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nightdew Mar 2019
i have convinced myself otherwise.

that all these feelings for you have vanished,
and it did at least for a little bit.

or maybe i just ignored it too well,
but when you grasped my hand.

your touch brought warmth,
and sparked all the forbidden emotions to unleash.

yet i still try to convince myself otherwise,
but these emotions are a good high.

even if you are never mine.
kinda missin' that warmth.
nightdew Mar 2019
there are voices in her mind,
constant echoes that bubble wildly,
telling her that she's not good enough.

it tricks her into thinking,
that maybe... just maybe,
she's really not good enough.

they tell her she's not suitable,
not for this not for that,
and she just happens to believe them.

as naive as she is,
she's quickly fooled,
for thinking she doesn't have the potential.  

but deep down,
passing the harsh reminders,
she really is good enough.
and if you think you're not enough,
baby, you are, you always were.
  Mar 2019 nightdew
I am attracted to your body
the way you dress
the way you move
the way you smile
its simply perfect,
to me at least

the way you walk
the way you talk
the way you look at me
the way you just touched me with a hug
it makes me love you even more

and i cant stop looking at you
watching you talking to others
or even when you're just sitting
and do nothing except breathing

i cant stop looking at your beuty,
your hair
your eyes
your lips
your skin

and when you comme and talk to me
i look at your eyes and cant stop it
you smile brightly
i love that smile

i am in love with you
please never stop smiling at me
nightdew Mar 2019
there are tears stinging her eyelid,
so many emotions are whirling round and round,
and her heart clenches as she looks ahead.

but when she looks into her future,
she sees nothing,
and she wonders.

for if she deserves one,
as someone so silent,
who cannot seem to find her voice.

and she ponders,
if she has the will power to influence,
or whether she will fall apart.
nightdew Mar 2019
thrumming my hands against the table,
i sit tightly with patience running,
the spark of hope ever fading.

i await for the day to call you mine,
to run my fingertips down your curves,
and to kiss every inch of perfection.

to hear the soft groans that echo into the night,
to feel the sheets between us,
and a hearty laugh shared over a ***** joke.

i shall await for the day,
where i can grasp your hand freely,
with your head upon my shoulders.

sacred whispers of flirty jokes,
and little i love you's,
between you and i.

because no earth,
no lightning,
no air,
no flaw,
no one,
can tear us apart.

through thick and thin,
you and i belong together,
even if you dare not to accept it.
nightdew Mar 2019
it feels like a dream,
seeing you illuminated by the moonlight,
twirling yourself in a circle,
your dress floating vividly.

a cheeky smile,
tainted on your features,
as rich laugh slips your lips.

not a care in the world,
as you take your hand out,
waiting patiently for me to take it.

surpassing a widening smile,
i reach out,
and grasp your hand.

and we run, run, run,
run away from reality,
run away into our own paradise.
patiently awaiting for the day to claim you mine,
so we can travel places you have never been to,
hear exotic laughter and soft groans.
nightdew Feb 2019
thousands of words race through my mind,
yet i still draw blanks.

the paper is still clean,
like the clean slate i dreaded for.

what can i say,
to embed those words from you.

i suppose that's why i can't come up with anything.
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