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Kimberly Feb 2019
Do me a favor
Can you come find me
The way the sea finds the shore
In ways I found
The hues of blues in the sky
Have no reflections on the ground
Or in certain times
I find peace in slivers of light
Filtering through windows at midnight
Will you seek me out
Even as I hide in layers
Under my own smiles
Do me a favor
Will you come running
Even as I run away
I’ll be extending my arms
I’ll be running backwards
Looking at you
I’ll tell you to stop chasing
But do me a favor
Don’t listen
The greatest love story
Is when I started asking favors
When I started writing letters
Addressed to me
Kimberly Sep 2018
She stood there unmoving, her back straight
Still as a statue, after a long, torturous wait
With hair fluttering like a smashing sail
Vivid like sunset that seeps through every crevice in the air

Amber eyes burning like the fiery depths of hell
Passion muffled by the angelic smile on her face
With rattling grace she marveled at its perfection
The litheness of its descent enough to set her heart into delirium

It landed with a thud, breaking branches on its wake
Cawing once, the milieu faded on the background
Emblazoned with nameless hues and shades
Now everything else dulls and fades

She reached for an arrow, wondering
Why a thing with feathers on one end
Soft and innocuous as it may seem
Can have a part so inevitably noxious, it’s inane

Stretching the bow as far as it may go
The sound making her flinch all the way through
Her hands, so steady, now quivered ever so slightly
She aimed, the voice in her head screaming finality

For one moment her resolve faltered
Wavering as her stormy gaze softened like snow
The roaring in her ears dulled to a white noise
As the creature turned and snatched her voice

A gust of air escaped from her mouth
Breathing was suddenly impossible
But before the beauty could take off and leave her
A sudden prismatic burst of feathers filled the air
In high school, we were required to read a Filipino epic poem called “Ibong Adarna.” In a nutshell, it is about a magical bird that could heal anything by singing its seven songs. However, these songs could put anyone to sleep almost immediately and once you’re under, it will turn you into stone by dropping its **** on you. I wrote “Artemis” when I was in college, inspired by this magnificent bird and the goddess of hunt herself, hoping I could paint with my words, as was the goal of our literary folio that year called “Canvas.” If you made it this far, thank you so so much for reading this.
Kimberly Oct 2018
Isn’t it a wonder
How sometimes the sky
Looks like the sea
The slow drifting of the clouds
Like gentle waves
Where ships pass through
Traversing jets and airplanes
Across the deep, deep blue
It’s such a wonder
How we have gossamer wings
Beautiful things
To look up and down to
And yet
The color of sadness
Is only the kind of blue
We ever train ourselves to see.
When sadness is a constant thing, learning to skirt around it, to live around it, is half the battle.
Kimberly May 2019
I think I may have been cursed
To hold you up in a pedestal
Inlaid with silver and gold
Sharp and blinding and beautiful
I think I may have forced myself
To fix my eyes on you
That when I dare to look away
I only see black and gray
You are becoming more perfect
In the widening gap between us
I think I may have been cursed
To be the human to your sun
I am so in love with the idea of this person in my head.
Kimberly Jul 2019
She dreamed of bottling up rainbows
The way they bottled up ships
They said to have as many ships as you want
But rainbows?
We don’t have a bottle for those
She forgot that ships you can touch
While rainbows you could only watch
In low spirits indefinitely.
Kimberly Apr 2019
Sadness is a river
We followed its course
Most times we floated in boats
Expertly handling the oars
In brighter banks we were calm
Almost putting our paddles down
We may sit still
We were moving, still
Small ripples only grow
Waves and waves of water flow
Along this river coursing
We dreamed of drowning
As we dream
We tightened our hold
And paddled and paddled.
May we never drown.
Kimberly Jan 2019
your soul is like a crack on my window
bringing in a shaft of light
in a certain angle it warms my cheek
and in another it blinds my eye
Kimberly Sep 2018
It was a cold night
but her hand was warm in his
they looked up just in time to see
the first of the hundreds of stars
fall from the sky
the soundless silver streaks did not look real
the wind whooshing through their coats felt like a dream
this moment could be something out of a book
something made up
nothing this good is ever true
but when his hand tightened on hers
she felt so alive she started believing
that good things were real too.
Kimberly Sep 2018
We followed the melody into the forest
Sweet song slowly soaking through
We envied our ears
That danced with the notes
And followed the keys like stones
Laid out into the woods
Speakers formed from the hollows
The earth beneath our feet
Thrummed with the bass
Hummed with the voices
So lost into the forest we go
When the voices formed
Into ethereal dancers
We stared
We were afraid but we saw
Art that swayed and breathed
And glowed
With graceful hands they offered
Gilded cups filled to the brim
Our very own melody
Should we choose to be
Into this forest and never go
For one second we thought
But that was all it took
With parched throats
We followed the melody into the forest
And never looked back
After the very last drop
I’ve always believed in fairies, and the very possibility of them existing is fascinating to me. Maybe I wouldn’t mind staying once I’ve followed the music they’re playing.
Kimberly Sep 2019
I cusp this fragile thing
Light, nestled in between
Steadily burning red
A little blue instead
In tiny cracks, the air
Forces flames to flicker
Wasn’t really able to finish this prose
Maybe it was my subconscious
Trying to warn me
But here we go again
Finishing this thing
With an exhale
I let this ******* flame die
Wrote the first half in July and finished the rest a month later and obviously this is just a representation of my life in general: a mess. I was so hopeful in the beginning though but haha nope.
Kimberly Jan 2019
“Come closer,” you beckoned
Your fingers like strings
Pulling me out
Where I lay cocooned
Inside the smell of rain
I stood my ground
Fought as you
Sought me out
I have grown roots
In the confines
In the comforts
In the eye of the storm
Two seconds more
Let me sleep
One second more
Until my very hands
Will pull myself out
Kimberly Nov 2018
One night she dreamed a crack on the wall
Tendrils of night slithered from without
Panic clutched her hand and gave a pull
Shattering the silence with a single shout

The next night it was a gaping hole
Ink on water it spread faster and faster
She stared transfixed, her breath it stole
And surfaced with her thoughts a little clearer

This night it wasn’t a surprise
When she slept and fell into the dark
The air around her skin were jagged ice
Gone without a trace, no clues to mark

Eons have passed and it is still night
Abandoned the fall to the art of flying
In pinpricks of stars her wings alight
She stayed in the crack on the wall, dreaming.
Wouldn’t you want to be stuck in a good dream?
Kimberly Sep 2018
Perhaps I’ll never love
The way I read books
That all consuming
“You are my life now”
Kind of true love

Maybe I’ll never fall
The way I listen to music
The way you become
So lost in a song
You feel what you hear
You believe without seeing

Sometimes it’s a steady ticking
Constantly worrying
Never actually caring
“You’re young you’ll find someone”
Plus every other versions of this saying

Other times it’s a storm
This tsunami of doubt washing out
Every last bit of hope
Like water, instead of making it float
It’s sinking the boat
If you’re never really lucky generally
When it comes to love
Why the flippity flop would you be?
Why does true love feel like it’s only for people who are extremely lucky?
Kimberly Sep 2018
I wish I could reach into your chest
And claw your heart out
I wish I could bleed you dry of tears
I took three days to run out

I wish I was as cruel as you when your smile
Became the reason for mine
I wish for a second, for a while
You weren’t stuck in my mind

I wish when I plunged the knife in
With words to sever everything we were
With the goal to hurt, to make you feel
That I wasn’t the one to shatter

I wish when you begged for me to stay
That I was the only one
I wish you weren’t finally honest when I asked
If there was another woman

I wish, I wish
You were hurt the way I was
But **** I couldn’t ever wish that
When your hurt was my pain, you trash
To all you cheating *******. I apologize for the cursing. This is rare for me but the words flowed so easily.
Kimberly Sep 2018
She gave off a blinding light
He stood amazed by her sight
As the dark swallowed the night
To him she shone, ‘twas a fright

With her brilliance she walked free
As though not hearing him plea
To him her gaze rest and see
Heartache, if she let him be

Though he hasn’t got a clue
What she thinks out of the blue
The spark igniting her true
Was him, though he never knew
Could-have-beens or sucker punches, same difference.
Kimberly Nov 2018
These parallel lines
That never meet
Are the threads of our lives
That never touch
Far from entangling
We’ll witness one another
By the distance of the seas
Our souls two pairs of eyes
Separated by a gulf
We may never cross
No matter the longing
For we are parallel lines
With an ocean in between
And no rowboats to be seen.
Sometimes I get this sudden longing for someone I haven’t met yet.
Kimberly Nov 2018
Thoughts are ticking clocks
When you listen hard enough
You’ll know every tick
From every tock
Sometimes you’ll drown them out
Other times
The ticking
Swallows you up.
Kimberly Jan 2019
I want you to read me
like a favorite character
you know so well
I want all my thoughts
laid bare
every little aching bit
my soul explored
analyzed meticulously in parts
go on, read a novel of me
and whisper in my ear
the whole story
Kimberly Sep 2018
Sometimes my unshed tears form an ocean
                Trapped inside my chest
Drowning with dry eyes
                 I slowly sunk
When breathing is navigating
The stormy seven seas
                Cry to clear the storm
                Weep to better breathe
If it helps
                Weep and weep
Crying is good for your body.
Kimberly Oct 2018
She laid a rose
To the gravestone of who she was
Long since she buried all her woes
Laid with a dress of her flaws
She closed her eyes
To verdigris pools and waterfalls
In a bubble of lows and highs
Not one trespassed
Her perfectly peach painted walls
In a world where a flutter in her chest
Sends a signal for a threat
For life was faithful in collecting debt
Somehow you only get crumbs of bliss
And mountains of sadness
So she laid a rose
And forgot who she was
She buried all her woes
Along with her flaws
With a heart on top.
Whoo dark times.
Kimberly Apr 2019
She painted her walls
The brightest of yellows
That when she opened her eyes
She would feel some warmth
Instead of being so hollow
She wanted to paint some more
The purest of blues
Even a touch of verdigris
High up on the ceiling
In awnings and moldings
But she came home with nothing
When she couldn’t quite buy
The kind of blue in the sky
One day she looked up
To cracks of blue between the clouds
In every widening crack
Is somebody holding a paintbrush
They would paint and paint
Until every blue is used up
She wanted so much
She wanted with all of her heart
For some spilled paint she could catch
When her tears cleared
She saw someone floating down
He landed without a sound
He did not offer her some spilled paint
But in his paint stained fingers he held
A piece of the sky
She grinned and looked up
For he had missed a spot.
Kimberly Sep 2018
The words you spoke
Awakened the slowly withering
Your thoughts were gold
Replacing the cracks
The crevices
The fissures
That was becoming
Of the once smooth surface of my sanity
When your fire warmed but didn’t harm
I longed and searched for ways to stoke it
Already feeling chilled
At the slightest distance from your flame
I didn’t mind suffocating
But you were air
And I realized I love breathing.
This is the first poem I’ve shared. Thank you so much for reading. ^_^
Kimberly Oct 2018
For a Millenia
I’ve walked this barren land
Unbeknownst to others of my kind
A wandering mist
I gazed upon everything
While everyone else is blind
Spools of thread barred their sights
Perhaps the same spools I have yet to find
Cursed, wide awake
While others slumbered
Alone I roamed
As eternity stretched
And stretched
Until I saw another pair of eyes
You were as awake as I was
The anguish, mirroring my own, halted
For the first time we stared
As we have never stared before
For the first time we saw
How eyes are like pools
How eyes are like souls
Even though it was terrifying
To be truly seen
How glad I was
To drown in them
Kimberly Sep 2018
I am losing my passion to fear
Slowly succumbing, steadily sinking
Safety is a pin bursting a balloon
That is too cowardly to float
To be so faraway untethered
So shakily afraid of the unfamiliar
It would endure the blandness
The dullness
Of the safe and the known and the nothing
But the emptiness
That accompanies the dull ache
Is heavier than fear
And stronger still
Is the wind, the will
To taste the clouds
And touch the sky
It cuts clean off the string.
When I am feeling too cozy in my comfort zone, I make myself move by thoughts of the emptiness in my chest and how heavily it weighs me down. There is soooo much goodness in the world I want to taste it all.
Kimberly Jun 2019
I felt my head explode
In between one blink and the next
I heard a bomb go off in my chest
In the same second I exhaled a breath
I recounted every awful inch of flaw
By the time it took for my hair to be tucked
I smiled and answered back to you
While I cringed inwardly at a passing memory
The truth is I am so exhausted
The train in my brain is stuck in a loop
I am a passenger trapped
Desperately praying for a station
Where I can get off and this can ******* stop.
I’m fine but can I just sleep?
Kimberly Feb 2019
I captured this wispy thing
And it slipped through my fingers
It glowed gold and was gone
Until a silvery streak of light it’s become
With a jar in hand I stalked
To attack, I suppose
I traipsed in the dark
It slipped slowly out of sight
Now my hands are blue
I miss the warmth
But it’s selfish, I know
To lock something away
Just because it’s beautiful
And it takes away the cold.
Kimberly Nov 2018
I wish
for you to remain soft
for the world to stop
encasing kindness
when did it become
a synonym for foolish
a weakness
I wish
for you to stop
encaging yourself
in skin so tough
But first, I wish
we did not have
a reason to toughen up.
Can we have a World Kindness Day everyday?
Kimberly Nov 2018
Can we love without the tragic
Forget a sprinkling of magic
How about we pour it all out
And be drenched in the rain
Come on lose that pout
Do you believe in fate?
How about we stop trying to think
And soak all that moonlight
Shall we have this drink
Stop trying to make this hard
Unclench that fist on your playing card
Lighten up, you light up
There’s no room for the dark
In this stillness you’re a lark
Come along take my hand
It’s a little mad but let’s fall in love.
How many dreams will I have of you
Before I dream you into existence?
Kimberly Oct 2018
You are more than just your face
You are a heart beating 108,000 times, and an average of 23, 040 breaths a day

You are your thoughts running every second, a mile a minute or a leisure stroll around the gardens of your brain

You are in every word you speak, if only you could taste every sentence you give to the world you’d stop yourself from tasting the bitter aftertaste of hurtful phrases and instead savor the sweetness of kind sentences

You are in every love you give, the trees are greener in the wake of your careful steps, the flowers blossom along the path of your good intentions, and in the ocean of your pure soul sea creatures live one more day

You are the lines on your palms, made up of straights and bends, a future you couldn’t make sense of but a road all the same

You are made up of stars that make up the universe that light up the world, so light up your own world, light it up like the thousands of fireflies inside of you, for you are the world and the world is you.
You are an intricate pattern woven into the fabric of the earth. You exist to live.
Kimberly Nov 2018
I liked you more than I showed

I never show anything.
Kimberly Oct 2018
Like second skin
You smelled forever like jasmine
Your embrace was laced
With crushed petals
And honeysuckle dreams
Breathing in strawberries
Wrapped with raspberries
Hinted hazy afternoon memories
With a single spritz of freesia
Shafts of sunlight streamed
Replacing the darkness
Behind my eyelids
The memory of a feeling
With every breathing
Assaulted with rose dust
My chest I clutched
Your every scent
I wish I could bottle up
My mom’s perfume is safety.

— The End —