish can be mighty,
Making me feel just so small.
What comes next,
Is a mystery.
This world can leave one big upset,
Be what you can be.
There's no time,
To question it all.
For more appear,
Every question you have.
Brings another near,
This all in more.
Trying to make the answer clear,
Oh I'm just so tired.
Yet floating in this universe,
I am here.
FaatimaShah Dec 2015
And they can hunt,
They can smile.
I've seen that brunt,
Alone and hurt passing through that aisle.

And I can see their appeal,
I know what they feel.
I've seen that disguise,
They cry until they dries.

And they can hide,
To protect others life.
I've seen that side,
The side that strife.

And I never want them to change,
I've tried and I've failed.
I'm in this derange,
Without her, how could they've inhaled.

"Though lover's brain, and then they dream of love,",
"My love thou art, my love I think".
Stop this push and shove,
I think it's time to make a brink.
The two lines in quotations are by William Shakespeare
Annie McLaughlin Dec 2015
If my friends knew
of the pain inside
and the technique I created
for my scars to show up
perfectly aligned
I do not believe
they would remain my friends much longer.

If my friends knew
how I cry at night
and try to choke myself with my own dark hair
and finally,
lay broken and sobbing
in the midnight air
I would not blame he or she
if they stopped being friends with me.

If my friends knew
how I turned to *** to numb the pain
or jumped out the window
to feel again
I wouldn't blame my friends
for saying Im insane.

Lastly and surely,
if my friends knew
how many times I have bled
or burned
or weeped
or screamed
or tore away my lover's clothes
to distract my brain from
burning eyes
my friends might figure out
my disguise.
m i a Dec 2015
he was like a star

so beautiful from afar

until i got too close

he melted my heart

i knew it was wrong from the start

but he was such a beautiful work of art

until i got too close

and he tore me apart.

*i no longer see the beauty in stars. All i can see now, is how easily they can burn your soul if you get too close.
people have been asking if i talk about a certain person in my poetry, to answer you; i mostly don't. About 95% just comes from imagination. ** <3
Daylight 4U2C Dec 2015
the new you.
The true you.
The one who cannot be defined.
The one who is defined by being undefinable.
The one who said "I can" when others said "You can't"
Yet they never know the story.
They say words but they don't know that people just like them pushed you down.
They told you- you couldn't
And when you stood- they said you could.
They said- you shouldn't.
But as you yelled back- they said you should.
They weren't there because they didn't care.
And now your strong and they want to pull you along.
Keep your enemies close.
And together you'll toast.
They might even boast at how it's wrong to say you did it alone,
but I know.
I know you keep your enemies close,
but yourself closer.
Because you just never know,
after being alone,
and pulled along.
Being right and wrong,
back and forth,
back and forth,
while they tell you quotes their brothers told,
as if each quote was words from Gods.
But you have to trust you,
because whatever they do,
it's not always true.
It's sometimes a lie.
You have to pull back,
and YOU have to decide.
I know they'll never read this, and I'm just another person too so I get it if they just don't care, but I just want to shake it into people sometimes. This is all just...stuff. Naive is one thing, but trusting can be so hard to balance for people who can't see clearly. Anyone too nice is naive, but if you trust people. ALL these people who say just words that sound nice? I don't know what more I can do than shake you and write poems.
Banana Dec 2015
At work I disguise hospital beds for home,
But everyone can feel the stark truth--
It hangs in the air,
"You'll die here",
And I can provide no answers or words of comfort to ward off fear.
I'm swallowing my pride about who I am for everyone I love. I'll say I'm merely just a tomboy or I'm not sure who I am. And if you tell me I can't be a boy I will swallow my name and the pronouns I prefer to let them grow in my stomach like an unborn child waiting to feel the first breath of air they will ever take. I will wear the clothes that hug my body just the right way so you can tell that I'm embracing my birth gender
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