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Samuel Evan Feb 2015
O, little house.
Little house of memories.
With old locked doors
And missing keys
Places to go, things to see.
O, little house.

O, tiny house.
Tiny of house of no more laughter
Simply staring
It's children after
A great heavy weight upon its rafters.
O, tiny house.

O, lonely house.
Who is left to you this day?
All your children
Gone away.
Maybe they'll be back some day.
O, lonely house.

O, aging house.
Once a place of joy and learning.
Left alone
Left dearly yearning
The backs of children you raised now turning.
O, aging house.
This poem was inspired by an old country house I saw in the mountains of Pennsylvania. It seemed very... forlorn. Also, I felt like channeling Frost.
Emily Feb 2015
there are a few sacred things in this life
one of them is our body
it is not supposed to be used or abused
by those that don't know us or love us
it is not supposed to be touched
unless it is done so in love
in care and affection
and with the utmost respect

don't give your body away
without thinking
don't give your body away
unless you're mature
both mentally and physically
enough to understand what happens with your body
what happens when you experience the feelings that are associated with ***
unless you're old enough to understand love
understand that you shouldn't give your body away for just any reason

give your body away
if you wish to share love and intimacy
with someone who loves you unconditionally
with someone who has fallen in love with not just your body
but with your heart and with your soul
love should always come first
not really a poem i guess.
Zavier Allen Jan 2015
You took more then you'll ever know
Everyday it crosses my mnd
I hope it will get better with time But I still see it in my mind

If im honest
It means I lied
Being 6 years old
How was I post to know
19 years
Before I relized it wasnt fair
See I was just a kid with messy hair
You told me to pull down my underware
It wasnt just you
And i wish it wasnt true
I was taken advantage of even after you

Sick to my stomach
I couldnt hold it
Crying all night
Putting up a fight
Didnt want to close my eyes
Just incase it was you I saw tonight
This feeling Im feeling isnt right
I hope one day I can sleep threw the night
Hard to write about . Most guys dont share things like this ..but its helpful .
Chloe Jan 2015
You say that you love me,
Passion screaming in your eyes,
As your fingers caress my skin,
Adorning my limbs with green and black.

You say that you need me,
Desperation in every tremble,
As you wrap your fingers round my neck,
Marking me as 'yours'.

You cry that you're sorry,
Hunching over me with guilt,
That hits you like a wave,
Looking at the broken girl lying on the floor.

If love is always this twisted,
This deceitful and manipulative,
Then I'd rather not love at all,
Than go through this twisted hell,

**That they call love.
SM Jan 2015
I am like a dog trapped in a cage by society. Society is my owner. Telling me not to leave the cage even when the door is wide open. They give me commands. Sit. Stop. Stay. They tell me what to do. Every time I’m fed up with society and I try to speak out, they yell. Stop barking! Be quiet! So I do. I am quiet. Outside that cage is a world. The cage is unlocked. I can get out, but I don’t. They tell me to stay in the cage because the world is harsh and cruel. They tell me it’s for the best and for my own safety. So I obey my owner because I was trained to believe society is always right. They set rules for me and I follow. That is why I feel trapped. I can easily go. I have a choice but instead I sit and follow my orders. I don’t speak out. I don’t stand out. I just sit and stay. They all think I’m quiet and secretive and shy. I’m not. That isn’t the real me. There is a difference in who I truly am and who they believe I am. They made me that way. Just like the way cruel owners make a dog mean or lifeless.

    I was taught to be obedient

    I imagine the outside of that cage is a life worth living. We live in a beautiful world. I’m just too scared to see it because that cage hides the truth.  That cage is filled with fears and anxiety because of what my owner says about the past, the present and the future of my life. I just don’t know what the world truly is. I don’t really know what I truly am either.

    But for now, I guess I am just a dog trapped in a cage by society. Scared of what’s beyond my cage.
ryn Dec 2014
Listening ears don't come easy
Most come with mouths harbouring wagging tongues
Pouncing on the chance to retell your story
Exploiting your need to empty acrid lungs

Listening ears, they're indeed very rare
Unidentifiable no matter how well you know
Lurking behind a mask of concern and care
Sweet words employed so your cards you'd show

Listening ears could be just a myth
An idiom to quench the thirst to confide
Listening ears sometimes come with fangs for teeth
Hungering and lusting for your trust and pride

Listening ear, oh why you come with a mouth so foul
Why the cunning trickery and unscrupulous deceit
Kindness as bait, when in fact you prowl
Many none the wiser until they are bit

Listening ear, in you I gave my trust
I bared my innermost and gave my all
Hoped that you'd soothe my ailing crust
Instead you lifted me high only to watch me fall
The covenant of secret-keeping is not for everyone.
Charles Smith Dec 2014
Little grown-up knows too much.
Terrorism and tweenies, hopscotch and ******,
But the world is happily waltzin’ with Matilda.

He needs to learn, it’s never too late
******* before he fills his flashing trainers.
Little grown-up knows too much.

Mummy says it’s true, so therefore it is fate  
Yes instead of thank you, probably overused,
But the world is happily waltzin’ with Matilda.

You must decide if he’s gay or straight
Baa Baa rainbow sheep burnt to memory, tattoo’s and Christian taboo’s.
Little grown-up knows too much.

Taste the pill, consume this cup, watch his tiny eyes dilate
Staining innocence, hurry up, his naivety is bruised,  
But the world is happily waltzin’ with Matilda.

We dictate to loose weight in our forced-fed free state
Sat, his short legs swing on the cold church pews,
Little grown-up knows too much
But the world is happily waltzin’ with Matilda.

Children learn everything from society and Adults don't object.
Jellyfish Nov 2014
The floor,

Against the splashes,
You hear them splat.
Your heart beats furiously.
The girls heart breaks.

She falls.
Eyes shut.
The hits,
Leave cuts.
Her smile,

Against her own will,
She lashes.
"Mother, no!"
Baylee Nov 2014
With 8 billion people in the world,
You'd think it would be
Impossible to feel so isolated.
So tough to explain,
I'm frustrated,
This is complicated,
I feel like my soul has been obliterated,
Mutilated, and violated.
I can't think straight,
And no, I'm not gay,
Just a little confused
Feeling battered and abused,
My heart's been misused
And I have been accused
Of using others, when I'm the one being used.
Shelly Woods Oct 2014
Conditional beyond reasonable
Is how our relationship sometimes feels...
More often than I'd care to admit.

My love is unconditional
And, therefore, can be easily used (abused?)
The value forgotten or blinded whenever I act human, imperfect, fragile or broken... Inconvenient I am. So are we all.
Where does your anger come from?

Taken for granted
Until you find something YOU miss.
Over and over again, this cycle persists...

Only according to your terms
Only if convenient
Only if it serves your sole purpose
Only if maintenance-free
Only if easy... Perfect... Not too much trouble...

UNTIL there is something you need...
From me.
Yes, boundaries are a necessity.

But relationships based on
Convenience for oneself
Are not relationships, at all..
They are one-way streets
Serving one person's agenda

Controlling, manipulative, self-serving, emotional toil...
And, somehow, always justifiable (in your eyes)
Because I am not who you want me to be...

I don't fit your "ideal" mold.
And you feel that is what you are owed?
(I honestly don't know...)
Except when you feel alone, afraid, or empty.
You don't dare lose what you can use! (abuse?)

But dare I say or do something amiss...
Your "conditions" will persist.
How do I say "stop!" when my role is to love, protect, and forgive?

Pain. What to do with all the pain.
If I tell, I will be blamed for my pain causing your pain...
This, my love, is NOT love.
No relationship of substance exists
When such rules and expectations persist.
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