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Sabila Siddiqui Jul 2019
“He is the ocean in my life while I am a single drop in his. He is the sun in my sky while I am the breeze that goes by unnoticed. He is the moon that guides me at night, while I am nothing but the darkness in his life. Excitement pulsates when he texts, but not a pulse more when I text. For I am just like the other girls he talks to; just one of them when he is the only one for me. Happiness rushes through my veins and nerves feel a gentle tickle in his presence. I feel everything deeply; pain and happiness when it comes to him, while he feels nothing. Sacrificing, asking, encouraging, adjusting and compromising when it’s never the same. He never runs when I slip away, but I stay when he walks away. I feel like I am chasing him; on a constant run for him to care. But he doesn’t care about me, as much as I care about him; and that hurts deeply than I ever thought it would.”

- excerpt from an open letter
White Lily Jul 2019
Semua begitu suram,
Semua begitu kelam,
Semua begitu buram.
Kupu-kupu tak lagi berkumpul di kebun,
Lebah tak lagi menghasilkan madu,
Burung tak lagi berkicau merdu.
Ditanyakan pada alam,
"Apahal semua ini?"
Ditanyakan pada malam,
"Apa yang terjadi?"
Ditanyakan pada siang,
"Mengapa seperti ini?"
Tapi percuma saja,
Semua hanya bisa membisu.
Bagai abu sisa bara yang masih menyala.
Steve Page Jul 2019
Do we really need
all the friends we can get?
Are we truely better off
not knowing?
Will it all work out
when we get to the end?
And do we need to get tough
to get going?
Its good to question assumptions.
Madison Greene Jul 2019
I know it’s wrong to beg for someone to stay
so what if I just asked politely
or what if we said the same goodbye a hundred times and we never actually reached the part where you walk away
you have to think that we were lucky to know love like this, even if just for a moment
I don’t know how to grieve the loss of you
I don’t know how to stop loving your ghost
Lilly F Jul 2019
I crave human touch
someone to cuddle
it doesn't have to be from a significant other or that of such
but from anyone please, before I drown in this puddle
puddles of loneliness, so late at night
I long for someone to hold me,
squeezing me tight
whoever up there that may be listening, take my plea
and send someone to please lay next to me

my skin feels cold without feeling any loving touches.
amber Jun 2019
you have cut out your heart,
and offered up your soul.
placing each in my hands,
my grip falters,
as they hit the floor,
and succumb to the cold and dirt.
any man and he’ll agree
women are the most beautiful creatures you’ll ever see
mjad Jun 2019
Should I be worried about something?
I stood by the bed and everyone cried, I held his hand and felt nothing
Quite literally since my grandpa was dead
But also because there might be something wrong inside of my head
I observed the time and told the nurse who walked in the room
One week later he was in a tomb
More like a six foot box in a wall
Flowers and a name as a rememberance is all
We visit occasionally my parents and I
An empty flower vase greets us each time
I take one from Dorothy's box right next door
Her family doesn't visit her anymore
But her flowers are there everytime that we go
So I move them around, it's not like she knows
My mother cries and my father stands strong letting one or two tears hit the ground
But I stand there and read names of strangers all around
Leaving behind people like my parents who mourn and remember
And granddaughters like me who don't cry and whatever
My mom calls it being strong for the family and says I'm okay
I think she's in denial of my lack of display
But alas a tear fell in fourth grade
I recall, putting my cat down at such a young age
Made me realize that death is a gateway to nothing
But leaving behind family that struggles with living
So I just won't show it anymore I determined when we left the vet place
I walk right by death and I don't leave a trace
He could knock on my door and I'd take him by the hand
Show him the bed and where to stand
Just like I stood during my grandpa's last day
He can stare at me and wonder looking on
Is there something wrong with this human?
I find myself thinking that I know it all, but I still am left asking
Should I be worried about something? Is it okay to feel nothing?
i wrote another poem about his death but didn't know which was better so i just posted both
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