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ALesiach Jul 2019
ensnared by her beauty
she stares into the looking glass
vanity is her bliss

ALesiach © 05/22/2016
Ineffable Jul 2019
Every kiss, beautiful
Every touch, blissful
Every moment, serene
Making the best,
Of every moment.
Proves to me,
This is us.
Making the most of our time is what we do.
Derrick Jones Jul 2019
In the sweet embrace
Of a well-written novel
I am infinite
For more poetry and essays, follow my blog on Medium at
Thanks for reading!
Paras Bajaj Jul 2019
around you I feel so different
like I am in another dimension,
but nowhere to look and go,
just lost and waiting to be loved.

around you I feel so high
like I am on several drugs,
but not hallucinating,
only dreaming of you.

around you I have tangled thoughts
like if I would speak,
I just won't stop.
Owen Cafe Jul 2019
It is a second in time.

It is a blink.

It is a kiss.

It is the raised hairs on the back of my neck.

It is the water droplet hanging from the awning, bearing all the joy and grandeur of the morning sun.

It is that time I made you laugh till we both cried and grasped at our stomach.

It is the eternity I spend swimming in the resplendence of your eyes.

It is that smooth bit just next to your belly button.

It is that little scar on your chin.

It is this poem.

It is tomorrow.

It is last year.

It is you.

It is me.

It is us.

A moment. Thats all there is.
Contemplation of memory, time, and experience.
Seán Mac Falls Jul 2019
Smitten in rushes
Woods beyond danced— urging us
Wild winds in her hair
cfw Jul 2019
relationships are beauty
     reflected from one another;
     they're not a duty.
relationships guide you to someone you can smother

relationships may cause suffer;
      this is only for a little while,
      especially when the shards of your heart are finally together.
relationships brings to your face - a great, big smile

relationships make you go the extra mile;
     they're beautiful, really.
     perhaps I'll someday walk down the aisle.
relationships are the start of a family

relationships are built on: trust, love, care,
     and every now and then, maybe a little dare.
Isaac Jul 2019
What if we were called to bliss?
And didn't have to strain?
What if we were born for rest?
And through that is true gain?
What if this Earth holds a secret
Only found by those who rebel?
Breaking out of limitation,
Now free from the prison cell.
Written 10 July 2019
Amaris Jul 2019
She sways in time
To the beat in her brain
Rejecting the irregular tempo of her heart
Blinking twice to clear the glare
She stumbles once, again, and again
Reaching for someone
Who isn't there.
She wants
To forget for the night, blur into the lights
Drowning herself to blissful heights
Jude Quinn Jul 2019
Love and time made me the man I am today;
still don't know to which of the two I should blame more.
I found myself writing this poem as soon as you left.
I wrote it while contemplating the possibility of walking on the moon
and drawing flowers on its sand.

I must admit I am enchanted by your beauty.
There's something really peculiar about your smile,
your laughter and the looks you give under your glasses.
It's like black magic for my heart.
I've never been so scared to see someone go,
even if it's only for a moment.

I'm not saying I'm in love with you,
I'm old enough to know how to hide that feeling,
but I would love it if you let me follow you down.
There's so much I wish to know about you;
for example: if you like flowers drawn on the surface of the moon.
This is a poem for a woman I'm falling for. She's just marvelous! <3
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