I could write about you,
For days on end
Of the happiness you gave me,
Days I spent falling for you
Of how beautiful your lips where,
Or how your voice sounds
Just when you say my name
I can write about your eyes
And the way they lit up
When I said I love you,
That I was yours for forever.
I could easily tell the entire world
You are perfect.
I will write about you
For the rest of my life
About all of the memories you left me
The days and nights you spent fooling me,
The butterflies you filled me with,
Telling me you love me
Only me
How you lied and made me fall,
Or how you didn’t catch me when I did.
I will tell anyone that you made me believe,
In a fairy tale happy ever after
Then just left
I will tell the world,
You are not perfect
You were just a good actor
The funny thing is that the guy this is about is majoring in theater in college.