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Parjyapti naik Apr 2017
Twice you twist the life
But thrice you get the best result
Once you come to the point of trust
You get a result you have ever thought .
About the results of life .
Tay Apr 2017
Darkness seeps  through the cracks
While I'm sleeping I'm inhaling it
I'm breathing it in
I fight it to come out
Hello Darkness my old friend
I haven't seen you since 2010
Ever since you stole someone I loved from
Back again so soon?
Darkness comes back in 2017 tries to steal someone but fails
Darkness you have evil but I have Light
You have hate I have love
You have abuse I have compassion
You have Demons
I have angels
We are different you fight for bad I fight for good
I have God
You Have Satan
I have friends
You have haters
We're different you may be able to seep through cracks and take someone
But I'll see them again in heaven
So my Dear Old Friend Darkness did you think you could outwit me
I'm always one step ahead of you
I'm just not going to say anything and leave it at that!
Mitch Davis Apr 2017
She dropped me back down to the earth.
I landed on red dirt.
The powerful wind from her wings pressed
Warm summer air against my face.
She was as beautiful as ever.
Just as the day I fell for her ploy.
She lied to me.
Had me believe I could change for her;
And be accepted into the golden gates.
But nay was true.
For I am forever a sinner,
And she is of course,
Unable to commit sin.
Sent to earth by God
To defeat powerful and ugly demons.
But she could not save me from them,
For I am one.
My wings are black and leathery,
And do not let me fly.
Hers are white and brilliant,
And do not let her cry.
Both cursed to eternally corrupt each other.
Both too loyal to our own ways.
An angel and demon burdened with love,
Until the end of days.
Khalif Apr 2017
She asks me if I believe in angels.
I wonder if she can see the disappointment in my eyes
when I tell her not lately.
Maybe I should’ve lied.

I wonder if she can see the disappointment in my eyes
when I tell her I don’t know if I’m happy anymore.
Maybe I should’ve lied.
This always seems to happen.

When I tell her I don’t know If I’m happy anymore,
I can’t tell her why
this always seems to happen.
It just happens.

I can’t tell her why
my fingers stop holding on so tightly,
It just happens.
Maybe it’s time to let go.

My fingers stop holding on so tightly.
I wonder if she sees the tears.
Maybe it’s time to let go.
I hope she forgives me.

I wonder if she sees the tears
when I tell her not lately.
and I hope she forgives me
when she asks if I believe in angels.
sol Mar 2017
they see him running on sunbeams in the early morning. stars are tied to his toes and they rattle behind him like chains, but he has never felt so liberated. there was a time when atoms were exploding in his lungs and he could not breathe, colors would fly behind his eyes and he could not see. his skin was numb from too many suns burning beneath the surface. he used to curse the morning; now he holds it in his hands and sprinkles it down upon us.

he still sees himself as human, is that a surprise? though he is stardust and the remains of energy, he is flesh and blood first. he came from the womb, not from the sky. he knew his hands before he knew his wings; he knew his words before he knew his magic. he dances with the snow on winter nights only to melt it away in the day. he drinks golden wine, it’s gods ichor he sips. he twirls his curls around his fingers and whistles tunes only the bluebirds understand. he runs barefoot through forests and though his feet may bleed, he brings the sunlight with him and that’s all he needs. he trips on skies and sips waterfalls, throws his wishes into wells. he can make miracles happen. what being in the world would want to make such magic angry?

a thousand suns have tried before, to hold him in their burning grasp. there is no force known to us that can contain him where they lack.
Chloe Verdun Mar 2017
Slithery serpent
He did sneak up to my ear
Questioning my worth
That i had held so dear

His secret servants
Up close and near
Whispered for my soul
"Oh look what we have here"

A sweet, sweet kiss
Death's gift to me
He nudged my shoulder
Promising everything he could bring

We fought long and hard
I thought hard and long

When i wasn't thinking
He used this against me
Catching me off guard

All those years i ceased to slit my throat
Death was waiting to tip my boat

An angel on Earth caught me though
Before i went into the light
My mother held my soul
Vincent JFA Mar 2017
when gravity breaks the wings
clean off your back,
hit the ground running,
and collapse into my chest.
gone girl Mar 2017
when your child comes out stillborn, they give you 24 hours with him.
24 hours of bleeding lips, 24 hours of fragile skin, 24 hours of cold toes.
they bring you food every three hours with the knowledge that you won't eat it, but the comfort of it there is.. sort of nice.
things like this aren't supposed to happen this far along is what they will whisper while they think you are sleeping
24 hours of he's getting colder, 24 hours of a lifeless, still rib cage, 24 hours of come on baby, just open your eyes for mommy.
making your way to the hospital, you hoped to come home with a bouncing blue boy but instead you come home to a cribless room.
they say it's easiest if people get rid of the reminders for you but his empty things are the only way i will ever feel whole.
then they start asking you the hard questions as if you didn't just press the button enough times to tame an ocean with waves full of guilt that will swallow your lungs.
24 hours of limp limbs and unreturned breathing patterns, 24 hours of there's some more flowers here for you, 24 hours of please just leave us alone.
we have 1 more hour together and your unresponsive nerves are growing colder. they made molds of your hands for me like they didn't know i would hold them forever.
we have 1 more hour together and the nurses will never be more apologetic in their whole lives than they are the moment they have to take a sleeping child from a mourning mother.
we have a little under an hour and as you wail, people watch from afar wondering if they'll ever be able to understand that sort of pain, the pain that makes you feel god has ripped your body open and left you for dead, the pain that makes you feel that this life really isn't worth living, the pain that there is no or might not be any god at all.
hours, minutes, seconds, days, time can't even begin to describe how long these panicky flashbacks of the moment they told me they found no heartbeat go on for.
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