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Arlo Disarray Sep 2015
you tore my veins out through the thin skin on my arms and let me bleed
then pulled all my insides out, let them go, they were all freed
and i miss you always being there to tear my life apart
it's not the same without your shame and hate there tearing at my heart

but who's to say when something's over? everything comes back around
we'll say hello again, same as we did, it'll be the same **** sound
and once again you'll take my heart apart and see what lives inside
the many tears i've cried, the lies i've lied, the drugs i've tried, and all the love that's dried
you'll see how wide my pride can slide, how vacant i can be inside

but that's why all these lessons here were planted in the ground to help us grow
to take us down until we're dirt and we know that's as low as we can go
and then we'll spill our blood again to save the ink from in my pen
the spit and blood and words will blend until no one can comprehend
it will end
Cascading Chaos Sep 2015
Flashes past of dreams remembered
I’ve met you before. I think.
We live and die each day and night
Out and in. In and out of existance.

Birds’ wings flutter in my heart in my mind
reminding me I’ve been here.
Tonight our infinities will brush past eachother.
Every minute is a lifetime, is an hour, is a year.
DaSH the Hopeful Jun 2015
I just closed my eyes for five minutes
Now I'm dealing with moving on and vindictive *******
       This isn't it is it?
Cause I still know ******* who love me from two years ago
Back when they would try to steal my spot and I'd let it go
Any inhibition
In the kitchen cooking beef in the skillet saying **** it lets **** ****
Back when I ran the town
They still played around
While I kept **** down to a whisper
Still smoking loud
But moving in silence
Not dealing with violence but keeping blades beside me just in case they try me
Must not think highly of themselves taking a dive anywhere at all
Improvised grave sites excite me
I love watching the fall
I love watching her leave
Til she walked out of my life and said she felt relieved
Left me alcoholic beverages and bottles of Aleve
And curly hair all over me still searching for a reprieve
Francie Lynch Dec 2014
We live our lives
In past review,
Sometimes we get
A snap preview;
It's what we call
Deja Vu.
Our synoptic
Brain ignites,
Fuel injected,
Bathing grey matter;
Hurling perception
Through time;
Faster than a blink of light,
No more than a nano,
To immediate present.
Then brain relapses,
Returns to stasis,
We're in the past again.
Same peoples,
Same places,
But I was here,
Never left, now
Back once more.
One explanation.
Chloe Elizabeth Sep 2014
I looked at him
and saw the eyes of a familiar stranger

His voice was deja vu
for my brain's amnesia

The smell of last September
lingered from the collar of his shirt

And I had never felt
more at home
sitting in his car
in my driveway

By Chloe Elizabeth
tian Aug 2014
Today is a significant day, the day I come near
Celebrate! To shout hooray, you go smile my dear
Different paths collide in one way, by the ink of that spear
As time flies, I intended to stay, to help you conquer that fear.
It's about the day I met this girl. :) Nostalgia, a past in the present which will lead to future.
I've found
that I've been down
the drainpipe
once or twice before.
Finding yourself in those coincidences can be either humorous or extremely frightening.

— The End —