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Aaron LaLux Aug 2016
Making Broken Patterns

We’re all broken,
that’s why everyone’s searching for a fix,
we’re all hoping,
for a reason to believe well maybe this is it.

Here I sit,
alone again,
as are you,
I sense a trend,

a pattern,
of minor disasters,
mixed with,
major factors,
combines to,
define you,
into whatever comes after,

all the world’s a stage,
all of us are actors,
in The Book of Life until we turn the page,
and enter into the next chapter,

from the voyeuristic crowd,
from the orchestra of sounds,

a lot like life right,
we are all in the limelight,

our scars are watercolors,
our feelings are ink,
our attitude is honest art,
we use pain and bliss to paint the masterpiece,

a distaster we,
are for sure none of us are pure,
as times moves faster we,
see that none of this is sure,


we’re all broken,
that’s why everyone’s searching for a fix,
we’re all hoping,
for a reason to believe well maybe this is it…

∆ Aaron La Lux ∆
No notes...
Ugo Victor Aug 2016
It's all happened before,
This life we so much adore.
The stories we tell encore,
Facts or fiction that will tell for sure,
How we live the life afore.
Spike Harper Jul 2016
Gears continuously grind.
Bit by bit.
More is chiseled away.
A steady.
Screeching pace.
But it is the silence that must be feared.
When the cranking continues.
And no momentum gained.
The beast moves just for that point alone.
Out of routine.
With insides rusted.
And oiled.
Progress seems relevant.
Sought for even.
But this robotic organism is hard.
To face.
Is a constant.
A rampaging viral plague.
Calculated they say.
Must this faux dance recital.
Go on.
Only until it all.
Comes down
Lee May 2016
I see you from across the room
Our eyes meet and lock into one another
For a moment the world fades away
And it’s just us
Our song playing in the background
Our bodies are on autopilot
As we walk towards each other
Your hands reaching for mine
And when our fingers intertwine
Sparks fly like the fourth of july
Like when you said you missed my glowing eyes
In this moment
You step closer and closer
Until you ask me the first promise you made me
“May I have this dance?”
Our bodies come close
And our hands come together
No one else is here but you and me
And every memory
Every laugh
Every hug
Every secret glance
Every argument
Every lie
And my heart break
Come back
Our eyes lose each other
And I’m back in reality
It seems like deja vu
Because you walk up to me
And ask the first thing you promised me
“May I have this dance?”
Except there are no fireworks
There is no joy
Just me and everyone around us
Waiting for me to respond
Because they know the lies you told
Everyone does except you
You told them to me so many times you thought they were the truth
As you wait for an answer
I am busy looking at my last mistake
That stands a foot above me
And dangles sweet nothings
Hoping to gain my attention
And in that moment I realize
You are nothing
All you are is a sack of bones and lie
A player that lead me to believe in love again
Made me believe that men had something of substance to offer
That told me I had a partner to look up at the stars with
And my mind is begging me to say no
Because it has already heard your sweet nothings
But my sweet tooth holds too much power
And forces my mouth to say the word you have been waiting for
jane taylor Apr 2016
shadows casting forward
pastel edges
of water colored nebulous scenes
once known

i fuse with deja vu
in its feather-like fringe
i beg for the meaning
of history reliving

perhaps it’s a maze
tho’ previously scripted
funhouse mirrors silently mock
our own carnival

or is it a wink?
the north star is nodding
a slight innuendo
we’re not lost at sea

perchance it’s a hint
it is all an illusion
a glitch in the matrix
the black cat walks by

i grasp for the answer
and peer at the ghostly
parchment paper dream
as it dissolves to thin air

Got Guanxi Apr 2016
normality isn’t the same as the chaos we evade.
The truth is, normality alludes us,
we are formed beyond our minds declination.
Somebody stole my freedom,
using outside of the box thinking,
in your mind and mind.
And I was minding my business,
just trying to take my own sweet time, again.
and deja vu came through the window, again.
the repetition of the rain
cool calm and collected,
the pain subsides,
when i lived in my hiding place
and the raindrops made the gutters flow.

yet never expected;
is it you? is it true?
the juxtaposition of you.
but they stole our souls before they attacked the weakened body.
We didn’t hear them coming through the car crash TV;
Are you and I the zombies?
Is your mind in control,
do you mind if they take control,
or do you not mind at all?
When the mask falls the I hide behind isn’t alien in dreams.
not who i saw in the soul.
is it true, deja vu.
so benign in idyllic lies,
a million miles away.
tribes hide behind nothing but a little something to be unique,
maybe a little something else
to be discreet.

But other than that,
food and air,
and company.
there’s not much else we need.
Make up?
Make up your mind -
who decided who you needed to be
it certainly wasn’t you.
Lost in the illusion of choice,
like deja vu,
like Descartes knew,
in collusion with the muse of normality,
by what is true to you,
not actually the truth.
it’s the perfect ephiany in alliance with deja vu.
but what came first ?
my mind, or yours,
through closed doors of inspection;
deception - they let them tell them.
inception - they let them tell them
And I know this fact to be true,
because I’ve seen you in dreams before
and I couldn’t believe my eyes;
or change my view.
I couldn’t believe it was you,
deja vu,
deja vu.
first i've wrote after a little break
Pauline Morris Mar 2016
With the reception I'm getting from you
I might as well be in Timbuktu
It's a growing feeling of deja vu

All my words you misconstrue
I tried to explain till in the face I'm peacock blue
One of these days your gonna get whats due

And life, on you is gonna chew
And spit you out like rancid stew
Then maybe you will feel bad for what you do

Treating me like a pair of old tennis shoes
Walking on me until your through
An apology is overdue
Don't give me that look you know it's true

With you every thing is a hullabaloo
I think I'll find someone new
With them I'll move to Kallamazo
There my life you can't askew
AM Feb 2016
this morning I woke up to déjà vu
—I was here before and I knew you
you’re that guy who twists the truth
who secretly falls for me like I do
oh I just love how you’re always too close
yet too far away to make me had enough of
wait, did I just say that I’m in love with you?
this is bad and will hurt as **** but I know I do
but you will deny me, that’s so typical of you
since you’re the sly fox
and I’m just a girl who’s addicted to untruth
Veronica Dec 2015
"I seem to recall a world where people weren't such a-holes all the time, but maybe I'm just paying more attention" ~ quote by some guy smoking a cigarette outside of a restaurant
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