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Erin Esterberg Aug 2019
Your lips resting on mine
And mine on yours
A moment filled with sugar and bliss
A moment that may be repeated many times
Yet it still brings a smile to my face over and over again
And nonetheless it's a moment I will never forget
Zoe Grace Aug 2019
Absolute bliss
Sinking deep into the blankets
Sighing into the pillows
After a long, stressful day.
Finally, now i can sleep!
B D Caissie Aug 2019
My fingers gently brush the hair from your eyes.
As I rest my hand on the curve of your thigh.

As the other hand combs your hair behind your ear.
I whisper I love you and pull your body near.

Your passionate kiss stirs a blinding desire.
Two tongues dancing like flames from a fire.

Our souls become one tethered by a kiss.
Lost in the rhythm and rapture of  sacred bliss.
kain Aug 2019
I'll do my best
To think a bit more
I'll stop by the
Post office again
I don't doubt you
Please don't doubt me
She's so lovely and I don't want to read our old texts because I might realize that I'm the only one who cares.
Look at the end, do you see what I see ?

Can you look at yourself, and tell me how you feel?

There is so much I want to say, but not enough time to tell.

Please friend, don’t forget about me.

Remember the laughs, and the times we cried?

Don’t you remember the nights we laid side by side?

Come and find me, you know where I lye.

Don’t forget about me.

As I look away, and my vision fades, the world starts to go away.

Night is day, and black is white, but does it even matter?

I remember you now, and when you walked away.

Let’s go back to the way things were, but I know it’s all a lie.

The life I lived never happened at all, everything must have been a  dream.

I wake up with nothing, no heart or soul.

I want nothing more than to see that smile.

But I know it never existed.

Why do this to me, you sweet, sorrowful angel?

My bliss is nothing, and my love is pain.

I leave now for eternal slumber.
TheIntruder Aug 2019
Plain land
Backwater waves
Tea garden hills
The sea and sand

The smile that i saw
The hug and the kiss
It all was a bliss
To a man in his dreams
Beautiful Sins
The moments
All within
Your soul and mine
Beautiful sins
Rama Krsna Jul 2019
for whom
total abstinence or extreme indulgence
six of one, half a dozen of the other.....
sempiternally steeped in perfect equanimity,
effulgent as the primal flare
my crescent bearing jewel
who’s pure as jasmine

© 2019
arunachala:  the sacred mountain where liberation from the cycle of birth and death is easily attained
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