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  Apr 2015 themotionless
Luna Lynn
would you believe
it is the simplest of things,
could it be the top of the world?
in comparison, that is what it is to me
my love, you hold the candle by all means
to lie next to you at the end of God's day
is pure perfection, you see
i am merely beneath the covers to dream
and doing so next to you,
is my favorite place to be
I love you forever, T.

(C) Maxwell 2015
  Apr 2015 themotionless
Javaria Waseem
If you think you broke my heart
Let me tell you that you're wrong darling.

You actually broke yourself
Because in my heart only you were hiding.
30 Day Poetry Challenge is to write one poem per day, may it be a full page long poem or just a couplet. It can be about the reflection of your day, any event, feeling or thought.
I miss you
I miss you so much it hurts
And every bone in my body wants to tell you just how much I miss you
But my brain is spinning in circles
Because even though I miss you so much it's hard to breathe
You hurt me so bad that Id rather deal with the pain and emptiness that remains in the remembrance of you
Because this loneliness I feel even when I'm surrounded by people
Doesn't compare to the toture of knowing that no matter how much I love you
You'll only ever hurt me over

And over

And over again
i see him sit across from me
with trouble in his eyes.
he questions why he did it.
wonders why he lives in lies.

a world of uncertainy is flooded to his mind.
his eyes reflect his troubled thoughts
and words of love unsaid.

memories flow to the front of my mind
tears are brought to my eyes.
so long its been, that you've been gone
but i keep feeling it over and over again.

I know inside i love you.
always have and always will.
a part of me hopes that someday soon
you'll come up to me and tell me, all the things i hope for.

but for now i wait, in this chair across from you.
catching you staring at me, feeling your eyes study my face.
your looking for an answer
a thought you can embrace.

but nothing can replace this
this feeling called love
i will live forever in your mind
you won't ever forget me
i'll be in your memory
for all eternity

and i sit across from you
hoping that you'll give
give into what i know you feel
tough feelings that you cope
i'd give anything to have you back with me
but for now, all i can do
is hope.
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