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muteD Oct 2018
Time .
One of the slowest ,
yet fastest things I know .
Having the ability to pass in a second
while also having the strength to stop and drag along .
I hate time .
Especially when all my
time is spent
waiting on others .
It’s like time is just idling ,
lagging ,
falling farther and farther behind .
until it becomes nothing ,
nothing but a clock with no hands ,
all because of a decision .

I decided to spend all of my time just waiting,
standing by without cause because
time was on hold .
but if I only knew what pausing time would do.
Leaving me w the feeling of being lost and confused .
Maybe then I would have just pressed play
even if that meant I had to play by myself
at least time would have been pressed
to move along .
instead of yearning for
company .
Imagine passing through infinity ..
How lonely that would be .
To never have anyone to tell my dreams ?
That would not be an ideal fantasy .
Yet time is forced ,
with me in the passenger seat ,
to break itself down .
Demanded to spend half of itself alone.
Completely cloaked
Half in radiant light
Half in soul ******* darkness
But always
ALL alone .
What would this world be without time ?
The world would be me .
Alone yet free .
Alone but free .
But being alone and free
is for eternity
not for me .
What do you think this poem is really about ? Writing this made me realize how abstract my poetry is and I love that . I love understanding what I do .
muteD Nov 2015
Tell Me.

How Do I Move On?
How Do I Start Over?

I'm Afraid of Failing,
Of Losing Everything
Which Is Irrelevant,
Since I Already Did.

The Pain I Feel,
Leaves Me Speechless.
I Thought I Knew Hurt
But What I Thought I Felt,
Doesn't Even Compare
To What I Feel Now.
I Feel Like Someone
Has Emptied Me Out Of
To Ever Have Thought That She Cared,
That She Didn't Actually Hate Me
Was Ignorant,
And Completely Foolish
Of Me.

Part Of Me Feels Like
I Deserve This.
And I Don't Know...

Maybe I Do.

*All I Know Is That I'm Tired.
I'm Tired Of The Pain.
Bleh -.-
muteD Nov 2015
Happy Birthday.
To me.
I'm 17 Today!!
muteD Sep 2018
“No one cares about you unless you’re dead or lying naked in their bed.”

too many.
too many to remember.
too many to count.
all my life I’ve been searching for love and affection
in the wrong places..
in the wrong people.
I’ve given up the key to my sanctuary
given up the password to my treasury
only to be tricked and robbed blind.
time and time again i allow myself to be used and abused
like a *****
but at least they get paid.

words can be so deceiving.
one minute they can be whispered so intimately in your ear
while you’re feeling the best pleasure
known to you
and the next millisecond
they can be thrown like daggers
and you’re the target.
and I don’t get it.

every time i think, it’ll be different.
every time i hope, it’ll be different.
but this time ?
i wanted you to be different
and I thought you were.
but now,
my mind is clouded
plagued by the poisonous thoughts in my head.
i was hoping you’d save me,
but you might be the reason i end up
couldn’t decide on the title so I combined both of my ideas together . this poem is very personal and speaks about something I have told little people. if you have read this poem , then you now know me better than almost every person I know. please do not judge me , this is me showing my soul.
muteD Aug 2019
one more line added
to my collection.
one more line added
to the sketchbook
I call my body.
muteD Sep 2018
“trust me”
but trust me,
trust stings.

trust has to be earned.
or so they say
but for some reason
i hand my trust out
like Halloween candy
right at 7 o’clock.
every word that you tell me,
i believe.
but trusting you scares me.
cause every person i trusted?
abandoned me.
stole from me.
left me wondering,
if I’m as pathetic as i feel
or if i only look it.
i wonder what makes me different from others.
what makes you stop and think
“i wonder how bad i have to hurt her to drop her to my feet.”
you wound me.
not with your words
but your actions are screaming
and i can’t stop listening.
like the sound of my heartbreaking
is on repeat.

(“I wanna put this song on replay. so i can listen to it all day.”
oh Zendaya how i wish i could relate.)
muteD Nov 2015

It is easy
To say the
When you are alone.
But saying the
To your friends or family
Is as hard as over-baked cookies.

About myself, wants
To be free!
It wants someone to know.
The words want
To burst from my lips,
Like water breaking from a dam.
I'm so nervous. I won't let it.
Not because I'm afraid
They wouldn't understand.
They will. I know they will.
But saying the
Would make it

And I don't know,
If I'm ready for that.
The truth is out now, and I can't believe how much better I feel!!:)
muteD Jan 2016
Lies, lies. Full of lies.
You, you. Full of life.
Me, me. Misery.
Truth, truth. Incomplete
muteD Jan 2016
The lights flicker.
Your heart stops.
Your eyes flutter,
As your body drops.

You wonder why
You feel this way.
As you cry
You curse the day.

There’s nothing left,
Or so you think.
Your words are deaf,
As your thoughts blink.
muteD Dec 2019
Tic, tic, tic
I am a ticking time bomb
and I’ve been doused in gasoline.
I feel like I’ve been snagged
on a fishing line
and I’m being reeled in.
A fish hook in my heart?
My heart is liable to drain.
Have you seen a drained heart?
It looks empty
about as empty as I feel.
This is all over the place.
I guess it is true what they say,
you lose your mind before you lose
your life..
which would mean
Death should be honored.
I am close to Death and
Death is close to me.
What do you think the title should be?
muteD Dec 2016
We are only as good as we claim to be.
So, what happens
When what we claim to be
Is a lie that even we know isn’t a possibility?
What happens when
The mask we are wearing
Breaks into a million pieces
Leaving us open and vulnerable,
Scared and helpless,
Alone and powerless?

We used to have the light in our eyes.
Used to believe in happy endings.
In dreams.
What happened
To us?
Where’s our innocence?
Where’s our humanity?
Where is our soul?

We live in a world of
Pretending and faking.
A world where the worst enemy
Is the person looking back in the mirror.
The one you call yourself.

In this world no one really knows
Who they are.
“Who am I?”
“Why am I?”
“What am I?”

Dreams abandoned.
Tears shed.
Hearts broken.
Yet we still have the nerve
To believe in a better ending
Than the picture we’ve painted.

We are only as good as we claim to be.
So, what happens
When what we claim to be
Is a lie that even we know isn’t a possibility?
It's about humanity. I hope it makes you think.
muteD Sep 2019
I wish I wasn’t me.
years ago when my sister passed,
I wished it was me.
young and ignorant to the ways of the world.
young yet already wishing to be dead.
I wonder if wanting these thoughts to escape my head
is selfish..
If I believe ‘everything happens for a reason’,
then there has to be a reason.
but the truth is
I really don’t know what I believe in.
if I were to die
I don’t know if my soul would
Sink or Swim
even though
I can’t Swim
and with the world on my shoulders
I’m liable to Sink.

Always moving,
always trying to find
the perfect place.
My Utopia..
Does that that make sense?
Does it exist
in somewhere other than my head?
Is there a world out there
where I don’t end up dead?
A reality where these thoughts
don’t eat away at me like
moths at cloths.
I have ten years worth of holes in me.
Everything I hold in just eats away at me
and I let it.

My Utopia.
What would it be like?
because that’s where I prefer to be
and quiet
because silence never hurt anybody.
it never hurt me.
a place for me is a place
where I don’t have to hide.
my thoughts
my feelings
my pain.
a place where there’s
always an ear to truly listen.
One that understands without me needing to explain.
If only there was a way I could talk
without my words being swatted down like flies.
I want to not feel alone
for once.
I want to be alone
and not feel alone.
I want to be okay with my own presence.
My own company.
I want My Candle of Loneliness
to be put out before
I am engulfed in the flames.
My Utopia is a place,
a place with no pain.
Written: August 28th, 2019
muteD Mar 2020
Words hurt
But yours shouldn’t have to.
The things you say stick to me like a
I’m a vacuum.
I **** up all the things you say
and it just replays.
You say
things you think you have to say
in ways
that are better left unsaid.
Too bad you can’t UnSay
the things you said
even though I know
you never would.

How come
it is always the ones we hold closest
that is gifted
with the blueprint
of our defeat?
a way to have us
beaten, broken hearted
and down
on both knees.

How is this honest?
How are we fair?
To be clear,
as you sleep
without fear
I sit here and think.
If you had a snore for every tear I’ve shed,
you might never wake up.
Written : 3/4/20
muteD Nov 2015
Who am I?
I am whatever they want
me to be.
Which means I'm me,
but not me.
A different version of me.
That is what I am,
but not the version I want to be.

One. The "Church Me".
Two. The "School Me".
Three. The "Work Me".
Four. The "Home Me".
Five. The "Real Me". Who is She?
These are the versions of me.

It's so hard to stop the bleeding
together of the versions of me.
The "Church Me" would never
accept the "Real Me".
The "Work Me" would cancel out
the "School Me".
And the "Home Me",
just doesn't fit.

There's too many versions.
Too many.
need to delete
the lies.
I need to
Delete, Delete, Delete, Delete
the versions of me.

Tell me.
What would happen if
one of the 'Me's' deleted was
The "Real Me"?

Who Would I Be?
muteD Aug 2019
These voices keep asking me
“Will you repent?”

and yes,
but only if I am gifted with death.
muteD Nov 2015
Tick tock, tick tock.
Seconds go by.
Minutes, Hours, Days
Pass me by.
Feels like a lifetime has passed.
But, its only been 5 minutes.
Waiting for the bell to ring.
Waiting for the birds to sing.
Waiting until it´s my turn.
My turn to live my life.
muteD Apr 2016
He says he's jealous of me.

Because I have a new family.
Because I have new friends.
Because I finally have my life together.
Do you understand?!
Me. He's jealous of ME.
HA. Funny.

He's jealous of:
The girl who has lost *everyone
and everything.
The girl who got kicked out of her house because she likes guys *AND
The girl who was forced to go to a church, who brainwashed her into thinking she was a disgrace.
The girl who suffered from mental and emotional abuse for 4 YEARS.
The girl who turned to scissors, and razors for companionship.
The girl who was lied to, again and again.
The girl who lost her grandma, then two months later lost her sister.
The girl who hates her reflection, because she isn't proud of who she is.
The girl with self-image, self-confidence, and self-esteem problems.
The girl who can't see her brothers, the ones that are keeping her going, her anchors.

Everything I have now, I earned.
I worked for what I have.
And I'll continue striving for my goals.
Graduation. College. My mom.
My brothers.

So, no. Don't be jealous of me.
Don't speak of what you don't know.
If you want to be jealous of me, wait.
Wait until I have everyone and everything I need.
When I am truly happy,
then you can be jealous.
*Be jealous until your heart's content.
This is just the conversation I had the other day with this guy who says he is my best friend, but doesn't know nothing about me.
muteD Aug 2019
I am wandering.
A home does not have me.
I wish I wasn’t homeless.
Which means,
I wish I had a place that I could reside.
For more than a night.
A place that feels right
for me.
or at least without worry of
where I’ll be staying next week.
Or even the next day.
It is pure misery.
The waiting and
the not knowing.
Because if we’re speaking honestly,
Being a refugee
is killing me.

I wish my mom cared about me.
I wish she truly understood me.
But alas it is me
Who cares for her being,
Who cares if she eats
and how she’s feeling.
Whether she’s weeping
or screeching
my love comes plenty
or it did until she took and took
and left me empty.

and no one cares about me.

what’s stopping me from disappearing?
I should just grab the sharpest object
closest to me
and get to slashing
and slitting  
and cutting.
I should obliquely
forge my arm
while having a conversation with myself
“Heat the blade”
I would say
“Maybe it won’t sting.”
Yeah and maybe it’ll leave a pretty little line
that’ll remind me that my perception
has always been undoubtedly clogged.
Written: April 23rd, 2019
muteD Jan 2020
A mother’s touch is
suppose to be tender,
one you would lean into.
But, instead
I would flinch.
Not for fear of any physical pain
she could cause me
but only because
she never touches me.

“you are really damaged”
21 years of searching for
a mother’s love
will do that to you.
Searching for that missing piece
and hoping that if you do everything
she wants and everything
you can possibly do to help her
that maybe,
just maybe,
you’ll finish the puzzle and
she’ll love you.
Which is absurd because
she won’t
and she can’t.
How can a mother love her children
when she knows of no love herself?

Cat and mouse..
A game I’ve always hated
but a game I know all too well.
because she always flaunts
what she knows I want
right in my face.
She knows what I crave
and how to make me weak.
My one true weakness,
Well, the idea of one
because I have never had one before.
A family to call mine?
One that would love me unconditionally
and honestly?
The universe has
a sense of humor after all
and it’s Me.
My whole life I’ve been looking for the love only a mother can provide.. needless to say, that search is over and I have turned up empty handed.
muteD May 2020
I feel my body,
The tension
is there,
this anxiety
is pumping
and it’s bringing
the Calvary.
the one I can always count on..
Welcome Home.
i feel like I’m falling.
muteD Sep 2016
What is life?
And what makes us alive?
The way we talk? The way we say our ABC's? The way we take insults with a closed mouth? The way we cry when we're hurt, and scream when we're upset? The way we eat, and then cleanse ourselves of the weight, the *solidness
? The way we turn to our razors for companionship? Or how about the way we lie in our mommas bed (for those of us who have one) and tell her all about our problems?
Is it the way we spend thousands of hours worrying about that guy who's not even thinking about us? The way we pretend to smile when we'd rather cry? The way we trust with no doubt the people who call themselves our "
parents"? The way our blood dances through our body? The way our heart beats when we wish it'd just st-st-stop? The way we blink back our tears? The way the words get stuck in our throats when we get nervous? The way we breathe *in and out, in and out, in and out?
Who has the ability to decide whether we are truly alive or not?
**What is life?
And what makes us alive?
Finally finished revising this today☺ I can honestly say that I've never been more proud. I have never written anything quite like this.
muteD Feb 2020
Please tell me why I even bother.
Why do I bother to scramble to find the words to express how I am feeling when all you are going to do is press Ignore?
Why do I bother to talk about the thoughts that run screaming through my mind when all you’re going to do is Interrupt?
You hate it but I hate it more.
Never being able to finish my sentence is the curse I’m destined to die with.
Never being understood is all I’m meant to be.
Invalid is all I am. Invalid is all I’m meant to be.
I’m just so tired. Tired of going through everything I have to go through.
muteD May 2020
I wish you loved me as much as you hate my depression
and if we’re confessing
I wish for your words
to caress me.
Touch me,
I wish for your actions to translate into symbols
my half blind eyes will see coming from miles away.
even when
I leave my glasses at home.
I wish wishes equaled more than just a wish.
I wish a wish would wish for me.
Written Feb. 21st
muteD Sep 2018
and just like that
i became your diary.
you being the pen
and i being your paper.
like i was your shaker .
salt or pepper ,
it didn’t matter .
you needed flavor
and i needed ...

in a blink of an eye
you turned to me
searching for something
to hold on to
and like a lifeguard
i dived into your ocean of tears .
(or was it fears?)
i should’ve tested your waters first
i didn’t know how
to swim
in a place so deep.
muteD Jan 2017
I don't believe in YOUR “God”.
I don’t believe in anything.
How could I?
Why would I?
They tell me to pray about it..
Pray to who?
Why would he listen?
Who is He?

All of my life,
It has been shoved down my throat.
This “religion” of sorts.
Never can I get a break.

I was taught that your “God”
Wouldn’t accept me.
That I was a disgrace.
Why would I believe in someone like that?

So, no.
No, I won’t believe.
I can’t believe.
Even if you think
I should believe.
*I won’t.
I'm tired of people asking me if I'm okay.. and then when they ask me what's wrong and I tell them, they always respond with "Just pray about it". No. I refuse to pray to a "God" that supposedly won't accept me because I'm bisexual. NO.

— The End —