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k e i Sep 2020
it’s normal.
to have days where you just watch your thoughts reach and flirt with each other in the ceiling.
where you don’t turn that prompt into the opening lines of a poem.
where you’re left unprepared without your best outfit.

it’s normal to have days for sleeping in ‘til 4pm.
where you only tick off two items off your todo list and calling it a day.
where you take time in the shower to sift through your thoughts.

some days are meant for adoring the sky.
for accepting you’re infinitesimal in the grand scheme of things.
some days are meant to be slow.

“and it’s normal and you’re alright-or will soon be.”
Mushroompoetry Jul 2020
Yesterday I went out of the city
To where the nature lives.
Where silence still exists,
And dogs run free.

In this place full of foreign life.
Me; a mere stranger trying to fit in.
I lay myself in the unmown grass,
reaching till my chin.

Feelings of a mountain range.
Free, strong, wide, calm.
A courageous beetle scouting my slopes,
A fly landing in my palm.

There are so many places to wander to,
So many countries to undress.
But  I would always go back
To being a mountain range in the grass.
Enjoy the small things
J J Jul 2020
Fortonuate palms skim the dogeared surface
Of the snakes and ladders without clear direction--

Hot tea and foggy glasses. Familiar lips
That look as young as ever when they smile.

Sun melting in the clouds like mollases
While the breeze lifts and plays with

Our clothes.

Hollow words served as concierge
For this used up body-- orbs and a silhouette,

That's all you get as it's all I was perceived as

And all I've left to give.

But here I don't have any will to offer.

I've gave you everything and how peaceful

It is to be contempt replaying another day.
xavier thomas May 2020
We should cook meals together
I know this food will taste good
Let’s experiment up in the kitchen babe
Get the ingredients & turn on the stove babe

We should cook meals together
Turn on the stove
Making breakfast:
Pancakes, Bacon, Eggs, with some French Toast.

This is the vibe that I bring.
This is not just a fling, I’m trying to eat with you.
I’m trying to eat with you.
Cooking meals, cuddles in bed
Drinking wine, watching cartoons like "Tom & Jerry".
Tell you- “Good morning, love”
Kissing your cheeks & forehead.

And tomorrow, we an redo this again.
Where we wake up in the morning
Place you on counter
**** naked, cooking eggs.
Zack Ripley Dec 2019
There I was, sound asleep in my bed.
Memories of my wife and I
Danced in my head.
All of a sudden,
I woke up to a chill in the air
And I couldn't help feel
Like someone was there.
As I laid back down,
I heard a knock at the door.
I looked at the clock
And it was half past four (a.m.)
"Who could that be?"
I put on my robe,
And as I crept down the hall,
I checked in on my daughter.
"Wow. She's not even five
And she's already so tall."
The stranger knocked again,
So I hurried my pace.
I was about to scream,
But then I saw his face.
It was snow.
I was so angry, I couldn't speak.
All I could do was glare.
Finally, I said "what do you think you're doing, standing there?"
"Hey! I just wanted to let you know
I was back in town."
He was wearing a smile
But when he saw I was mad,
He replaced it with a frown.
"What's wrong?
Aren't you happy to see me?"
I scoffed. "Happy? To see you?
You killed my wife!
Last year, she was driving home.
That night, you covered her windshield and she got into an accident because she couldn't see.
Snow was horrified.
He looked me in the eye,
Said "I'm so sorry,"
And as he walked away,
He started to cry.
Just then, my daughter snuck out.
"Snow! Don't go!" I heard her shout.
I couldn't believe it, but she hugged him. I knelt down beside her and asked "if you know who this man is, why are you happy to see him?"
She said "because even though it's sad she's not here, snow was the thing mommy looked forward to the most every year."
After a moment, I knew what I needed to do.
"Snow, I will never forget what you did or the pain you put me through.
But in honor of my wife and daughter,
I forgive you.
This was inspired by a prompt to write a poem about snow returning. And I wanted to highlight seasonal depression and forgiveness.
Steve Page Apr 2020
I was not expecting,
given its colour and its texture
and given my preference
for the familiar,
I was not expecting
my hand to take the spoon
to scoop, to lift
the lemon to my mouth
and I was surely not expecting
the ice to wrap my head
in silk
enveloping my shoulders
my arms
and fall into my chest,
forcing my mouth back open
to take in the warmth of the smiles
and expel my laughter
as I reached for more.

Yet my life is not as expected
and not aligned to my preferred,

but oh for more silk and laughter -
I wasn't expecting that ending.
TheWitheredSoul Apr 2020
Its not what our bodies lose when we die, its entirely the only thing that we risk when we choose to fall in love.

Love may be bright and beautiful but its also the one thing that can make everything ugly and broke. Kingdoms Men and all of creation bleeds before the surreal feeling of love.
Not all heartless/soulless people were born soulless/heartless,.
Vishal Pant Apr 2020
The silence surrounds
Laying on the green grass
Staring at the setting sun, it's a reddish round
A Twite's trill treads all around

A benign breeze breaks,
helping the wafting wherry
The perpetual pier
gathered a gleeful gaggle

The lulling lake
a serene sight
beauty bound
A dream domicile
Sunstrike Mar 2020
Why can't we choose someone and let them stay for a lifetime?

It did scared me ,
Years of being arms in arms,
Knowing the truth,
We can't always keep the person tied without their desire to stay.
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