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Pauline Morris Feb 2016
I am the plague, a ghostly vapor
My soul bleeds blackness on the paper
If you're looking for a happy write
Don't read mine you won't get that sight
What you'll see is a glimpse of a spirit in total darkness
You'll learn just what the cost is
As a child thrown to the brink
And time and time again I sink
Like the platypus, I'm Gods little joke
Again and again I choke
On all the cruelty throughout the years thrown on me
No one hangs around to truly see
Beneath the scars I'm only human
Despite the blackness and confusion
My soul cries out
At times it a hushed small shout
At other's a battle cry
As I pick myself up and again I try
But my day's are growing short
For I am feeling out of sorts
Out of patients, out of hope
I can't even begin to cope
I feel I just might throw in the towel
I'm trying to figuring out how
Ami Shae Jan 2016
I looked deep into the abyss of your pain
and heard the screams that you could not voice aloud--
the blackness which encases your heart
has been etched indelibly forever
upon my mind, my soul
and I ache from seeing your pain
and cringe in fear
wishing, praying, hoping somehow
I could make it go--
but I have no power to help you, dear friend--
all I can do is step out of the way
and hope somehow the darkness will unleash its hold
and allow you to come back out and play.
When you see someone you truly care about in such pain that you cannot fathom a way to help...
May Asher Dec 2015
I'm built of water splashing over edges
As I fall and break upon rocks

With mud in my bones and creaky joints
and sand makes my eyes lashes

I'm built of dust, blowing away
Carried by the wind wherever it goes

I don't care anymore for it doesn't matter
I'm just built of words with no meaning

And of empty light burning in darkness
And hollow waves crashing against storms

I fall beneath and beneath
And hit the darkness rusting underneath

Where no one shows when I scream
Where no light dares to touch my eyes

And my bones all shatter,
until they're just powdered calcium

And blood freeze in my bones,
forming stalactites, piercing through my veins

And my skin cracks and breaths escape
And the shadows sink inside my shell

And fissures seep through my irises
And oceans dissolve my dust eyelashes

And memories burn my eyes
and flow past the brims

It's only raw, absolute, sheer pain
As I tear slowly without screaming

Only tears, howls and lost love
And your betrayal and false friends

I've lived for so long but haven't found peace
Now I'm just begging your memories to leave me be

For there's nothing now I could lose
Nothing left of me or my dreams anymore

Nothing of wounded hope
And my canvas of love

I've seen the streets for a thousand years
always wandering never finding my own home

I'm afraid if I let my eyes closet they'll dream again
For I'm torn, vein by vein and cell by cell

I'm nothing but a shadow of who I was
Nothing but reflection of my past

Just an echo of a scream I used to be
Just an illusion of the life I've lived

Nothing more is left, love
For I've given you all of me

How can you tear me, love?
I'm already lying in red ribbons

I'm strips of flesh and blood
And of Silver pain and Black hope

Love, I'm smiling the last time
Please tell me to stay

And hold me for eternity
Because just forever isn't enough for me.

ajit patel Dec 2015
Pain starting, a mild ache in the chest
A slight unease in the head, twitching of the eye,
A throb of blood in the temples,
Vacuum in the lungs, sinking in the stomach,
A needle piercing the skin, entering slowly,
severing nerves as it goes.
A blunt saw rasping at the bone.
Teeth gnawing on the tubes.
Lying parched thirsty in the sand,
blood slowing, blurred lake in a distance, cool moisture in the air,
Emaciated, hungry bile in the mouth, in sight of a barbecue.

Pain now a searing blue shaft in my head.

Fleeting glimpses, few and far between,
smiles and notes etched in the memory
Faint aroma of her skin, cool and warm at different places,
moles on her face competing to attract my eyes.
All stabs of frozen steel , Re-played forever in my mind.

The distance small yet unreachable.
Flowing thoughts interrupted by telephone networks.

Me in you and you in me, dreams, dance of the souls,
broken by lonely wetness.

Endless sleepless days and nights, tearless eyes, fading memories and slurred voice.

Pain, now has done its work,
Burnt me inside out, its heat and edge has killed the nerves
Left me severed and numb.

The blackness in a distance, approaching, engulfing
a promise of congealed tar to heal the wounds?
her Dec 2015
my skin is where mahogany met gold
their first kiss
was embedded in my
they call my melanin
it is my obligation
to make them proud
I am going to shimmer
until the sun
has to quit his day job
I am black. I am beautiful. I love my melanin. I love my skin. I love the way it shines. Even when the world does not.
Melinatedmary Oct 2015
Bringing up a black son, is a purer act of courage
When there is evident coverage
Of heavy ignorance, that blurs reasoning
To an extent that makes man a beast, and a zombie that devours the black skin
Shall I compare it to planting of hard trees?
In a wild and untamed climate
Or better still, constructing a long bridge
Across a wide river, filled with all manner of predators
It is such a complex, and demanding process
That might render the mother hopeless

When the sacred wind blows, to remind us of our different origin
The history has it all, as it tells why it is hard
When the white men plundered, all over the world
They got hold of the black men, and made them slaves
To serve and obey, without questions and delay
And everyone knew, the black is inferior, and next to the beast
The world changed though, with great struggle and war
And the inertia still, creates rifts and tension, among the black and the white
The disparity is evident, in health and power
The black dwellings are encroachments, of poverty and inferiority
There are health issues, which **** the black, and spare the rest
The disparity is wide and strong
It endangers the black sons, in the world of calamities

It pains even more, beyond the birth of a black son
Poverty and diseases, are difficult and die-hards
As they dominate, the black continent, and the black dwellings
Just as the slave dweller, the mother toils, and labors
To make the ends meet, and see the young man grow
And when he is of age, he must be sent to school
That is friendly, to both environment and the black skin
Lest your son is terrified, by the tantrums of discrimination
If it happens, God forbid, that he meets the strangers
Who scare and frighten his life
It is my role, as the mother, to repair and amend
Lest a wrong notion steals his destiny away

Why do you scare?
Of the indolent ripples of malice and hatred
That only dare, drive men from their destiny
And spread their waves, across the ocean of humanity
Oh my son, find courage, from within your heart
Pay no mind, to the ignorance of men
Black has a great meaning
That, which cannot be identified,
It is the unseen, the hidden black power

That is responsible for great achievements

When you walk by night, the suitable camouflage of your skin will protect you
From the night runners and the foes of men
When you walk by day, in the scorching fury of the sun
The darkness will shade you, against the harmful glares of the day
In a white cloud, you will be clear as the crystals
You will always stand out, when the sun is high

When the man becomes of age, and strong gentlemen
It might take the entire village, to grow a black man
The worlds need him, more than he needs it
If he ever becomes a man, much is expected of him
The mother’s role, however, cannot be overlooked
She creates the foundation, of love and courage
Which is necessary, to face the unknown, coiled in the future
The man must fight, for his way to the top
In order to pelt and create, a better place than he found it
Where equality and character, dominates the process and leadership
It might take great pain, to nurture a black son, to a man of value
However, it is worth, for such a toils bears nothing, but the best!
Mary K Sep 2015
out of the corner of my eye I see a flash
but then it goes away
in front of me the ground is crumbling
but in a moment I know the rubble will become solid once more
I know nobody else can see it
that's why I don't freak out anymore.
if I didn't know any better, I'd think the world was dissolving like a dream
and in its place is the world I was meant for all along.
when the flashes get stronger sometimes I can hear voices
and I swear sometimes I think I hear my name among them.
last night when I was watching the stars, the sky broke apart and the pieces fell down like snow
if it wasn't the middle of August, I would have written it off to just that.
I opened my mouth to catch a flake on my tongue
but the smoky taste led me to believe maybe it wasn't snow but ash.
now I'm laying in bed
with words rushing through my head
and I can't turn it off.
I tune into the loudest thought and recognize it as some type of directions
I almost don't know what it's saying, but something about it seems somehow right.
I don't have time to elaborate because the flashes are fading
my thoughts are becoming foggy
this world is turning black all around me and there's nothing left in me that cares enough to paint back the colors.
and now even the black is going away and the lights
the lights are blinking out all around me
the lights were just right there
just right
not sure how to feel about this one. it's 1am cut me some slack
Syreena Phelps Jun 2015
Wow. Way to go.
You ****** up once again.
You pick the worst timing.
You make everything so dramatic.
You pick at the tiniest things.
Wow. Way to ******* go.

You feel good about yourself?
You think you'll do better next time?
You think you can fix it?
You think it will fix itself?


I'm a **** up.

Can someone please slice me open and let me bleed out, because I'm afraid if I tried, I'd **** up. And the world doesn't need any more **** ups.
I'm just ****** at Myself right now.

I'm soooo great. -.-
Ami Shae May 2015
sensations of eery and genuine fright
woke me out of my uneasy slumber
this past night--
I sat up straight
and looked around
and emptiness and blackness
was all I found--
so went back into my dream
and then awoke again
to a violent scream
my eyes flew open wide in fright
and I realized then
I hate the night.
Takhallus Sha'er May 2015
Good, but...
Never good enough.
Out of place,
out of sync-
without rhyme;
and the truth
I've heard
many times:
But then, I've always known I don't belong, nor should I have an expectation to. Forever outside- to dwell in  nothingness.
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